
  1. 他们要把香焚在你面前,把全牲的燔祭献在你的坛上。

    He offers incense before you and whole burnt offerings on your altar .

  2. 可恶的溃疡把香蕊当成床。

    And loathsome canker lives in sweetest bud .

  3. 我把香蒜酱放在了全苗长意面上。我太喜欢这道菜了。

    I put my pesto sauce into whole wheat spaghetti . I like this dish so much .

  4. 他们要将你的典章教训雅各,将你的律法教训以色列。他们要把香焚在你面前,把全牲的燔祭献在你的坛上。

    They shall teach Jacob thy judgments , and Israel thy law : they shall put incense before thee , and whole burnt sacrifice upon thine altar .

  5. 误服误用中药十分危险,如把香加皮当作五加皮使用,就会发生洋地黄样中毒;

    Is it misapply very dangerous traditional Chinese medicine to take by mistake , add not being fragrant skin regard , the foreign digitalis kind will happen and is poisoned ;

  6. 把香坛安置在约柜前面挂的帐幔前,就是在我与你会晤的约柜上的赎罪盖之前。

    And thou shalt set the altar over against the veil , that hangeth before the ark of the testimony before the propitiatory wherewith the testimony is covered , where I will speak to thee .

  7. 在耶和华面前,把香放在火上,使香的烟云遮掩法柜上的施恩座,免得他死亡。

    He is to put the incense on the fire before the Lord , and the smoke of the incense will conceal the atonement cover above the testimony , so that he will not die .

  8. 把百香果打造成花都的“名片”之一,形成品牌效应。

    Finally , Huadu will be famous for passion fruit , therefore forming a brand effect .

  9. 家里自制的面包有种别样的香味,而自己烤的土豆把土豆香发挥到了极致。

    Home-made bread smells of something more than bread , and home-baked potato smelled the solely taste of potato : earthy and baked .

  10. 同样在广州工作的广告策划人徐毅甚至把“二手香”比作化学武器。

    Xu Yi , an advertisement mastermind also from Guangzhou , even compared second-hand fragrance with chemical weapons .

  11. 把洒有香精油的棉花球放在浴室不显眼的地方,或直接把精油喷撒在丝绸或干花束上,这是保持浴室气味芳香的简易办法。

    The bathroom is easily scented by placing oil-scented cotton balls in inconspicuous places , or sprinkle oils directly onto silk or dried flower arrangements or wreaths .

  12. 那晚,我录了那盘带子,把它寄给了香楠。

    That night , I recorded my video and mailed it to shannon .

  13. 明日,在耶和华面前,把火盛在炉中,把香放在其上。耶和华拣选谁,谁就为圣洁。你们这利未的子孙擅自专权了。

    And put spices on the fire in them before the Lord tomorrow ; then the man marked out by the Lord will be holy : you take overmuch on yourselves , you sons of levi .