
  • 网络Seigniorage
  1. 但是五分硬币的负铸币利差比便士还更严重。

    But the nickel 's negative Seigniorage is even worse than the pennies .

  2. 负铸币利差就是铸造一枚硬币的成本高于这个硬币的面值。

    Negative Seigniorage is when the cost of minting a coin is more than the coin 's face value .

  3. 虽然便士产生了负铸币利差,但是有人担心如果淘汰了它,我们就会需要更多五分钱,

    Even though the penny generates quite a bit of negative Seigniorage , there is concern that if it 's eliminated , we 'll need more nickels ,

  4. 但是考虑到这两种金属的价值都在上涨,现在每个便士的制造成本约1.7分钱,所以它产生了负铸币利差。

    But given the rising value of both these metals , each penny now costs about 1.7 cents to produce , so it generates what is called negative Seigniorage .