
  1. 并且在漫长的历史长河中,逐渐发展出近似于剪纸动画形式的皮影艺术形式,更成为中华文艺百花园中的一支奇葩。

    And in its long history , the progressive development of a similar paper-cutting animation of " Shadow " art form has become a wonderful work in the Flourishing Chinese culture Garden .

  2. 这些文艺作品是古徽州文化的传承和创新,成为特定“黄山文化”的主流,不仅艺术特色鲜明,而且丰富了中华文艺宝库。

    All these cultural and artistic work are the heritages and innovations of the ancient Huizhou civilization , becoming the mainstream of the specified " mount Huangshan civilization ", which not only possess distinct artistic characters , but also add to the cultural treasure of china .

  3. 1948年加入中华全国文艺家协会。

    In1948 he joined All China Literary Artists Association .

  4. 由梅林先生保存的中华全国文艺界抗敌协会档案,时段为自1938年3月至1948年。这10年间的文献,在中国现代革命史、文化史上,具有重要的史料价值。

    The files of the All - China Anti - Japanese Association of Writers and Artists preserved by Mr Mei Lin ( dating from March 1938 to 1948 ) have significant historic values in the revolutionary and cultural history of contemporary China .

  5. 荀子作为先秦儒家的最后一位思想家,他对中华民族的文艺思想的形成和发展作出很大的贡献。

    Xun Zi , as the last great thinker of the Pre-Qin Confucian School , has made great contributions to the formation and development of Chinese literary and artistic thinking .

  6. 旨在创造新的中华先进文化,以中华科技文化艺术普遍持久高涨为突出表现和主要特征的中华文艺复兴一定要实现。

    Aiming at creating advanced Chinese culture , the Chinese Renaissance , with its characteristic of wide spreading and lasting of Chinese scientific and technological culture and art , will come true .