
xià wǔ
  • afternoon;evening;arvo;post meridiem
下午 [xià wǔ]
  • (1) [afternoon]∶一天当中中午到日落的一段时间

  • 那天下午,尽管天还很亮,我们被迫宿营了

  • (2) [evening]∶大约从中午至黄昏的一段时间

下午[xià wǔ]
  1. 总统今天下午将举行记者招待会。

    The President will be giving a press conference this afternoon .

  2. 太阳的光线使阴暗的下午亮了起来。

    A few gleams of sunshine lit up the gloomy afternoon .

  3. 今天下午我骑摩托车把合同给你送过去。

    I 'll bike the contract over to you this afternoon .

  4. 我们把会议改到下周二下午两点好吗?

    Can we rearrange the meeting for next Tuesday at 2 ?

  5. 800米赛是下午的第四项比赛。

    The 800 metres is the fourth event of the afternoon .

  6. 今天下午的阳光可使温度达到冰点以上。

    This afternoon 's sunshine could nudge the temperature above freezing .

  7. 我睡了一下午,又暖和又舒服。

    I spent the afternoon snug and warm in bed .

  8. 你保证今天下午就把传真发出去,行吗?

    Can you see to it that the fax goes this afternoon ?

  9. 我们暂定星期二下午开会。

    We 've pencilled in a meeting for Tuesday afternoon .

  10. 5月21日下午你在哪里?

    Where were you on the afternoon of May 21 ?

  11. 一系列小组讨论已安排在各个下午进行。

    A series of discussion groups has been timetabled for the afternoons .

  12. 预计今天下午有雾和低空云层。

    Fog and low cloud cover are expected this afternoon .

  13. 他飞往阿姆斯特丹的班机与下午飞往纽约的一趟航班相衔接。

    His flight to Amsterdam connects with an afternoon flight to New York .

  14. 咱们今天下午游览市区吧。

    Let 's look round the town this afternoon .

  15. 多数下午她都溜达着去公园。

    She toddles down to the park most afternoons .

  16. 到今天下午,我们的电脑系统应该运行起来了。

    Our system should be up by this afternoon .

  17. 公园最晚的入园时间是下午4点。

    Last admissions to the park are at 4 p.m.

  18. 我今天下午要去理发。

    I 'm having my hair cut this afternoon .

  19. 我一下午就那样懒洋洋地打发了。

    I 've spent the afternoon just lazing around .

  20. 下午将有暴雨。

    Outbreaks of rain are expected in the afternoon .

  21. 今天下午的会议你准备好了没有?

    Are you ready for this afternoon 's meeting ?

  22. 我今天下午得去商店买东西。

    I have to go shopping this afternoon .

  23. 你要是今天下午来,大夫可以挤时间给你看看。

    If you come this afternoon the doctor will try to squeeze you in .

  24. 我在上周的一个下午见到了她。

    I saw her one afternoon last week .

  25. 她每周两个下午学习艺术。

    She studies art two afternoons a week .

  26. 这场雨整整一下午都下个不停。

    The rain continued to fall all afternoon .

  27. 他们下午去购物了。

    In the afternoon they went shopping .

  28. 火车在下午6点15分离开了阿姆利则。

    The train departed Amritsar at 6.15 p.m.

  29. 今天下午她有空吗?

    Will she be available this afternoon ?

  30. 这场雨整整一下午都下个不停。

    The rain continued falling all afternoon .