
  • 网络China Fire
  1. 中国火法铜冶炼污染物排放情景分析

    Pollutants Emission Scenario Analysis of China 's Copper Smelter Industry

  2. 大批学者投入到了火文化研究的热潮中,并召开了中国火文化研讨会。

    Many scholars throw in the fever of " Fire Culture ", and held Chinese Fire Cultural Seminar .

  3. 《环球时报》报道,有两个记录孩子告诉父母我爱你的视频在中国火了起来。

    The Global Times reports that two online videos showing children telling their parents I love you have gone viral in China .

  4. 《环球时报》报道,有两个记录孩子告诉父母“我爱你”的视频在中国火了起来。

    The Global Times reports that two online videos showing children telling their parents " I love you " have gone viral in China .

  5. 中国南极火成岩数据库数据结构和数据标准化的研究

    Research in data structure and standardization of China igneous rock database of Antarctica

  6. 现在中国最火话题是一项卡通动漫,你千万不要错过。

    In case you missed it , China 's hottest topic right now is a cartoon .

  7. 中国南极火成岩数据库包括了140多个基本字段,存储火成岩岩石描述信息和分析数据。

    China igneous database of Antarctica includes more than 140 fields in which the descriptive information and analytical data of igneous rock are stored .

  8. 学校的首席指导老师托马斯考夫曼说道:《唐顿庄园》在中国太火了,我们测评的标准就是这个。

    Thomas Kaufmann , head instructor at the school , said : ' Downton Abbey is so famous here in China , that is the standard we are measured at .

  9. 艾瑞咨询集团和中国最火的微博平台——新浪微博在上海的一个论坛上发布了该报道。该论坛由微博和通信巨头华为联合举办。

    The report by iResearch Consulting Group and Sina Weibo , China 's most popular microblogging platform , was released at a forum in Shanghai , co-organized by Weibo and telecom giant Huawei .

  10. ××中国今年最火的选秀节目?

    What 's the most " in " talent show in China ?

  11. 中国古代对火的认识

    A study on fire in ancient times of China

  12. 都是因为万圣节这几年在中国越来越火,一到这个时候就有成群兴奋的人们或装扮成幽灵,或装扮成小鬼,巫婆。

    This is only because Halloween is becoming more and more popular , with hordes of revellers dressing up as ghosts , goblins and witches .

  13. 其次,介绍火的文化演变,对火文化有了进一步的了解,具体为中国古代关于火起源的传说、西方关于火的起源传说以及火与中国五行文化。

    Second , this paper introduces the cultural evolution of fire and has a better understanding of fire culture . Specifically it is about the origin of fire in ancient Chinese legend , in the West as well as the fire and the Five Elements of Chinese culture .

  14. 郭董点燃这一把足以焚毁中国世界工厂之火

    Gou has ignited a fire that could burn down all of China 's factories

  15. 最近有一个模仿《舌尖上的中国》的自黑视频在中国火了,几天之内就获得了80万点击量。

    A parody of a highly successful Chinese food show called A Bite of China has gone viral in China , generating almost 800,000 views in just a few days .

  16. 王老吉,是一款中国中草药茶,现今是中国最火的茶饮之一。

    Wong Lo Kat or Wanglaoji in pinyin , is a Chinese herbal tea , and one of the most popular tea drinks in China today .

  17. 中国好声音,2013年(中国)最火的秀,9月7第三季近三小时的结局篇开头拍了一堆长城镜头,画外音还赞美了中国几千年的历史。

    The Voiceof China , the most popular show in 2013 , began the nearly three-hour finale ofits third season on 7 October with a soaring shot of the Great Wall ; avoiceover praised China 's thousands of years of history .

  18. 他们说,两人讨论过中国电影的当下和未来,他们得出的结论是:当下在中国最火的电影是能制造社会舆论的,引起社会讨论和兴趣点的电影。

    They said they discussed the present and future of Chinese movies , and their conclusion is that the movies which are currently hottest in China are those that can provoke social discussion , debate and interest .

  19. 在韩国电视剧的看法上,中国网民历来意见不一,但毋庸置疑的是,如今这个邻国的节目在中国越来越火。

    Chinese netizens have always been divided over South Korean TV dramas , but there is no doubt that programs from the neighboring country are now enjoying a new round of popularity in China .