
jīn qǔ
  • great hit
  1. 空中电台仅播放排行榜上前40位的歌曲和怀旧金曲。

    Radio Aire only plays Top 40 stuff and oldies .

  2. 他可以从日常生活中捕捉到戏剧性和深切的渴望,这一切令他的不少歌曲成为排行榜头名金曲,包括《让我们跳舞吧》(Let’sDance)。

    He also captured the drama and longing of everyday life , enough to give him No.1 pop hits like " Let 's Dance . "

  3. 1998年“女孩时间”的后继者真命天女(Destiny'sChild)乐团第一次跻身“公告牌”百大金曲前五名时,碧昂斯才16岁。

    when the successor to Girls Tyme , Destiny 's Child , first cracked the Top 5 on the Billboard Hot 100 , in 1998 , Beyonc é was just 16 .

  4. 除了上述奖项,史密斯还因《在孤独的时刻》(IntheLonelyHour)获得最佳演唱专辑,这首歌是去年最流行的金曲之一。

    Besides those awards , Mr. Smith also won best vocal album , for " In the Lonely Hour , " one of last year 's biggest hits .

  5. 大家都知道Stan是艾米纳姆的流行金曲《Stan》中的主人公。

    Stan as many people know is a character in Eminem 's popular song Stan .

  6. 缅怀的氛围贯穿全场,歌手珍妮弗.哈德森深情演绎了休斯顿的经典金曲《我将永远爱你》(IWillAlwaysLoveYou),向她致敬。

    Throughout the show , there were reminiscences , including a soulful rendition of one of the singer 's classic ballads by Jennifer Hudson . " Whitney , we love , we love you , " Hudson sang .

  7. 她以兴奋的速度带来三首金曲《让你兴奋》(GetUrFreakOn)、《干得好》(WorkIt)和《失控》(LoseControl),轻易便令舞台上的活力加倍。

    She ran a speed course through three hits - " Get Ur Freak On , " " Work It , " " Lose Control " - and easily doubled the energy onstage .

  8. 《我吻了一个女孩》(IKissedaGirl)是一首含糊的歌,尝试了双性恋题材,也是佩里在2008年首次登上公告牌100首金曲排行榜头名的歌曲。

    Take " I Kissed a Girl , " a dim song about experimenting with bisexuality that was Ms. Perry 's first Billboard Hot 100 chart topper , in 2008 .

  9. 陶喆是金曲奖得主,还因创建交叉体裁的R&B而著名,硬摇滚曲调已经成为他的签名风格,他使R&B音乐曲调在华语乐坛得以闻名。

    Tao is a Golden Melody Award-winner and is well known for creating a crossover genre of R & B and hard rock tunes which has now become his signature style and for having popularized R & B in the Mandopop industry .

  10. 摩城唱片(Motown)金曲作者爱德华·霍兰德(EdwardHolland)、布赖恩·霍兰德(BrianHolland)和拉蒙特·齐尔(LamontDozier)达成了一个交易,詹姆斯·布朗(JamesBrown)和罗德·斯图尔特(RodStewart)也是如此。

    Edward Holland , Brian Holland and Lamont Dozier , the Motown hit songwriters , did a deal , as did James Brown and Rod Stewart .

  11. 这部电影由瑞典乐队ABBA经典金曲贯穿始终的音乐剧改编而成,

    The film is a musical based on the legendary Swedish pop band ABBA 'S songs

  12. 或许你会喜欢五六十年代的老歌,这些歌至今仍很知名并流行,它们就是怀旧金曲(goldenoldies)。

    Maybe you like old songs from the nineteen fifties or sixties that are still well known and popular today . These are called golden oldies .

  13. 去年对于黄老板可谓是里程碑式的一年,他的四首歌ShapeOfYou,CastleOnTheHill,GalwayGirl以及Perfect同时荣登金曲榜的榜首,这可是史无前例的。

    The star has had a monumental past year , with him becoming the first artist to have all top four singles at once ; Shape Of You , Castle On The Hill , Galway Girl and Perfect .

  14. 我一个月买3张CD左右,他说道,并展示了他的六张新唱片,包括滚石乐队(RollingStones)的经典专辑《主街流放》(ExileonMainSt.)和一些最新的日本流行金曲。

    I buy around three CDs a month , he said , showing off a haul of six new albums , including the Rolling Stones ' classic Exile on Main St. and an assortment of the latest Japanese pop hits .

