
  1. 我当时以为她是在勾引我,装纯情,不过现在回想起来,我又说不准了。

    I thought she was teasing , playing the innocent , but looking back , I 'm not so sure

  2. 当色去香空,我的诗会提炼出你的纯情。

    When that shall fade , my verse distills your truth .

  3. 而毕加索正是用天真与纯情诠释了他的整个人生。

    But picasso was a naive and innocent interpret his whole life .

  4. 但是你说过她温柔又纯情。

    But you said she was all soft and girly .

  5. 从本性上来说,女人是纯情的这是事实。

    Women are monogamous by nature The same holds true with this fact .

  6. 动感黄金,纯情永驻中国金都杯首届全国黄金首饰设计大赛获奖作品介绍

    Fascination Gold , Love Forever Chinese Gold City Cup & Gold Jewelry Design Awards

  7. 刚开始装得那么纯情。

    She was so innocent at first .

  8. 这是一家人餐桌上纯情的欢乐,这道真正大餐就是爱。

    It was the unalloyed joy of a family table where the real feast was love .

  9. 她的纯情女性形象使人难免把她同好莱坞公主朱利娅.罗伯茨相互比较。

    Her innocent sex appeal has made comparisons between Sandra and Hollywood princess Julia Roberts inescapable .

  10. 纯情少女遇上花心汉是电视剧中常用的情节。

    A maiden with a pure heart coming across playboys is commonly seen in TV series .

  11. 纯情诗漫论

    On Pure Love Poetry

  12. 苔丝·德北菲尔德在她人生的这个时候,满腔的纯情还没有带上人生的经验。

    Tess Durbeyfield at this time of her life was a mere vessel of emotion untinctured by experience .

  13. 他自认和刘亦菲的吻最有感觉、最纯情。

    He confessed that most has the feeling with the Liu also Philippines 's lips , the purest sentiment .

  14. 然而,开往2046的王家卫却少了几分中国式的古典纯情,多了西方式的情感迷乱与放逐。

    However , another work 2046 is a little Chinese style classical pure affection , but more west style affection bewilderment and indulgence .

  15. 没有玫瑰的芬芳,没有钻戒的世俗,这就是大学恋情——纯情而唯美。

    We Have to Say Goodbye No rose , no diamond ring , that 's the simple and romantic love stories in college .

  16. 著有诗集《无憾的纯情》(与人合集)、散文集《清江就这样流淌》、长篇小说《代表工》等。

    He published poetry anthology " Love Without Regret "( cooperation ), prose anthology " Qing River Flowing Like This ", novel " Representative of Workers ", etc.

  17. 那是家乡的魅力所在,多少夜晚梦回故乡,感知春的绿意,感受家乡邻里之间那纯情的至爱。

    That is the charm of home , number of night dreams of home , sense of spring green , hometown feel that innocent 's favorite neighborhood .

  18. 少女的同情与温柔,真有磁石般的力量。纯情少女遇上花心汉是电视剧中常用的情节。

    The compassion and tenderness of a young girl have a truly magnetic force . A maiden with a pure heart coming across playboys is commonly seen in TV series .

  19. 从抗战时期徐悲鸿的作品中我们还会发现他的线条、墨色、透视、光影等诸要素都达到了如火纯情的地步。

    From his paintings created during Sino-Japanese war , we can also notice that the elements such as the line , color , perspective and the light all reached perfection level .

  20. 容纳一切杂质,把你的期望值降低到一个适当的坐标,极为理想极为纯情极为美好的生活,原本就难以得到,此时你得到的正是一种真实极为现实的生活。

    For all the impurities , put your expectations of an appropriate to coordinate , extremely ideal extremely tragic life is hard to get , you get it , a true very realistic life .

  21. 李商隐多解性诗歌表现的是诗人的心灵世界,情感世界,他尽可能地削弱和现实世界的联系,从而表现一种纯情。

    The performance of the multi-interpretation attribute poetry is the spiritual world , emotional world , as far as possible to weaken the link to the real world , and to a pure emotion .

  22. 我当然也认同淑贤的女子确实很好,只是我天然对这个世界褒扬的一些东西没有兴趣,我不相信资本,同样也不相信纯情。

    I certainly have a high recognition to those gentle ladies , but I was born antagonistic to some of those that are commended by the whole world . I do not believe in capital ; nor in pure love .

  23. 文章将明清才子佳人小说的爱情特质放在明末清初哲学思潮变动的时代背景上加以观照,分析了才子佳人小说理想的爱情模式、礼中反礼的自主爱情追求以及自我制约的纯情表现。

    Taking the love characteristic of gifted-scholar romance into account at the era background of change of philosophy ideological trend , this thesis analyzes the ideal love mode , independent love pursue of " in Confucian against Confucian ", and pure love behave restrained themselves .