
  • 网络Spin echo sequence;TSE;HASTE;spin echo,SE
  1. 结论:单次激发快速自旋回波序列的优点:(1)成像时间短;

    Conclusion : The advantage of Single-shot TSE sequence in MRM : ( 1 ) The acquisition time was short .

  2. MR脊髓成像:单次激发快速自旋回波序列技术的应用

    MR Myelography : Single-shot TSE Sequence ′ s Technique Application

  3. MRCP及MRU采用单次激发快速自旋回波序列。

    MRCP and MRU were obtained by single shot FSE sequence .

  4. 无障碍快速自旋回波序列(FSE),大大提高了MRI扫描膝关节的效率。

    The accessibility of fast spin-echo ( FSE ) sequences has greatly enhanced the time efficiency of knee MRI .

  5. 结论:胸腰椎后路脊柱钛合金内固定术后患者进行MRI检查时,应该尽量选择快速自旋回波序列进行扫描,当使用常规自旋回波序列扫描时,应尽量减少回波时间(echotime,TE)。

    Conclusion : Turbo spin echo sequence should be chosen for MRI scanning in patients implanted with posterior thoracic and lumbar titanium internal fixation system , with the echo time minimized .

  6. 二维T2加权快速自旋回波序列与常规冠状动脉造影用于评估冠状动脉搭桥术远端吻合的比较

    Assessment of the distal anastomosis of coronary artery bypass grafts with a 2D T2-weighted turbo spin echo sequence and correlation to conventional coronary angiography

  7. 在自旋回波序列中,T2WI对多发性硬化症的敏感性高于T1WI。

    The sensitivity of T 2-WI was highter than that of T 1-WI in spin echo series .

  8. MR成像采用自旋回波序列,所有病例作了T1加权成像、质子密度成像和T2加权成像,49例作了静脉注射Gd-DTPA后T1加权成像。

    T1-weighted images . proton density impes and T2-weighted images were performed in all 188 cases and T1-weighted images after intravenous injection of Gd-DTPA were performed in 49 cases .

  9. 结果:FLAIR序列检出病灶66枚,常规自旋回波序列检出病灶46枚,前者较后者敏感性高。

    Results : FLAIR sequence detected 66 focus of disease , whereas conventional SE sequence detected 46 focus of disease . The former was more sensitive than the latter .

  10. 目的探讨采用半傅立叶单次激发快速自旋回波序列(HASTE)的磁共振胰胆管成像(MRCP)对胆管梗阻性疾病的诊断价值。

    Objective The aim of this study was to evaluate magnetic resonance cholangiopancreatography ( MRCP ) using half-Fourier acquisition single-shot fast spin-echo ( HASTE ) sequence in the diagnosis of biliary obstructions .

  11. 材料和方法:16例肾移植后输尿管并发症患者,临床诊断移植肾盂积水13例,移植肾周积液3例,用重T2加权快速自旋回波序列和脂肪抑制技术作磁共振尿路成像。

    Materials and Methods : 16 cases of ureteral diseases after renal transplantation were studied . MR urography were obtained by a modified , heavily T2-weighted fast apin-echo pulse sequence and fat-suppression pulse technique .

  12. 与此同时,通过改变常梯度自旋回波序列中的扩散时间,发现正己烷在复合粒子中的扩散系数强烈依赖于扩散时间的大小。

    By varying the diffusion time in the pulsed sequence , we found that the diffusion coefficients of n-hexane in the core-shell particles were strongly depended on the diffusion time .

  13. 方法25例不同类型的主动脉夹层患者,应用心电门控多层自旋回波序列行轴位、左前斜位磁共振成像以及左前斜位磁共振电影。

    Methods 25 patients with different types aortic dissection were examined using ECG gated spin echo sequence and gradient echo sequence to get axial or left anterior oblique section MR image and cine MR image .

  14. 本文介绍了一种基于自旋回波序列的哈尔小波编码磁共振成像的实施方案,该方案通过周密安排哈尔小波激发顺序,可在33秒内获得一幅256×256个像素的T2加权投影像。

    This paper describes a scheme of haar wavelet encoding MR imaging based on spin echo sequence , the scheme can acquire a single-section 256 × 256 T_2-weighted projection image in 33 s by carefully arranging the haar wavelet encoding selective excitations .

  15. 方法采用磁共振新鲜血液成像序列,即在三维快速自旋回波序列的基础上,合并使用半傅立叶转换、短回波链间隔及心电门控和反转回波技术,对健康志愿者以及患者行大血管成像。

    Methods We performed great vessel imaging on healthy volunteers and patients using MR fresh blood imaging ( FBI ) sequence , which was the combined use of half-Fourier transformation , short echo spacing , ECG-gated and invert echo technique on the basis of 3D-FASE sequence .