  15. 《妈妈咪呀》巧用ABBA的经典金曲讲述了21岁的准新娘苏菲·谢里丹

    Mamma Mia uses the music of ABBA to tell the story of Sophie Sheridan , a 21-year-old American bride-to-be ,

  16. 比如今年三月,法庭判决罗宾·西克(RobinThicke)的歌《含糊其辞》(BlurredLines)抄袭了马文·盖伊(MarvinGaye)1977年的金曲《要放弃了》(GottoGiveItUp)。

    that was the case in March , when a jury found that Robin Thicke 's song " Blurred Lines " had copied " Got to Give It Up , " a 1977 hit by Marvin Gaye .

  17. 开场的是势不可挡的澳大利亚舞台摇滚巨星“AC/DC”,他们现在都已经五六十岁了,在舞台上高视阔步,演唱了新歌《摇滚或破坏》(RockorBust),以及1979年的金曲《地狱之路》(HighwaytoHell)

    It opened with AC / DC , the indomitable Australian arena-rock stars , who - now in their 50s and 60s - strutted and duckwalked across the stage to their new song " Rock or Bust " and its 1979 hit , " Highway to Hell . "

  18. 新纪录片《格伦·坎贝尔:我就是我》(GlenCampbell:I’llBeMe)记录了阿尔茨海默氏症最近对这名歌手造成的影响,他在20世纪70年代演唱了金曲《莱茵斯顿牛仔》(RhinestoneCowboy)。

    A new documentary , " Glen Campbell : I 'll Be Me , " chronicles its recent impact on the singer who made " Rhinestone Cowboy " a megahit in the 1970s .

  19. 2013年,年仅16岁的洛德以个人首张单曲“Royals”(皇族)轰动全球,该单曲连续数周位居音乐公告牌百首热门金曲榜榜首,她还两次获得过格莱美奖。

    In 2013 and at just 16 , two-time Grammy winner Lorde took the music world by storm with her debut single " Royals " which topped the Billboard Hot 100 for weeks .

  20. Busted乐团有8首歌成为本世纪的十大金曲,曾让无数少女为之疯狂,2005年,因主唱查理辛普森退团而解散。

    Like The Stone Roses . And Busted . The group that had eight top 10 hits in the 2000s , and sent many a teenage girl all aflutter , split in 2005 when frontman Charlie Simpson left .

  21. 这种印第安麦酒确实是以他们1997年的冠军金曲MMMhop命名的,预计将于2012年初上市。

    The Indian pale ale named after their chart-topping 1997 hit mmmbop is scheduled to hit shelves in early 2012 .

  22. 角逐这个奖项的其他专辑还包括史密斯的《在孤独的时刻》、碧昂斯(Beyoncé)的同名多媒体专辑,以及艾德·希兰(EdSheeran)的《x》,这首歌通过Spotify等流媒体服务,在全球成为热门金曲。

    Among its competitors were Mr. Smith 's " In the Lonely Hour " ; Beyonc é " s self-titled , multimedia album ; and Ed Sheeran 's " x , " a hit around the world on streaming services like Spotify .

  23. 英国有史以来最畅销的五大唱片:No.1:皇后乐队的《精选集》No.2:披头士的《佩珀军士孤寂心灵俱乐部乐队》No.3:阿巴合唱团的《热门金曲集》No.4:绿洲乐队的《清晨的荣耀》No.5:阿黛尔的《21》

    The UK 's five highest-selling albums of all-time are as follows : 1 . Queen : Greatest Hits2 . The Beatles : Sgt Pepper 's Lonely Hearts Club Band3 . ABBA : Gold : The Greatest Hits4 . Oasis : ( What 's The Story ) Morning Glory ? 5 . Adele : 21

  24. 内容有怀旧老歌,流行金曲和各式各样精彩或传统的音乐。

    Difficult to forget the lovely love ballads and colorful traditional music .

  25. 我喜欢收听播放怀旧金曲的电台。

    I like listening to those radio stations that play all the golden oldies .

  26. 下星期同一时间,请收听我们的每周十大金曲排行榜。

    Tune in next week as we count down the top ten songs of the week .

  27. 博物馆包含原来的公寓和贝里·戈迪称为“美国金曲乌托邦”的录音室。

    The museum includes the original apartment and recording studio that Berry Gordy called Hitsville , USA.

  28. 她听她所收藏的音乐光碟,主要是古典音乐,加上一些经典金曲。

    She listened to her collection of CDs , mostly classical , plus some golden oldies .

  29. 还有唱拿手金曲

    And singing his favorite songs .

  30. 一张专辑上有20首爱情金曲,可别错过了这个购买的机会。

    Don 't miss this chance to buy twenty great love songs together on one album .