
zhù zào chǎnɡ
  • foundry
  1. 一家小铸造厂巢湖鑫泰钢铁股份有限公司(ChaohuXintaiSteel)的大烟囱,在农民张立山的房子上投下了阴影。他周围都是患病的邻居。

    The smokestack of a small foundry , Chaohu Xintai Steel , casts a shadow over the house of Zhang Lishan , the embattled farmer with the sick neighbours .

  2. 我去会会铸造厂的老板。

    I 'm going to see who owns the foundry .

  3. 在内外部环境系统分析的基础上运用SWOT分析法提出了聚鑫铸造厂的市场营销战略。

    On the basis of systematic analysis of the company 's inner and outer environments , the author will put forward the marketing strategy by using the analyzing tool of SWOT model .

  4. 第一汽车制造厂第二铸造厂工艺设计中的若干问题

    Problems in Technology Design in Changchun First Automobile Manufactory Second Foundry

  5. 小型气动微震造型机在小型铸造厂的应用

    Application of Small Pneumatic Micro-Jolt Molding Machine in Small Foundry

  6. 铸造厂熔化工部的能耗与节能分析

    Analysis on the Energy Consuming and Saving in Melting Sector of Foundry

  7. 材料价飞涨铸造厂咋办面对原料飞涨的涂料企业竞争战略

    Coatings Companies ' Competitive Strategy against Rapid Increased Price of Raw Materials

  8. 铸造厂异地新建项目技术分析

    Technical Analysis of New Project of Foundry in Other Place

  9. 这家铸造厂的工人多数住在厂外。

    Most of the workers at the foundry live out .

  10. 矿井?水库?金属铸造厂?垃圾场?还是沼泽地?

    Mines , reservoirs , metal foundries , dumps , or swamps ?

  11. 现代汽车铸件铸造厂的技术改造问题

    The Questions of Technical Reforming for Modern Foundry Works to Produce Automobile Casting

  12. 伯明翰一直都是以铸造厂和爆炸之类出名的。

    Birmingham was aiways known for foundries and biasting and things Iike this .

  13. GC/MS联用分析铸造厂粉尘中的有机物

    Study of Organic Compounds Analyzed by GC / MS in Dust from a Foundry

  14. 法国汽车铸造厂生产概况

    Production State of Automobile Foundry Shops in France

  15. 我们公司在加利福尼亚托兰斯,有一个钛铸造厂。

    This was a Titanium foundry that our company operated in Torrance , California .

  16. 精密铸造厂余热利用

    Utilization of Residual Heat in Precision Casting Factory

  17. 近期国内生铁、焦炭、废钢价格飙升,使铸造厂受到沉重打击。

    Lately , domestic foundry material costs zoom crazy , foundries endured severe impact .

  18. 我们明天还得去铸造厂把钟取回来

    Oh , and we should get the bell back from the foundry tomorrow .

  19. 商业比率增刊:铁铸造厂。

    Business Ratio Plus : Iron Founders .

  20. 铸造厂烘干炉的臭气治理

    Effluvium treatment of Baker in Casting Factory

  21. 辽东铸造厂2004再铸辉煌

    Liaodong Foundry Plant Will Be Resplendent Again

  22. 你完全可以把你的铸造厂建设世界一流的铸造厂&与你分享发达国家铸造厂的管理经验

    Construct Your Foundry into World Class Foundry

  23. 铸造厂进口设备的引进与管理

    Introduction and Management of Import Foundry Devices

  24. 系统可以按照铸造厂的详细需乞降才能程度进行调整。

    They allow many possibilities of adjustments to the foundry 's specific needs and competence levels .

  25. 本公司下设锻造厂、铸造厂、工程公司。

    The company is consisted of a Cast factory , a wrought iron or forging factory .

  26. 这对于一些铸造厂在同一炉内生产多种牌号的铸铁创造了十分方便的条件。

    It will create a convenience for foundrys to get different grade cast irons for their products .

  27. 此机种是本公司针对精密铸造厂所研发设计的吊挂式喷洗机。

    This three shaft hanging type shot blasting machine is designed for engineered for precision casting parts .

  28. 在一家铸造厂工作了10年以后,他成为成人学生学习冶金专业。

    He studied metallurgy as a mature student , having spent ten years working in a foundry .

  29. 拔模斜度余量只有经与铸造厂商定后才能合并到尺寸公差或形位公差中。

    Draft allowances can be incorporated into dimensional tolerances or geometric tolerances only upon consultation with the foundry .

  30. 除去被中央政府管理的青铜器作坊,小国家同样有他们自己的铸造厂。

    Besides the bronze workshops controlled by the central government , the small kingdoms also had foundries of their own .