
shì gù
  • accident;failure;reason;fault;collision;trouble;malfunction;pretext
事故 [shì gù]
  • (1) [accident]∶原泛指事情,现在指意外的损失或灾祸

  • 交通事故

  • (2) [reason]∶原因

  • 冒暑而来,必有事故

  • (3) [pretext]∶借口

  • 寻个事故

事故[shì gù]
  1. 北京铁路局在其官方微薄上称,此辆火车生发了一次突发事故而无法正常运作。

    The Beijing railway bureau said on its official micro blog that the train encountered " a sudden malfunction and could not operate normally " .

  2. 为了降低或避免事故所带来的影响,需要及时检测电网的各种故障,快速准确地分类故障。

    To reduce or avoid the effect of power system malfunction , quick various power system faults detection and accurate different fault type classification are necessary .

  3. 撞车事故的原因被认定是发动机故障。

    The cause of the crash was given as engine failure .

  4. 这次事故给了我一个终生难忘的教训。

    The accident taught me a lesson I 'll never forget .

  5. 那事故给我的教训永远也不会忘记。

    The accident taught me a lesson I 'll never forget .

  6. 他提醒她道:“你出过一次事故了。”

    ‘ You had an accident , ’ he reminded her .

  7. 事故之后他有几个星期失去记忆。

    He suffered loss of memory for weeks after the accident .

  8. 他在一次事故中失去了双腿的功能。

    He lost the use of his legs in an accident .

  9. 早些时候的交通事故过后,现在交通通畅些了。

    Traffic is now moving more freely following an earlier accident .

  10. 那次事故以后的日子我记不大清楚了。

    I remember little of the days that followed the accident .

  11. 新驾驶员所出的事故是老驾驶员的两倍。

    New drivers have twice as many accidents as experienced drivers .

  12. 你对事故的叙述与她的叙述不一致。

    Your account of the accident does not agree with hers .

  13. 这次事故是一时不小心造成的。

    The accident was the result of a moment 's inattention .

  14. 事故后调查委员会立即召开了会议。

    A Board of Inquiry was convened immediately after the accident .

  15. 近年来致命交通事故发生率已经下降。

    Fatal road accidents have decreased in frequency over recent years .

  16. 撞车事故中有三人死亡,五人受伤。

    Three people were killed and five injured in the crash .

  17. 两方司机均在事故现场接受了呼气酒精检测。

    Both drivers were breathalysed at the scene of the accident .

  18. 人群渐渐从事故现场散去。

    The crowd drifted away from the scene of the accident .

  19. 撞车事故中竟然没有一人丧生,这真是奇迹。

    It 's a miracle nobody was killed in the crash .

  20. 有关一起恶性交通事故的报道开始陆续传来。

    News of a serious road accident is just coming in .

  21. 警察已完成对这次事故的调查。

    The police have completed their investigations into the accident .

  22. 警察用绳子将街道圈起来调查事故。

    Police roped off the street to investigate the accident .

  23. 警方今天开展了一场减少道路交通事故的运动。

    Today police launched a campaign to reduce road accidents .

  24. 政府要求对事故进行调查。

    The government has ordered an investigation into the accident .

  25. 昨天晚上,警方演出了再现事故经过的场景。

    Last night police staged a reconstruction of the incident .

  26. 这次事故提醒人们注意登山的种种危险,倒也不无益处。

    The accident was a salutary reminder of the dangers of climbing .

  27. 事故过去后很长时间交通才恢复畅通。

    The traffic took a long time to clear after the accident .

  28. 他还在力争事故后的赔偿。

    He 's still fighting for compensation after the accident .

  29. 很难说造成事故的原因是什么。

    It 's hard to say what caused the accident .

  30. 好几个人在事故中压死了。

    Several people were crushed to death in the accident .