
  • 网络bad education;La Mala Educacion;Mala educacion;La Mala educaci
  1. 幼儿园教师不良教育方法干预研究

    An Intervention Study on the Harmful Education of Teachers in Kindergartens

  2. 例如,医疗从业者由于不良教育而缺乏警惕和静脉血栓栓塞经常在患者出院后发生。

    For example , health professionals lack awareness due to poor education and venous thromboembolism often occurs after discharge from hospital .

  3. 在教育教学实践中,教师不良教育行为的类型主要有:刻板印象、挖苦、恐吓、冷漠、偏向、权压、体罚等。

    The types of teacher 's unhealthy teaching actions mainly include mechanical impression , sarcasm , threat , indifference , partiality , power pressure , body punishment .

  4. 学生学业不良的教育成因与对策分析&兼议新课程实施中教育观念的转变

    Analysis of Causes from the Respective of Education for Low Academic Achievements and Accordant Strategies

  5. 内环境主要包括片面的家庭教育内容、不良家庭教育方式和不良家庭氛围;

    The former mainly comprises the one-sided contents of the family education , the bad ways and atmosphere of the family education .

  6. 小组社会工作方法运用于行为不良学生教育过程研究&以某工读学校的夏令营为例

    The Educational Process Applied with Group Social Work Method on the Misdeed Students : Take a Reform School 's Summer Camp as an Example

  7. 影响高校护生素质的不良因素及教育对策

    Negative Factors Influencing College Nursing Students ' Quality and the Educational Strategy

  8. 不良的家庭教育方式对子女心理的影响

    The Influence of Unhealthy Family Educational Mode on the Mental Healt Children

  9. 初中生品德不良原因及教育对策

    On Reasons of Undesirable Moral Character of Middle School Students and Educational Countermeasures

  10. 积极健康的学习氛围有利于学业不良学生的教育转化;

    Active and healthy learning atmosphere conducive to educational conversion of LD students ;

  11. 学业不良是基础教育阶段一个普遍存在的现象,而引起学业不良的主要原因之一是情感因素。

    Learning disability is universally seen in primary and secondary education , which results from a variety of reasons .

  12. 精神分裂症肯定不是由不良的父母教育引起的。维诺格拉多夫说。

    " Certainly it 's not caused by bad parenting ," says Vinogradov . characterized by symptoms similar to but less severe than schizophrenia .

  13. 研究结果一致认为聋儿心理理论的发展落后于正常儿童,主要原因是语言交流障碍、早期家庭环境不良、学校教育不够重视等。

    The research results show that the development of deaf children 's theory of mind falls behind normal children . The main reasons are the obstacles of language communication , the poor family conditions in the early years , the ignorance of school education , and so on .

  14. 企业职工不良生活习惯健康教育效果评价

    Evaluation on the results of health education in changing the unhealthy habits of workers

  15. 青少年不良性格与家庭教育

    Ill-Personality in Teenagers and the Family Education

  16. 工读学校是矫治未成年人严重不良行为的特殊教育部门。

    The study-plus-work school is a special education department which rescues minor 's serious bad behavior .

  17. 家庭层面:家庭环境不良;父母的教育方式不当;家长期望值太高。

    Family level : family environment bad ; Parents ' education unsuitable mode ; Expectations of parents are too high .

  18. 重点探讨大学生良好行为塑造和不良行为矫正的教育方法。

    The educational methods to make undergraduates form good habits and rectify bad behaviors have been emphatically clarified in this paper .

  19. 重点从家庭环境、社会不良风气、学校教育和管理、自身不确定性等几个方面探寻导致青少年犯罪的外部原因。

    Focus from family environment , the social bad style , school education and management , own uncertainty etc to teenage crime exploring outer reasons .

  20. 追根溯源,教育制度的不良状态是造成教育选择效益低下的主要根源。

    The author held the point that the low efficiency of teachers ' educational selection could trace its root to the bad condition of the education system .

  21. 重视对未成年人的媒介素养教育,引导他们健康使用大众传媒、主动抵御媒介的不良影响,是教育工作者和传媒工作者的共同责任和紧迫课题。

    Paying attention to the minor 's quality education , for example , to guide their healthy use of the mass media , and resist the bad influence of media initiatively , is a pressing subject and the common responsibility of educational worker and media worker .

  22. 介绍了成人学习不良者的一般特点,并深入分析了成人学习不良的注意、记忆、思维、智力等方面的认知特征,探讨了依据认知特征对成人学习不良者进行教育干预的模式和原则。

    This article introduced the general characteristics of adults with learning disabilities , and analyzed deeply the characteristics of attention , memory , thinking , and intelligence of adults with learning disabilities . Finally , the educational intervention based on cognitive characteristics for adults with learning disabilities was explored .