
  • 网络casting stress
  1. 利用LabView实现对振动时效过程中激振点的寻找振动时效与热时效消除铸造应力工艺比较

    Implementation of excitation point seeking in VSR by Lab VIEW Comparison between Vibration Ageing and Heat Ageing Used for Casting Stress Elimination

  2. 铸造应力场数值模拟的研究进展

    Research Development of Thermal-Mechanical Numerical Modeling of Casting Stress Field

  3. 阐述了碳当量为3.9%~4.1%、σb在255MPa以上,且铸造应力低(不需热处理)的灰铸铁的具体生产措施,并分析了原因。

    Production technique of a sort of high strength and low stress gray iron with CE of 3.9 % ~ 4.1 % ,σ b ≥ 255 MPa and without heat treatment was described and analyzed .

  4. 复杂压铸件铸造应力集中区域经验预测研究

    Study of Empirical Forecast on Stress Concentration of Die Pressed Casting

  5. 铸铁钢锭模残留铸造应力探讨

    Inquiry into Casting Residual Stress of Cast-iron Ingot Mould

  6. 机床床身二维纵向截面的铸造应力场有限元数值模拟

    Finite Element Numerical Simulation of the Casting Stress Field on the 2 D Vertical Section of the Lathe Bed

  7. 从控制化学成分、调整铸造应力、提高熔体纯净度、加强晶粒细化等方面入手,防止7475铝合金扁锭铸造时发生裂纹、疏松缺陷。

    Through the chemical composition , changing stress , improving melt pureness and strengthening grain refining advanced solving the crackles methods .

  8. 在凝固过程中产生的铸造应力残余在铸件内,当残余应力值大于铸件的屈服极限时,就会产生裂纹。

    The casting stress is generated during the process . When the residual stress exceeds the yield stress , the bull crack is easily generated .

  9. 振动时效与热时效消除铸造应力工艺比较振动时效应用于铝合金时动应力的选择

    Comparison between Vibration Ageing and Heat Ageing Used for Casting Stress Elimination Choice of Dynamic Stress as Application of Vibratory Stress Relief in Aluminum Alloy

  10. 测试了Al3Ti/ZL101原位复合材料的流动性、线收缩率、热裂倾向及铸造应力,分析了影响铸造性能的各种因素。

    The casting fluidity , ratio of line contraction , casting stress and heat crack tendency were tested . The factors of influence casting properties were also analyzed .

  11. 本研究用热弹塑性方法分析铸造应力框自凝固到冷却过程动态热应力。

    In this research work , the thermal elastic-plastic method is used to analyze the dynamic thermal stress in the stress-frame specimen during its solidification and cooling process .

  12. 指出可以通过延迟开箱时间使铸件在砂箱中缓慢冷却以消除铸造应力,为生产优质铸件提供最后保证。

    It was pointed out that , by delaying knock out to let castings slowly cool in moulds , it is possible to eliminate casting stress and to offer the last guarantee for producing hi-quality castings .

  13. 发现固溶体基体点阵常数与基体固溶度、宏观铸造应力和微观应力密切相关,可以通过点阵常数测量来监控铸锭均匀化过程。

    It has been found that the aluminum matrix lattice constant was closely connected with solid solubility , casting macro-stress and micro-strain . The homogenization process could be monitored by means of the measurement of aluminum matrix lattice constant . 3 .

  14. 确保双金属结合层的冶金质量以及防止由于双金属线收缩率相差较大形成较大的铸造应力而产生裂纹。

    The key to controlling their guality is to take effective measures to ensure the metallurgical quality of the binding surface of the twe metals and to prevent casting stress caused by contraction difference of the two metals , which might lead to crack .

  15. 铸造残余应力某些影响因素的研究

    Influence of Some Factors on the Residual Stress of Castings

  16. 铸造残余应力有限元分析

    The finite element analysis of residual stress in casting

  17. 消除缸体铸造残余应力的时效工艺研究

    Study on the Aging Processes for Eliminating Casting Residual Stress in Cylinder Blocks

  18. 齿科用钴铬合金熔模铸造残余应力初探

    An investigation in residual stress of dental Co - Cr alloy investment casting

  19. 钛合金铸造热应力有限元分析及实验研究

    Finite Element Analysis and Experimental Investigation on Casting Thermal Stress of Titanium Alloys

  20. 接触单元在铸件铸造过程应力数值模拟中的应用

    Application of Contact Element Method in Simulating Thermal Stress during Solidification of Casting

  21. 机械阻碍应力对铸造残余应力影响的研究

    Effect of Mechanical Stress on Casting Residual Stress

  22. 铸造热应力场数值模拟研究的最新进展

    The Present Development of Thermal Stress Field Numerical Simulation Technology of Casting Solidification Process

  23. 湿型铸造低应力大齿圈

    Green Sand Cast Low Stress Big Gear

  24. 通过在实验室与生产条件下所进行的判断性试验确证,机械阻碍应力对铸造残余应力的大小、分布有着极为显著的影响。

    Mechanical stress can obviously affect intensity , distribution of stress through the experiments and tests .

  25. 理论分析和试验研究表明,采用不同的激振频率对金属型铸件进行振动凝固时,由于铸型系统的各部分位移振幅不同,铸件的铸造残余应力水平不同。

    Results show that suitable exciting frequency for vibrating solidification of casting in metal mold is important to the casting stress relief .

  26. 对发动机气缸体铸件从浇注完到开箱落砂后的铸造过程应力场进行计算机数值模拟。

    The numerical simulation of thermal stresses and deformation of an engine cylinder block casting was carried out by FDM / FEM integrated system .

  27. 基于有限差分法(FDM)对铸造过程热应力场进行了三维数值模拟研究,并对标准应力框试件和箱体铸件进行了热应力场模拟,得到比较满意的结果。

    Based on finite differential method ( FDM ), 3D numerical simulation for casting thermal stress was conducted . The thermal stress of a standard stress frame sample and a case casting were simulated and the satisfactory results were obtained .

  28. 铸造合金去应力退火温度的确定

    Determination of Annealing Temperature for Eliminating Internal Stress of Cast Alloys

  29. 铸造过程热应力分析是当前铸件数值模拟领域的研究重点和热点之一。

    The analysis of thermal stress is a focus in the numerical simulation of solidification processes of castings .

  30. 中空轴轴颈裂纹是水泥磨的严重故障。中空轴轴颈裂纹产生的原因主要有:铸造缺陷,应力集中,焊接和热处理质量问题等。

    Crack in neck of hollow shaft is a very serious malfunction , main cause of the crack include : foundry defect , centralized stress , quality problems of welding and heat treatment .