
shì lì
  • case;example;instance
事例 [shì lì]
  • [example;instance] 有代表性的,可以作为例子的事情

  • 典型事例

事例[shì lì]
  1. 仅从一个事例进行归纳的做法是愚蠢的。

    It would be foolish to generalize from a single example .

  2. 这是我见过的最严重的虐待动物的事例。

    It was the most extreme example of cruelty to animals I had ever seen .

  3. 这是肉眼胜过雷达的又一事例。

    It was yet another case where the human eye outperformed radar .

  4. 究竟是年纪大的女性更容易流产还是她们报告了更多流产事例,这一点仍存在争议。

    Whether older women miscarry more often or whether they report more miscarriages is a debatable point .

  5. 你没有紧扣眼前所发生的事,而是只提出了一些过去的类似事例。

    Instead of staying in the here and now , you bring up similar instances from the past .

  6. 他的报告重点列举了一些歧视的事例。

    His report highlights some instances of discrimination .

  7. 诸如此类的事例俯拾皆是。

    Instances such as these are extremely common .

  8. 这是最近一些滥用此词的事例。

    Here are some recent abuses of the word .

  9. 这类事例俯拾即是。

    Such instances are ubiquitous .

  10. 而其中超过80%的事例可以归结于接触污染水和缺乏卫生条件。

    More than 80 % of those cases can be attributed to contact with contaminated water and a lack of proper sanitation .

  11. 这是典型的英国沙文主义和偏狭心理的事例。

    It was a typical case of British chauvinism and insularity .

  12. 你能不能给我们举个具体事例?

    Could you give us a concrete case ?

  13. 然而,从大多数事例看,一个家的破裂,是早在什么“第三者”出现之前就开始了的。

    In the vast majority of cases , however , when a home is broken , the breaking has begun long before any " third party " has appeared on the scene .

  14. Revisioninformation选项保持相同事例的先前版本。

    The Revision information option keeps prior editions of the same story .

  15. 按照专业模型与GIS的事例思路建立了外来有害生物风险分析地理信息系统。

    The Web GIS of invasive pest risk assessment was developed integrated GIS and mathematical model .

  16. 基于事例推理的汽车覆盖件CAPP系统中的事例表达模型

    A Case Representation Model for a CBR-based CAPP System for Automotive Panels

  17. 为了提高智能CAD模具设计的实用性和可行性,采用了基于事例的设计方法。

    To improve the practicability and feasibility of intelligent CAD die design , the case-based die design was performed .

  18. 基于事例推理的检索模型研究神经网络法鉴别来自PP对撞不同过程的eμ事例

    On the CBR Retrieval Model Neural Network Approach for Identifying Different e μ Events in pp Collision

  19. Ψ'衰变中VP和PP模式的事例产生器

    Event Generator for ψ' Decays of VP and PP Modes

  20. 在上述FC事例样本中未找到信号事例。

    Within the above FC sample , no signal event is found .

  21. 事例改写一直是基于事例推理(Case-BasedReasoning,CBR)方法中的难点之一。

    Case-Based Reasoning ( CBR ) is interpreted in point of the view of knowledge .

  22. 一般来说,事例板用于模拟末端用户是怎样通过GUI来进行导航的。

    Typically , storyboarding is used to simulate how the end users navigate through the GUI .

  23. 介绍了基于事例的推理(CaseBasedReasoning,CBR)的优越性,重点说明了该软件中事例的来源和事例库的构造;

    And then introduces the advantage of the Case-Based Reasoning ( CBR ), the stress is laid on the source and structure of cases in this system ;

  24. 文章以我国PH3环流熏蒸技术在立筒仓、房式仓、土堤仓应用的成功事例,论述了PH3环流熏蒸在安全防范条件下的可行性;

    The feasibility of circulative fumigation with PH3 under the condition of safe guard was discussed through some successful experiences in silos , warehouses and bunkers .

  25. 基于事例的推理(CBR)及其在注塑模具分型面设计中的应用

    Case-Based Reasoning ( CBR ) and Its Utilizing in the Designing of Injection Mold Parting Surface

  26. 基于事例的推理(Case-BasedReasoning,CBR)作为基于知识的专家系统(ExpertSystem)的一个分支,它是目前人工智能(ArtificialIntelligence)研究中一种正在迅速发展的推理方法。

    Case-Based Reasoning ( CBR ), a branch of Knowledge-Based Expert System , is a rapidly growing reasoning method in the research of Artificial Intelligence ( AI ) .

  27. 本文介绍了TSP系统在隧道施工地质超前预报中的应用事例及其技术的发展。

    This paper introduces some cases on the application and development of TSP system in tunnel construction geological advance prediction .

  28. 事例复用是基于事例推理CBR系统的重要环节,其结果直接关系着整个系统的质量。

    Case Reuse is important to the CBR system , and its result affects the quality of the whole system .

  29. 并引用适应性修改的概念提供了在CBR中的关键事例的算法。模型的事例表示

    Then an algorithm to mining the key case is displayed used the adaptation concept in CBR technology . Model case representation

  30. 本文介绍了日本网络设备的接地任务、故障事例、接地方式以及高速LAN系统的接地条件等。

    This paper introduces the earthing tasks , failed examples , and the earthing modes for network equipment and earthing conditions of the high-speed LAN system .