
zhì shǎo
  • at least;least;at a minimum;all of;anyway;at any rate;leastways
至少 [zhì shǎo]
  • [least] 表示最小的限度

  • 至少可以减轻一些负担

至少[zhì shǎo]
  1. 至少要给他机会解释一下发生了什么事。

    At least give him the opportunity of explaining what happened .

  2. 你应该每年至少去看两次牙科医生。

    You should visit your dentist at least twice a year .

  3. 他们至少要过两个小时才能到。

    They won 't arrive for at least two hours yet .

  4. 如欲取消,请至少提前24小时告知。

    We need at least 24 hours ' notice of cancellation .

  5. 他老得很了——肯定至少有五十岁!

    He 's ancient ─ he must be at least fifty !

  6. 沿边境至少部署了5000枚导弹。

    At least 5 000 missiles were deployed along the border .

  7. 这至少需要一年时间。

    It 'll take a year , at the very least .

  8. 下班回家至少得花一个小时。

    It takes at least an hour to get home from work .

  9. 政府决定把这个想法先放一放,至少推迟到明年再说。

    The government has shelved the idea until at least next year .

  10. 这种奶酪至少要搁一年才成熟。

    The cheese is left to age for at least a year .

  11. 她的话不够谨慎,至少可以这么说。

    Her remarks were ill-advised , to say the least .

  12. 大多数学生至少参加5门普通中等教育证书考试。

    Most of the students sit at least 5 GCSEs .

  13. 她至少还写了信道谢。

    She did at least write to say thank you .

  14. 政府至少在道义上有责任回应这些问题。

    Governments have at least a moral obligation to answer these questions .

  15. 请至少在飞机起飞前一小时办理登机手续。

    Please check in at least an hour before departure .

  16. 他们估计利润至少下降了20%。

    They reckon their profits are down by at least 20 % .

  17. 他至少总有两名保镖护卫。

    He always has at least two bodyguards in attendance .

  18. 他至少70岁了!

    He must be 70 if he 's a day !

  19. 未经证实的报道称至少有六人丧生。

    Unconfirmed reports said that at least six people had been killed .

  20. 差不多每家都至少有一台电视机。

    Almost all homes have at least one TV set .

  21. 至少有十人在撞车事故中丧生。

    At least ten people were killed in the crash .

  22. 遭轰炸袭击之后,至少有300名平民下落不明。

    At least 300 civilians are unaccounted for after the bombing raids .

  23. 我每周至少要花六个小时批改作业。

    I spend at least six hours a week marking .

  24. 必须继续治疗至少两个月。

    It is imperative to continue the treatment for at least two months .

  25. 每年至少有1万名儿童意外中毒。

    At least 10 000 children are involved in accidental poisonings every year .

  26. 这车速肯定每小时至少100英里。

    The car must have been doing at least 100 miles an hour .

  27. 使用至少12毫米厚的木材。

    Use wood of at least 12 mm thickness .

  28. 大多数家庭现在至少有一辆汽车。

    Most households now own at least one car .

  29. 旅游局至少每年视察一次所有举荐的旅馆。

    The Tourist Board inspects all recommended hotels at least once a year .

  30. 那里有数以千计的人,噢,至少几百人。

    There were thousands of people there ─ well , hundreds , anyway .