
  • 网络To Point;Solstice;Point to Point
  1. 2011年的分点和至点有着特别的能量和众多的目的。

    The Equinoxes and Solstices of2011 are exceptional powerful and multi purposed .

  2. 另外两个在太阳路径上的季节点是两个至点。

    The other two seasonal points on the sun 's path are the two solstices ;

  3. 基于小波包分解及AR模型的单通道地震波信号初至点检测

    Onset point identification of single-channel seismic signal based on wavelet packet and the AR model

  4. 形式定义就是,它在点P的重力势能,等于我,将物体从无穷远处,移动至点P所做的功。

    The formal definition is that the gravitational potential energy at a point P is the work that I , Walter Lewin , have to do to bring that mass from infinity to that point P.

  5. 讨论了连续复小波变换在瞬态信号波至点检测中的运用,提出了一种新的信号波至点检测函数。

    A new measure function using in the detection of arriving points is presented .

  6. 点至点自选性质〔自选影像节目服务〕

    Point-to-point on-demand nature [ video-on-demand programme service ]

  7. 小波分析及其在瞬态信号波至点检测与去噪中的应用

    Wavelet Analysis and its Applications to the Detection of Arriving Points of Transient Signal and Denoising

  8. 瞬态信号波至点检测函数的研究

    A study on the measure function used in the detection of transient signal 's arriving points

  9. 中国古代太阳中天观测及二至点测算精度

    The Accuracy of the Sun 's Meridian Observation and the Solstices Survey and Calculation in Ancient China

  10. 介绍了常用的几种瞬态信号波至点检测方法。

    Some commonly used methods used for the detection of transient signal 's arriving point are introduced briefly .

  11. 最大熵与互功率谱相位法就是首先求出组分波的波至点。

    The arrival of components must been picked for the method of maximum entropy and cross power spectrum phase .

  12. 日-地系统的另一特点是二分点和二至点沿轨道逐渐前行。

    Another characteristic of the sun-earth system is the gradual procession of the equinoxes and solstices along the orbit .

  13. 通过冥想与自省来让自己与这波能量同步,能让你最大限度地利用提供的能量,这同样也可以被用在分点和至点之时。

    These are best afforded by synchronizing them through the contemplation and review that are available on equinoxes and solstices .

  14. 本文主要侧重于小波变换和小波包变换在瞬态信号波至点检测和去噪中的应用研究。其主要内容可概括为以下几个方面。

    This thesis mainly studies the applications of wavelet transform and wavelet packet transform to the transient signal arriving points and transient signal denoising .

  15. 声波测井信号中的波至点是波形的起始时刻,具有能量强、起跳时间最早的特点。

    The starting point of the signal arriving point is the signal of arriving points , which is strong with energy and the earliest taking-off time .

  16. 今年和明年的分点和至点是复杂的,与众多的全息图景植入相映生辉,都是为了人类和地球的共同【扬升】。

    The solstices and equinoxes remaining in the next two years are complex and flamed with multiple hologramic inserts for the Ascension of both mankind and the planet .

  17. 于是简单提到波分多路技术从点至点系统进而应用于全光通信网。又简述波分多路系统在海底光缆的应用。

    The paper also points out the possibility of using WDM technology in developing all optical networking , as well as the applications of WDM systems in submarine optical cables .

  18. 有些认为,泰勒斯第一个进行了天体研究并预测日食与至点,欧德摩斯在他的天文学史中就是这样说的;

    Some think he was the first to study the heavenly bodies and to foretell eclipses of the sun and solstices , as Eudemus says in his history of astronomy ;

  19. 研究了连续小波变换检测瞬态信号波至点的问题。

    Proper wavelet base is put forward to detect the thickness of the top coal and studies the problem of continuous wavelet transform to measure arriving point of transient state signal .

  20. 研究了基于短时傅里叶变换的时频分析方法理论,并通过编制软件利用时频分析方法确定各组分波的波至点。

    The method and theory of time-frequency analysis based on short-time Fourier Transformation are studied and the wave arrival points of easy component are determined by making software and using time-frequency analysis .

  21. 本文对连续小波变换在瞬态信号波至点检测中的应用进行了研究,其主要内容可以分为以下几个方面。

    This thesis put particular emphasis on the study and application of continuous wavelet transform to the detection of transient signal 's arriving points . The main works and contributions in this thesis are as follow .

  22. 这个地方还有一系列考古学家称为“史前栏杆”的特色木桩。据说这些木桩是用来标记二至点和二分点的,它们或许已经准确刻画出了部落的天文神话。

    The site also features a series of wooden posts that archeologists have dubbed " woodhenge . " The posts are said to mark the solstices and equinoxes , and supposedly figured prominently in the community 's astronomical mythology .

  23. 为了让石头的狭缝对齐在二至点和二分点的太阳,一个小小的洞总是指向北极星的方向,一位当地的石匠对此精雕细琢。

    A local mason carefully crafted it so that one slot in the stones is aligned with the sun on the solstices and equinoxes , and one small hole is always pointed in the direction of the North Star .