  16. 检查所用设备为GEEchospeed1.5TMR扫描仪,每例均作自旋回波T1W序列、梯度回波电影序列和造影增强的MR血管成像(CE-MRA)序列。

    T1-weighted spin-echo sequence , gradient-echo cine sequence and contrast enhancement magnetic resonance angiography ( CE-MRA ) were performed in every case .

  17. 方法对40例疑有耳蜗前庭神经异常的患者应用高分辨三维快速自旋回波T2WI序列(T2WI/3D/TSE)做颞骨容积扫描,然后行T2WI/3D/TSE或平衡式三维快速梯度回波序列(B-TFE)双侧斜矢状位扫描。

    Methods The scanning of temporal bone was carried out with T 2WI / 3D / TSE in 40 cases suspected for cochlear nerve and vestibular nerve lesion and the bilateral inclined sagittal MRI scanning was performed with T 2WI / 3D / TSE or B-TFE sequence .

  18. 核磁共振自旋双回波序列设计及成像技术研究

    Design for Spin-Double-Echo Sequence and Imaging Techology Based on Magnetic Resonance

  19. 配合谱仪进行了自旋回波脉冲序列的成象实验,获得了较高质量的质子密度图像。

    The imaging experiment of spin-echo pulse-sequence was accomplished and images of good quality were obtained by using the homemade NMR micro-imaging system .

  20. 所有病例均行常规自旋回波(SE)序列和心电门控MRI电影检查。

    Spin echo ( SE ) sequence and EGG-gated cine-MRI were adopted in all 22 cases .

  21. 目的评价二维(2D)与三维(3D)快速自旋回波(TSE)序列磁共振胰胆仿造影(MRCP)对非扩张性胰胆管显示的优劣。

    Purpose To compare 3D TSE MR cholangiopancreatography ( MRCP ) with 2D for non-dilated pancreatic duct and biliary ducts .

  22. 方法用MR1.5T超导型扫描机,采用T2WI快速自旋回波(FSE)序列、脂肪抑制技术和MR尿路造影(MRU)检查。

    Methods Heavily T_2-weighted fast spin echo pulse sequence , fat suppression pulse and MR urography ( MRU ) were performed .

  23. 方法应用三维自旋回波(3D-TSE)序列,结合常规MRI序列,分析了50例三叉神经痛(TN)患者和50名对照的MR表现及手术结果。

    Methods MR manifestations and operative results of 50 normal subjects and 50 patients with trigeminal neuralgia were reviewed retrospectively , using 3D-TSE combined with conventional MRI .

  24. MRCP成像方法有二维单层快速自旋回波(FSE)序列及半傅立叶单次激发快速自旋回波(HASTE)序列。

    MRCP was acquired using two-dimensional single slice fast spin-echo sequence and HASTE ( half-fourier acquisition single-shot fast spin echo ) sequence .

  25. MRH采用不屏气涡轮自旋回波(TSE)序列,同时应用呼吸门控和脂肪抑制技术。

    MRH used non breath hold Turbo Spin Echo sequence ( TSE ) with respiratory triggering and fat suppression techniques .

  26. 方法对63例膝关节外伤患者行自旋回波(SE)序列和STIR序列扫描,比较STIR序列及T2像在显示骨挫伤的差异。

    Methods 63 cases with varied knee joint trauma were studies with SE sequence and STIR sequence . The difference between STIR sequence and T_2-weighted sequence in the detection of bone contusion were analyzed and compared .

  27. [方法]用SIEMENS0.2TMagnetomOpenViva磁共振成像仪,对21例多发性硬化症病人进行自旋回波(SE)序列T1WI及T2WI,对4例行磁共振增强扫描。

    METHODS Using SIEMENS 0.2T Magnetom Open Viva , 21 cases of multiple sclerosis patients were scanned with T 1-WI and T 2-WI of spin echo series and 4 cases were performed magnetic resonance enhancement by using magnevist .

  28. 方法利用最基本的磁共振参数,自旋密度ρ、弛豫时间T1、T2以及临床自旋回波序列、线性回归拟合方法得到定量maps,以探索所执行的路线。

    Methods Using the basic MRI parameters such as spin density ρ, relaxation time T2 and T1 , and the common clinic SE sequences and LR fitting method , quantitative maps were obtained , and the feasibility of pathway was described .