
  • 网络Don't Want to Be Alone
  1. 我不愿一个人留在这阴惨惨的房子里。

    I don 't like being left by myself in this grim house .

  2. 他想和他妈一起去也不愿一个人呆在家里。

    He wanted to go with his mother rather than stay at home all by himself .

  3. 我宁愿在你的怀里死去,也不愿一个人孤独得面对人生。

    I would rather have died in your arms than you face a lifetime without you .

  4. 我无法也不愿想象一个人在肉体死去之后仍然可以活着。让那些脆弱的灵魂,出于恐惧或者可笑的私利,去拥抱这种想法吧。

    Neither can I nor would I want to conceive of an individual that survives his physical death ; let feeble souls , from fear or absurd egoism , cherish such thoughts .

  5. 古董商大吃一惊。我不愿看到一个人良心挣扎的样子。所以,我没有留下来看他是卖掉了桌子呢,还是他的原则占了上风。

    The dealer was in shock . I don 't like to see a man wrestle with his conscience , so I didn 't wait to see whether he sold the table or whether his principles got the better of him .

  6. Cody表示,在母亲离世大约12个小时后,父亲的身体也开始变得虚弱。他告诉孩子们,不愿让妻子一个人孤苦伶仃。

    Cody said her father began to fade about 12 hours after her mother died and told them that he didn 't want to leave her by herself .

  7. 我不愿让你一个人待在这屋里。

    I hate to leave you alone in the house .

  8. 另外,我也是班里年龄最小的,我的时间多的是,我宁愿自由地度过,也不愿接受另一个人的限制。

    In addition , I 'm also the youngest in my class . I have more time left and I would like to enjoy my life freely without the hindrance from another person .