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  • floating cloud
  1. 深对流云输送对于对流层O3、NOx再分布的作用

    The Role of Deep-Convective Cloud Transport in the Redistribution of Tropospheric Chemical Species

  2. ST与K指数强度变化伴随强对流云团发生发展过程,并具有明显的中尺度特征及先兆作用;

    The occurrence and development of the convective cloud cluster is accomplished by the strength variation of the ST and K indexes .

  3. 应用模式中的分析方法,分析了吉林省2003、2004年层状云(稳定的积层混合云)、对流云(暴雨、冰雹)降水PPI多普勒径向速度分布特征。

    The distribution characteristics of the sheet continuous precipitation , convection cloud precipitation Doppler velocity PPI in Jilin province in 2003-2004 were analyzed .

  4. 结果表明,存在着两类云系即对流云和层状云对Q1和Q2的结构产生影响。

    Results show that generally there are two types of clouds which have influences on the structure of Q1 and Q2 , i. e.

  5. 实际大气中,涡旋Rossby波对于中-β尺度对流云核、暴雨团等天气系统的发生、发展和演变的物理机制具有极其重要的意义。

    In the real atmosphere vortex Rossby wave is crucial to the genesis , development and evolution of meso - β convective cloud nucleus and rain cores .

  6. 本文主要对AgI和液态CO2(LC)播撒对流云消雹增雨的效果作了分析和比较。

    The main content of this article is to analyze and compare the effect on hail suppression and rain enhancement by seeding convective cloud with silver iodide ( AgI ) and liquid carbon dioxide ( LC ) .

  7. 分析表明:在切变线云带上有11个β-中尺度对流云团发展,水平范围约100km,生命史约5h;

    It suggests that there are 11 meso - β convective cloud cluster developed with 100 km in spatial scale and 5 h in time scale .

  8. 强降水与深对流云团及雷达回波强度强、回波顶高、VIL大的强对流单体有密切的关系。

    Heavy rain is close connected with the deep convective cloud clusters and convective cells with the strong radar reflectivity , high echo top and big VIL .

  9. 对流云出现频率约60%,其≥0.1mm降水率约80%。

    While the occurence frequency of convective cloud is about 60 % , and precipitation efficiency (≥ 0 . 1mm ) 80 % .

  10. UTLS区域中,还有航空业的飞机排放,强对流云云中与云上闪电产生相当量的NOx,这些都对UTLS区域乃至更高及更低层大气的化学成分与分布产生重大影响。

    Aircraft emission and lightning in the strong convection clouds producing considerable NO_x take place in UTLS , which greatly impact the structure of atmospheric constituents in UTLS and upper and lower layers .

  11. 利用2001年夏季(7、8、9月)GMS5卫星云图资料,统计分析了中国南方安徽、江西、福建三省夏季对流云的分布特征。

    The distribution characteristics of convective clouds in summer season in Anhui , Jiangxi and Fujian Provinces of South China are analyzed by using the GMS 5 multi channel data .

  12. 2000年7~9月在福建省建阳气象雷达站利用713C数字化雷达完整地观测到101块对流云生成、发展、消亡过程。

    By using " 713 " digitized radar , the formation , development and dissipation processes of 101 convective clouds have been observed from July to September 2001 in the Jianyang weather radar station .

  13. 本文利用1998~2002年南京713数字化天气雷达资料,对南京周边地区(距南京150km范围内)7、8、9三个月所有有高显的对流云降水回波进行了统计分析。

    Using the 713-type digital weather radar data of Nanjing from 1998 to 2002 , the echo of convective cloud precipitation that showed higher in July , August and September around Nanjing ( in the distance of 150 km ) was analysed .

  14. 三维重力内波和对流云街的启动机制

    Three Dimensional Internal Gravity Waves and Initiation of Convective Cloud Streets

  15. 用雷达三维反射率资料进行层状云和对流云分离

    Stratiform - Convective Separation Using 3 - D Radar Reflectivity data

  16. 强对流云数值模式系统开发与应用

    Designation and Applications of the Three-dimensional Convective Storm Numerical Model System

  17. 甘肃永登强对流云的雷达气候学特征分析

    Radar Climatic Characteristics of Severe Convective Cloud in Yongdeng , Gansu

  18. 应用连续小波变换提取对流云团

    To fetch convective cloud cell with continuous wavelet transaction method

  19. 山地对流云并合形成积层混合云的过程分析

    Convective clouds merger into convective and stratiform mixed clouds in mountainous area

  20. 流云象大地的枯叶一样被撕扯脱离天空和海洋的纠缠的枝干。

    Loose clouds like earth 's decaying leaves are shed ,

  21. 有地形存在时对流云发展的数值模拟研究

    Numerical simulation of the development for convective clouds over terrain

  22. 强对流云新概念在积云人工增雨作业中的运用

    Application of New Concept for Convective Clouds to Rain Enhancement

  23. 爆炸影响对流云发展过程的原理研究

    Studies of influence on development of convective clouds by explosion

  24. 三维对流云数值模式的改进与应用

    The Improvement of the IAP Three-Dimensional Convective Storm Model and Its Application

  25. 对流云街激发的重力波和波动阻力

    Gravity Waves and Wave Drag Induced by Convective Cloud Streets

  26. 闽东北地区夏季对流云特征的初步分析

    Preliminary Analysis of Characteristics of Convective Clouds in Summer over Northeastern Fujian

  27. 第一,使我终于看见流云笑了。

    The first , make me see flow cloud to smile finally .

  28. 大气环流模式中非对流云的尺度分析

    Scale Analysis of Non Convective Clouds in General Circulation Model

  29. 利用双多普勒雷达反演技术分析对流云垂直风场结构

    The Convection Cloud Structure Analysis in Wind Upright Fields Derived From Dual-doppler Radar

  30. 深对流云系在调节地球温度中发挥着重要作用。

    Deep convective clouds play a role in regulating the Earth 's temperature .