
  • 网络xeon;intel
  1. POP海洋模式在四核至强集群上的并行计算

    Parallel computing of POP ocean model on quad-core intel xeon cluster

  2. 弗里称,英特尔的夸克(Quark)、凌动(Atom)、酷睿(Core)和至强(Xeon)等微处理器系列都将在物联网中发挥各自的作用。

    Intel 's Quark , Atom , Core , and Xeon lines of microprocessors are each playing a role in the Internet of Things , Free said .

  3. 弱致病菌株与强致病菌株杂交F1代致病性由弱至强呈连续分布,子代致病性的平均水平接近种亲代致病性的平均值。

    Segregation in F1 generations distributed continuously , and the mean of pathogenicity in posterity was close to that in two parents .

  4. 对沿岸土壤剖面重金属总量和形态的分析表明,Pb、Zn、Cd、Cu等均存在不同程度的污染.其中,以Cd污染最为严重,Pb、Zn也达到中度污染至强污染。

    It is shown that Pb , Zn , Cd and Cu have contaminated the soil , the Cd contamination was more severe , and the contaminated level of Pb , Zn reached moderately to strongly polluted .

  5. 苹果的工作站机型过去便有抢先应用Intel新处理器的历史,过去他们的这种机型早于其它厂商数周便独家用上了Intel的3.06GHz至强处理器。

    While unconfirmed , Apple has had a history of using Intel 's latest Xeons ahead of others , such as exclusive access to a3.06GHz Xeon for several weeks before competitors could use it .

  6. 首先是推出了英特尔的下一代至强融核(XeonPhi)处理器。据英特尔公司自行估计,未来五年,这款处理器将给它的高性能计算业务带来每年20%的收入增长点。

    It introduced its next-generation Xeon Phi processor , a piece of technology that the company predicts will drive 20 percent annual revenue growth in its high-performance computing business in the next few years .

  7. 至强(Xeon)7400处理器系列的推出,标志着这家美国芯片制造商向前迈出了一大步,每块芯片上安装的处理器单位从4个增加到6个,使其能够处理更加复杂的商务企业应用软件。

    The Xeon processor 7400 series marked a significant step forward for the US chipmaker , increasing the number of processing units built into each chip from four to six , enabling it to handle more intensive business enterprise applications .

  8. 冰系掌握将会反作用于至强冰系免疫的怪物。

    Cold Mastery will work against monsters that have Max resistance to cold attacks .

  9. 中国汽车工业企业由大至强的几个问题

    Some Problems of the Automotive Enterprises in China from " Big " to " Strong "

  10. 该公司表示,受到影响的产品包括被广为使用的酷睿以及至强处理器。

    Its commonly used Core and Xeon processors were among the products that were affected , the company said .

  11. 英特尔刻意限制表现自己的赛扬处理器,以防止他们竞争,其高端的奔腾和至强处理器。

    Intel purposefully limits the performance of their Celeron processors to prevent them from competing with their higher-end Pentium and Xeon processors .

  12. 我们的经验与推测表明在运行普通的企业负载的情况下,单核的至强可以产生~0.5GB/sec的新对象。

    Our overall experience and projections show that a single Xeon core can now happily generate a sustained ~ 0.5GB/sec of new objects when running common enterprise workloads .

  13. 在此事件中,一位清洁公司干部的手指遭其中一条扁头腹蛇咬到,这种蛇毒性至强,可致人于死。

    During the incident , an official from a cleaning company was bitten on the finger by one of the puff adders which are extremely venomous and could cause death .

  14. 天河2号使用了8万个英特尔至强芯片,每秒能够计算超过33x1015次。

    The Tianhe-2 uses 80,000 Intel Xeon chips to generate a computational capacity of more than 33 petaflops . A petaflop is equal to about one quadrillion calculations per second .

  15. 伴随着时代的进程,舆论监督经历了一个从无到有、由弱至强并不断完善的过程。

    Followed the time advancement , the supervision of public opinion is experiencing to grow out of nothing , by weakly to the process which was strong and to consummate unceasingly .

  16. 只是市场汇率略有波动至强于联系汇率,是本港货币制度可以容许的,大家无需过于紧张。

    Minor fluctuations in the market exchange rate on the strong side of the link are a feature of our monetary system , and they are nothing to get too excited about .

  17. 女士们、先生们,我坚信我们在中国也将成功,因为现在我们拥有实力至强的合作伙伴,我十分期待与他们一起工作。

    Ladies and Gentlemen , I have no doubt that we will also be successful in China because we now have strong partners and I am looking forward to working with them very much .

  18. 弱至强沙尘暴可能与盐池南部荒漠化草场植被破坏和沙漠化有关,属就地起沙类型,不能造成特强沙尘暴灾害。

    Relatively weaker sandstorms maybe have relation with vegetation breakage and land desertification of the desert grassland in the south of Yanchi , and belong to the local type , so commonly cannot bring sand calamity .

  19. 不同神经肽及其在胚胎发育的不同阶段,反应强度由弱阳性至强阳性不等,免疫反应产物均匀分布于导管上皮细胞质内。

    The immunoreactive intensity ranged from weak positive to intense positive by different neuropeptides and by these peptides at the different embryonic stages of the developmental fetal parotid gland . The immunocomplexes evenly distributed in the epithelial cytoplasm of these ducts .

  20. 两者均以中等过铝质,高的钛铁矿/磁铁矿比值、高的Rb/Sr比值和中等至强的负铕异常等指示其成因上应归属于钛铁矿系列花岗岩,与澳大利亚的S型花岗岩有相似之处。

    Both of them have middle alumina oversaturation , high ilmenite / magnetite ratio , high Rb / S_1 ratio and middle-strong negative Eu anomaly , which indicate that they genetically belong to ilmenite series granite and are similar to S-type granite in Australia .