
  1. 岩芯描述和常规薄片、铸体薄片、扫描电镜、X衍射分析及压汞资料研究表明,安棚深层系的岩石类型主要为岩屑砂岩、长石岩屑砂岩和岩屑长石砂岩。

    Core descriptions , conventional thin section , injecting thin sections , SEM observations , X ray analysis of clay minerals , mercury injection data and pattern analysis of pore structures show that the major rock types are lithic sandstone , feldspathic litharenite and lithic arkose .

  2. 通过测井曲线形态特征、岩心观察、铸体薄片、X衍射、扫描电镜分析、FMI测井资料,对工区内钙质夹层成因、泥岩电阻率差异、储层电阻率和海拔深度关系进行了研究。

    This paper considers the formation causes of calcareous interbeds , shale resistivity differences and the relation of reservoir resistivity to altitude , on the basis of log curve morphological characteristics , core observation , founding slice , X-diffraction and scanning electron microscopy .

  3. 对比岩石毛管压力曲线和铸体薄片分析结果,模型计算值具有较好的精度。

    Contrast to the rock capillary pressure curve and - the thin-section analysis , the result is good .

  4. 方法分析大量铸体薄片以及扫描电镜、压汞、和X-洐射资料。

    Methods The data of the casting film , electron microscope scanning , hydrargyrum driving text and X-diffraction were analyzed .

  5. 铸体薄片图像分析法求取储层孔隙度高职院校《机械制图》分层教学法探讨

    Strike the Reservoir Porosity Using the Casting Sheet Image The Exploration of Technical College Mechanical Drawing Teaching in Different Levels

  6. 对声波时差异常带砂岩进行大量的铸体薄片观察,证实了本区砂岩粒间溶蚀孔隙发育,凝灰质填隙物发生了强烈溶蚀。

    Cast slice of the sandstones with higher interval transit time verified that the dissolution intensity of tuff fillings took on trunk .

  7. 铸体薄片和扫描电镜等资料反映,角岩中溶孔发育,裂隙次之,属溶蚀孔隙型储集岩。

    As indicated by cast thin section and ESM study , solution pores developed mainly in hornfels and fracture systems come to be the next .

  8. 应用铸体薄片、扫描电镜及阴极发光等测试手段,探讨了辫状三角洲储层的主要孔隙类型及其特征。

    By using electronic probe analysis , SEM analysis , x-ray diffraction and cathodoluminescence analysis , we can determine the main types of pores in the reservoir .

  9. 结合扫描电镜、铸体薄片和岩矿薄片等测试资料所反映的成岩演化特征,综合分析分析认为延长组地层曾达到晚成岩阶段A&B期。

    Combinated with scanning electron microscope , thin sections and so on , this paper deduces that the Yanchang formation had ever come up to A-B stage of late-diagenesis .

  10. 在对吐哈盆地红台地区进行以岩芯铸体薄片和普通薄片为基础的储层微观特征研究过程中,发现在许多井中发育分布较广的粒内裂缝。

    In the process researching the reservoirs in Hongtai area , which is based on the casting and conventional thin section inspection data , many intragranular fractures are found .

  11. 根据岩性、铸体薄片、物性、孔隙结构等分析化验资料,对鄂尔多斯盆地定边地区延安组延10储层特征进行了系统研究。

    Based on some data from lithological , casting thin-section , physical property and porous structure analysis , a systematically study on reservoir characteristics of Yan10 Member is implemented .

  12. 利用薄片、铸体薄片和扫描电镜观察方法,研究了任丘油田碳酸盐岩古潜山的孔隙类型和连通情况;

    The pore type and pore communication in carbonate reservoir of burial hill in Renqiu Oilfield are studied by using thin section , grouting thin section , and SEM .

  13. 利用岩石物性分析、薄片、铸体薄片、扫描电镜和压汞资料,对乐安油田草13断块沙四段储层及其微观结构进行了研究。

    Reservoir characteristics and microstructure in the fourth member of Shahejie formation were studied based on analysis of rock physical properties , sections , cast sections , scanning electron microscope ( SEM ) and intrusive mercury data .

  14. 从讨论长石溶解的质量平衡问题入手,结合铸体薄片的统计数据和图像分析,全面探讨了长石溶蚀作用对储集层质量的影响,以及长石溶解与砂岩孔隙发育的定量关系。

    This paper is to investigate the impacts of plagioclase dissolution on reservoir quality , and to assess the quantitative relationships between plagioclase dissolution and porosity in sandstones by discussing the mass balance , image analysis and quantitative statistics of cast thin sections .

  15. 根据铸体薄片和扫描电镜分析,其储层喉道类型主要以点状喉道、片状或弯片状喉道为主,在局部发育有缩径喉道、管束状喉道;连通性整体上较差。

    According to cast thin section and scanning electron microscopy analysis of the main types come to the reservoir throat dotted throat , sheets or bent sheet mainly throat , in the locally developed necking throat , tube-shaped throat ; generally poor connectivity .

  16. 应用普通薄片、铸体薄片、压汞资料对河道砂体储集层进行微观孔隙结构研究,结合岩心孔渗分析、试油结果,将扶杨油层储集层定量分为四类储层。

    Used common slices Mould slices , mercury injection data to have micro porosity construction research of river channel sand body . Combined with core porosity and permeability , and well test result , Fu-Yang formation was divided four type formations deeply in quantity .

  17. 针对济阳拗陷下第三系砂岩次生孔隙具有储集岩体类型多、分布层位广和次生孔隙种类丰富的特点,利用铸体薄片及地球化学方法,分析了次生孔隙发育的基本条件。

    Based on optical examination of casting thin sections and analyses of geochemistry the characteristics of the secondary pores , which can be made in multiple reservior bodies and distributed in more formations and classified into many types , are studied on Eogene system sandstone in Jiyang depression .

  18. 并基于岩石铸体薄片,结合仿真技术、微观渗流机理、以及计算机相关技术建立微观剩余油仿真模型,进行剩余油仿真实验,研究微观孔隙结构及剩余油分布规律。

    Besides , based on rock casting thin section , united with emulation technique , microscopic percolation mechanism and related computer technique , a micro-simulation model of remaining oil was established to do oil remaining emulation research which study on microscopic pore structure and oil remaining distributing rules .

  19. 根据岩芯铸体薄片图象特点,提出了用颜色空间作为特征空间,利用统计模式识别的监督分类方法,根据最小距离法则来对彩色图象进行真彩色二值化分割。

    A supervision and sorting technique by means of statistical pattern recognition and using color as characteristic space is put forward according to the properties of casting body slice of core . The real colorful binaryzation segmentation for the colorful image is carried out according to minimum distance method .