
  1. 视听网络自主学习平台在大学英语分级教学中的应用

    On the Application of a Visual Audio Autonomous Learning Web-based Platform in College English Graded Teaching

  2. 经过实践探索,设计了文言文自主学习平台,并给出了相应的实例。

    Through practice and exploration , self-learning platform designed to classical , and the corresponding instance .

  3. 教师可选用合适的教学材料,依托网络语音室自主学习平台进行视听训练,提高学生的语言表述能力。

    Teachers should select appropriate teaching materials to train their visual-audile ability and communicative ability with autonomous learning platform .

  4. 进一步完善网络自主学习平台功能,扩大应用实验研究范围。

    To further improve the self-learning platform functionality to the direction of intelligent , and expand the scope of application .

  5. 探讨了基于知识管理理念的自主学习平台的设计与实现过程中所需要的相关理论。

    Discusses the theory that required by design and implementation of self-regulated learning platform based on knowledge management . 3 .

  6. 网络环境下《中学物理教材教法》自主学习平台的设计与研究

    The design and study of the platform of self-regulated learning on Teaching Methods on Middle School Physics in the web environment

  7. 基于知识管理的网络自主学习平台促进个人知识的积累和群体知识的共享;学习者可以通过个人知识空间管理自己的显性知识和隐性知识,实现知识资源的有效存储,提高学习效率。

    Self-regulated learning platform based on knowledge management promote personal knowledge accumulation and group knowledge sharing . Learners can manage their explicit knowledge and tacit knowledge , which can realize the effective storage of resources and improve learning efficiency .

  8. 基于Web的大学英语自主学习支持平台的设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of the Web-based College English Self-regulated Learning Supporting Platform

  9. 充分利用现代教育技术为学生多样化的自主学习提供平台

    Providing Platform for Students ' Diversified Independent Learning via the Application of Modern Educational Technology

  10. 其目的主要是为学生提供自主学习的平台和作为学生能力、素质扩展的第二课堂,同时为教师提供教学互动的平台,为学校提供展示课程改革和教学成果的窗口。

    Its main purpose is to provide students with autonomous learning platform and the second class for building students ' abilities and expending their qualities . Meanwhile , teachers are provided with teaching interactive platform , schools are provided with the windows for displaying the curriculum reform and teaching results .

  11. 大学英语多媒体教学为学生自主学习提供了平台。

    The multimedia teaching modle in College English provides students with the convenience of initiative study .

  12. 网络日志这一社会化软件,在教育领域的应用,是网络化学习利器,是高师教育信息化教学和师范生自主学习的网络平台。

    Weblog as social software , application in the field of education , is a learning tool . It is a network platform of college education informatization teaching and normal students ' self-regulated learning .

  13. 希望通过对仿人机器人头部视觉及嗅觉系统的研究,模仿人类感知外部环境的能力,搭建一个以视觉技能为主的自主学习的研究平台。

    With research over the visual and olfactory system of humanoid robot head , we hope to simulate the perceptive abilities of human being over the external world , and construct an independent learning platform based on vision skill .

  14. 构建职校学生自主学习的系统网络平台

    Compose the Network System Platform of Vocational School Students ' Initiative Learning

  15. 自主式多媒体学习软件平台的设计与开发

    Self-learning Software Platform for the Design and Development of Multimedia

  16. 网络课程为学生提供了一个信息量大、资源丰富、形象生动、自主性强的学习平台,相对传统教学手段而言,是一个巨大的发展和革新。

    Compared with traditional teaching methods , it wass a tremendous development and innovation that network course provided students with an informative , resource-rich , vivid and independent learning platform .

  17. 网上英语自主学习中心&个性化英语自主学习平台研究

    On-Line Self-Access English Learning Center : A Platform for Individualized and Autonomous English Learners