
shì shí xínɡ wéi
  • factual behavior
  1. 交付,无论是现实交付还是观念交付,从实质意义上看都是一种事实行为。

    In essence , consignment is a kind of factual behavior .

  2. 依法行政理念下的行政事实行为研究

    Study on Administrative Factual Behavior under the Idea of Administration According to Law

  3. 其次,在确立将意思表示和直接拘束力作为分类标准的基础之上,作者对行政事实行为进行了分类,并将行政事实行为分成了三类;

    Secondly the author divides the administration fact behavior into three types ;

  4. 正文第二章转入对行政事实行为实践制度构建的探讨。

    The second chapter studies the establishment of practical institutions of AFA .

  5. 先占的性质属于事实行为。

    The nature of possession in advance is the conduct of fact .

  6. 行政事实行为侵权之法律救济探讨

    Discussible Study on Legal Aid to the Infringement of Administrative Factual Action

  7. 行政事实行为研究

    The Study of the F act ual Act in Administration

  8. 试论行政事实行为与行政赔偿诉讼

    An Exploratory Analysis of the Administrative Factual Act and Administrative Compensatory Suit

  9. 其实交付是一个事实行为。

    In fact , delivery is a factual act .

  10. 遗失、拾得是事实行为,抛弃是法律行为。

    Losing and picking-up are factual behaviors while abandoning is of juristic act .

  11. 本文分析和讨论行政事实行为及其救济的问题。

    This paper analyzes and discusses the administrative factual act and its remedies .

  12. 行政事实行为问题主要为大陆学者所关注。

    Scholars in continental countries mainly concern this issue .

  13. 论行政事实行为救济制度的构建

    On Establishment of Remedy System of Administrative Factual Act

  14. 因此,本文就行政事实行为的概念、特征、分类、法治化、救济制度等问题进行探讨。

    So this article discusses the administrative real act and other related issues .

  15. 论行政事实行为及其救济

    On the Administrative Factual Act and Its Remedies

  16. 在性质上,无因管理是一种事实行为。

    In nature , not because of the fact that management is a behavior .

  17. 一是权力性与非权力性之分;二是行政指导是事实行为还是行政行为。

    First , power-based or non-power ; second , facts actions or administrative actions .

  18. 通常情况下,学界将交付定性为法律行为或者事实行为。

    Normally , the academicians qualify delivery as the legal act or factual act .

  19. 在我国,违法的事实行为不能创设物权。

    According to current laws , illegal acts in fact can not create property rights .

  20. 另外,还对确认行政事实行为判决之类的提法作了深入的分析。

    Furthermore , the parlance of affirmation of administrative factual behavior is analyzed in this chapter .

  21. 行政事实行为若干问题研究

    Research on the Administrative Real Act

  22. 第二节比较研究了大陆法系主要国家和地区行政事实行为的救济制度。

    Section Two does a comparative study on the remedy mechanism of major civil law states .

  23. 论行政事实行为的规范化

    On Standardization of Actual Administrative Behavior

  24. 所有权是一种行为资格而非事实行为本身;

    As a right , property refers to the qualification of acting not the factual act itself ;

  25. 行政事实行为的出现源于行政职能的变化。

    The coming of administrative factual act ( AFA ) originated from the variation of administrative function .

  26. 行政事实行为之界定

    Defining the Administrative Real Act

  27. 事实行为不是不发生法律效果,而是直接依据法律规定而不是依据当事人的意思表示发生法律后果。

    Administrative factual action produce legal consequence according to not expression of intention but by legal rule .

  28. 其次,文章阐述了因事实行为而发生的法定物权。

    Secondly , the article discusses the behavior due to the fact that the statutory property happened .

  29. 行政事实行为是行政法学的重要范畴,在行政法学中占据重要地位。

    The administrative real act is an important category of administrative law . It occupies a significant position .

  30. 第二章第一节对研究行政事实行为的理论与实践价值进行了简要论述。

    Section One of Chapter Two focuses on the theoretical and practical value of the administrative factual act .