
  • 网络Free Talk;Free Talking
  1. 1932年的改革的《申报·自由谈》正好发挥了这个作用。

    Shanghai Report - Free Talk which was reformed during 1932 exactly exerted this kind of influences .

  2. 鲁迅《申报•自由谈》时期的杂文,其外在形式与内在精神均与新闻有着或隐或显的联系。

    The external form and internal spirit of Lu Xun 's essay , especially in the period of Free Talk , all have somewhat relation with news .

  3. 论高校廉政教育模式的德治问题&从道德自由谈高校廉政教育

    Moral Issues of Educational Modes in Official Clearance at College

  4. 《自由谈》在上海诞生并发展,不可避免地浸染了租界色彩。

    Free Talking born in Shanghai and the development of the concession inevitably color disseminated .

  5. 自由谈副刊史探

    The Chief History of Free Talking

  6. 第一部分论述了《申报·自由谈》的“读者意识”对现代散文品格的影响。

    The first part discusses that ZiYouTan 's reader awareness affects on modern essay 's character .

  7. 黄嘉音主编时期《自由谈》转向关注社会与人生,提供知识与趣味。

    Huang Jiayin is turned to and paid close attention to " society and life ", offer knowledge and interest .

  8. 每部产品质量都通过公司技术人员精工检验决定可靠,并免费为客户当场试车,满意后再自由谈价。

    Each product quality through technical staff Seiko company decided to test reliable , and free testing for clients was satisfied with the talks after the price of freedom .

  9. 与此同时,租界特殊的文化语境,使《自由谈》字里行间渗透着颓废迷茫的文风和幽默调侃的话语风格。

    At the same time , the concessions given environment Free Talking the unique cultural context , between the lines confused decadence permeated with the style and humor mock style of discourse .

  10. 1932年12月1日到1934年5月9日黎烈文时期的《申报·自由谈》,更是在文学史上大放光芒。

    From December 1 ~ ( st ), 1932 to May 9th , 1934 , Shanghai Report - Free Talk during the period of Li Liewen especially exerted tremendous influences in literary history .

  11. 《申报》副刊《自由谈》是20世纪30年代中国报纸副刊革新的一个典范和旗帜。

    The supplement Free Form is a model and flag , with which Chinese newspaper supplement was improved in the 1930 's , and its editor thought went through and was certainly developed .

  12. 租界对《自由谈》的影响还在于,租界文化语境下的《自由谈》成就了我国杂文的巅峰状态,为左翼文学的发展搭建了平台。

    Concession on the Free Talking the impact is that the concessions under the Cultural Context Free Talking the achievements of the pinnacle of our essay , and for the development of left-wing literature , thus providing a platform .

  13. 更多的人在小组讨论会上自由地谈了自己的观点。讨论会开得生动活泼,气氛友好。我参加这次会议,感到受益匪浅。

    Many more aired their views freely at group discussions , which proceeded in a friendly and lively atmosphere . I benefited greatly by-attending this conference .

  14. 从伽利略对自由落体的研究谈物理方法教育

    Research on Physical Method in Education from Galileo 's Free Falling Body Theory

  15. 真正的自由开放主义寻求的是所有合法的自由,首先就要有信心,要相信如果没有这种自由,就谈不上追求什么其他的福祉。

    True liberalism seeks all legitimate freedom , first in the confident belief that without such freedom the pursuit of all other blessings and benefits is vain .