
  1. 把缸扣过来。

    Turn the vat upside down .

  2. 耶稣对用人说,把缸倒满了水。

    Jesus saith unto them , Fill the waterpots with water .

  3. 耶稣对用人说:“把缸倒满了水。”他们就倒满了,直到缸口。

    Jesus said to the servants ," fill the jars with water "; so they filled them to the brim .

  4. 司马光还是一位杰出的诗人,是现代中国儿童读物里一个英雄,这些读物讲述了这样一个故事:司马光小的时候与伙伴们一起玩要,结果有个朋友掉进了水缸里,于是司马光把缸砸破救出了他。

    Sima Guang was also an excellent poet and is the hero of modern Chinese children 's books , which portray him as the child who saved a playmate from drowning by breaking the water tank into which his friend had fallen .

  5. 她用力把烟灰缸从房间那头扔过来,差点砸到我的脑袋。

    She hurled the ashtray across the room , narrowly missing my head

  6. 我把烟灰缸里的糖纸倒掉。

    I emptied the sweet wrappers from the ashtray .

  7. 我把烟灰缸倒空了。

    I emptied the ashtray

  8. 不过最好走时把烟灰缸倒干净。

    But you 'd better empty the ashtray when you leave .

  9. 他不小心把烟灰缸从桌上碰落了。

    He accidently pushed an ash tray off the table .

  10. 在整个汽车行业里,各大汽车制造商都已把六缸发动机换成四缸发动机。

    Throughout the industry , automakers have swapped v6s for four-cylinder engines .

  11. 把这个缸颠倒过来,晃一晃。

    Turn the jar upside down and shake it .

  12. 请你把烟灰缸清理一下好吗?

    Would you empty the ashtray , please ?

  13. 那个服务员笨手笨脚,竟把烟灰缸掉到我的汤里。

    That waiter is so maladroit that he dropped the ashtray into my soup .

  14. 好吧,但这次一定要把金鱼缸搬开。

    Okay ? But be sure to move the goldfish out of the way this time .

  15. 他在狂怒之下把墨水缸发狂地向前一扔,自己也跟了上去。

    As soon as he goes crazy under the wildness the ink water jar throws forward , own also with .

  16. “并不是他勇敢,”思嘉执拗地说,一面把半缸糖浆倒在鸡蛋饼上。

    " He is n 't brave ," said Scarlett perversely , pouring half a pitcher of syrup over her waffles .

  17. 孩子把烟灰缸捡起来,放在头上当帽子,正等着表扬她呢。

    The baby had picked up the ashtray and put it on her head for a hat and was waiting for praise .

  18. 安得森先生抽完烟,把烟灰缸留在窗台上,熄灭油灯便上床睡觉了。

    Anderson finished the cigarette . He left the ashtray on the window ledge . Then he turned out the lamp and went to bed .

  19. 能把那个烟灰缸递给我吗?

    So , Don , can you pass me that ashtray ?

  20. 结果,我工作了差不多两个月的时间,才做成两只大瓦罐,样子非常难看,简直无法把它们叫作缸。

    I could not make above two large earthen ugly things , I cannot call them jars , in about two months labour .

  21. 在我面前是极为壮观的景象,看上去仿佛有人把一大缸金子倾倒下来,覆盖了峰顶和山坡。

    Before me lay the most glorious sight . It looked as though someone had taken a great vat of gold and poured it down over the mountain peak and slopes .

  22. 她把烟头扔进烟灰缸。

    She threw the cigarette butt into the ashtray .

  23. 人们真的是把她们当成烟灰缸来对�

    who are literally being treated like ashtrays .

  24. 把水泵固定在缸里,电线通过排水口拖到缸外,用硅胶把洞封好。

    Place pump inside pot with the electrical cord running outside of the drainage hole , then use a silicone sealant to seal the hole .

  25. 她把靠垫抖松并把烟灰缸倒干净。

    She plumped the cushions and emptied the ashtrays .