
  • 网络Norsemen;Nordic;Scandinavians;northmen
  1. 当然,好战的北欧人也许有戴帽子的习惯,但一定是绑有角的吗?

    Sure , the pugnacious Norsemen probably sported headgear , but that whole horn-festooned helmet look ?

  2. 8世纪末以后,古代北欧人对波罗的海至地中海的每一块沿海土地进行了掠夺。

    From the end of the eighth century , the Norsemen ravished and plundered the shores of every land from the Baltic to the mediterranean .

  3. 他属于北欧人那种类型,英俊潇洒,金发碧眼。

    He was a handsome blond Nordic type .

  4. 一些北欧人仍然认为白桦可以辟邪。

    The birch is still considered a protection against evil spirits by some people in northern Europe .

  5. 北欧人会夸耀自己可以用短信交税。

    Locals boast that they pay their taxes by SMS .

  6. 北欧人对不纳税的希腊人感到愤怒没有错。

    The northern Europeans are right to get angry with non-tax-paying Greeks .

  7. 许多北欧人都到气候较暖和的地区去度假。

    Many northern Europeans spend their holidays in warmer climates .

  8. 冰岛的人口起源北欧人和凯尔特人。

    The original population of Iceland was of Nordic and Celtic origin .

  9. 只有北欧人获得了冬运。

    Only Scandinavians have won gold medals in the men 's winter olympics .

  10. 这就是北欧人所掌握的一种非常利于航行的技巧。

    That is good enough for navigation of the sort the Vikings managed .

  11. 虽然在北欧人中,芬兰人是喝咖啡喝得最多的,但冰岛人也很热衷于咖啡。

    While Finns drink the most among Scandinavians , Icelanders are also coffee crazy .

  12. 目前我们班上有五位北欧人和一位德国人。

    At the present time we have five Scandinavians and one German in our class .

  13. 北欧人担心萨马拉斯可能受到诱惑而放弃紧缩政策。

    North Europeans suspect that Mr Samaras will be tempted to give up on austerity .

  14. 北欧人在美国容易受同化。

    Northern Europeans assimilate readily in America .

  15. 然而对于许多北欧人来说,瑞士的决定将为他们带来痛苦。

    For many in northern Europe , however , the Swiss decision will be painful .

  16. 北欧人不仅政治经济讲透明度,居家生活也讲“透明度”。

    North European pursue transparent not only in politics and economy but also in family life .

  17. 除了荷兰,北欧人是世界上人均咖啡消费量最多的国家。

    After the Dutch , Scandinavians have the highest coffee consumption per capita in the world .

  18. 北欧人在谈判中十分沉着冷静,即使在十分关键的时刻也不动声色。

    The Nordic people are very sober and cool in negotiations , even in the crucial time .

  19. 基督教化完成之后,北欧人的社会生活也因此发生了变化,一些异教的风俗习惯被完全禁止。

    After Christianization , there were great changes in Scandinavia society . Most pagan customs were forbidden .

  20. 很多北欧人在十二月中举行庆典庆祝一年的丰收。

    Many people in northern Europe held festivals in mid-December to celebrate the end of the harvest season .

  21. 与中国相似的是,北欧人的周末也是与家人和孩子在一起过的。

    Similar in many ways to China , Nordic people tend to spend their weekends with family and children .

  22. 电视业界的老总们对两位因制造麻烦而闻名的北欧人相当紧张。

    Bosses in the television industry have been keeping a nervous eye on two Scandinavians with a reputation for causing trouble .

  23. 北欧人十分讲究文明礼貌,也十分新生具有较高修养的商人。

    The Nordic people are very particular about civilization and courtesy and show high respect to the business people of high self-cultivation .

  24. 要想成为北欧人,除了热爱自行车、郁郁寡欢的电视剧和咸甘草糖,还需要做什么?

    What did it take , besides a penchant for bicycles , brooding television series and salted licorice , to become Nordic ?

  25. 北欧人对自己产品的质量非常看重,其产品质量在世界上也是一流的。

    The Nordic people think very highly of the quality of their products , which is among the first rank in the world .

  26. 尽管从经济上来说,他们较为贫穷,但很多来到拉美的美国人和北欧人感觉他们更幸福。

    Even though they are poorer in economic terms , many visiting Americans and northern Europeans have the sense that they are happier .

  27. 他们不像北欧人那样崇尚户外运动,也不像地中海国家那样聚在一起享用晚餐。

    They lack the protection afforded by the Nordic belief in the sacredness of outdoor play , or the shared family meals of Mediterranean countries .

  28. 同时,在饱受紧缩措施之苦的国家(如希腊、葡萄牙、西班牙和意大利),人们对这些强硬而自以为是的北欧人的怒火正愈演愈烈。

    Meanwhile , anger against the flinty and self-righteous northern Europeans is mounting in austerity-hit nations such as Greece , Portugal , Spain and Italy .

  29. 每年的这个时候,北欧人都会满怀期待地打开他们从南欧小心翼翼带回来的酒。

    At this time of year , bottles carefully brought home from southern Europe are traditionally opened all over northern Europe in a fever of anticipation .

  30. 另一方面,古罗马人在星期五祭奉爱神维那斯,北欧人也这样。

    On the other hand , the ancient Romans dedicated Friday to worship venus , the goddess of love , and so did the northern europeans .