
  • 网络high god;most high god
  1. 来七1这麦基洗德,撒冷王,至高神的祭司,就是那当亚伯拉罕杀败诸王回来的时候,迎接他,并给他祝福的。

    Heb . 7:1 For this Melchisedec , king of Salem , priest of the most high God , who met Abraham returning from the slaughter of the kings and blessed him .

  2. 而这一切我知道你的力量或是不可能的,而不是我们的至高神的恩典。

    And all this I know is not by your power or might , rather by the grace of our most high God .

  3. 实行和至高神尊交流的一种宗教。

    A religion based on mystical communion with an ultimate reality .

  4. 创14:18又有撒冷王麦基洗德、带著饼和酒、出来迎接.他是至高神的祭司。

    And Melchizedek king of Salem brought out bread and wine ; now he was a priest of God Most High .

  5. 大声呼叫说,至高神的儿子耶稣,我与你有什么相干。

    And cried with a loud voice , and said , What have I to do with thee , Jesus , thou Son of the most high God ?

  6. 我朝见耶和华,在至高神面前跪拜,当献上什么呢。岂可献一岁的牛犊为燔祭么。

    With what shall I come before the Lord and bow down before the exalted god ? Shall I come before him with burnt offerings , with calves a year old ?

  7. 他跟随保罗和我们,喊着说,这些人是至高神的仆人,对你们传说救人的道。

    The same followed Paul and us , and cried , saying , These men are the servants of the most high God , which shew unto us the way of salvation .

  8. 他见了耶稣,就俯伏在他面前,大声喊叫,说,至高神的儿子耶稣,我与你有什么相干。

    When he saw Jesus , he cried out , and fell down before him , and with a loud voice said , What have I to do with thee , Jesus , thou Son of God most high ?

  9. 于是,尼布甲尼撒就近烈火窑门,说,至高神的仆人沙得拉,米煞,亚伯尼歌出来,上这里来吧。

    Then Nebuchadnezzar came near to the mouth of the burning fiery furnace , and spake , and said , shadrach , meshach , and abednego , ye servants of the most high god , come forth , and come hither .

  10. 我已经向至高七神祈祷了一个多月。

    I have prayed to the Seven for more than a month .

  11. 神更希望我们喜乐欢呼,认定耶和华是至高的神。

    We are even called to shout with joy and gladness , knowing that the Lord is God .

  12. 我要求告至高的神,就是为我成全诸事的神。

    I will send up my cry to the most high god ; to God who does all things for me .

  13. 摩西五书里讲到一个对陌生人不闻不问的人很可能也会对至高的神不管不顾

    The Torah says that he who turns aside from a stranger might as well turn aside from the most high God

  14. 我乐意将至高的神向我所行的神迹奇事宣扬出来。

    It has seemed good to me to make clear the signs and wonders which the Most High God has done with me .

  15. 信奉至高之神的人,神会派遣他的使者,挥动着光焰之剑去救赎他们。

    Those who believe in the High God , the God may grant salvation via his heralds , sword with luminous flames brandishing .

  16. 王阿,至高的神曾将国位,大权,荣耀,威严赐与你父尼布甲尼撒。

    As for you , o king , the most high God gave to nebuchadnezzar , your father , the Kingdom and great power and glory and honour .

  17. 她教会我如何调制圣烟和圣膏.所有人类都是同一群羔羊,这是我们的信仰.至高牧神派我到世上医治他的…

    She taught me how to make healing smokes and ointments . All men are of one flock , so my people believe . The Great Shepherd sent me to Earth to heal his

  18. 贝南&至高的神,帮助祢的百姓与穆斯林和万物有灵论者建立关系。狼人对世界持万物有灵论的观念,相信他们身边的一切背后都藏着灵魂。

    Benin ? Sovereign God , help Your people to engage with both Muslims and Animists in Benin . Werewolves have an animistic view of creation , believing that spirits lurk behind everything around them .

  19. 只因这位至高的真神,打从世界一开始便预知了它的终结,祂是掌管历史的神。

    Simply because God knows the end from the beginning and He is still the same today .

  20. 比如说至高至高至高无上的神,事实上没有名字,不是某种特定的东西,只是一种想法,一种思维,抽象的思维。

    Let 's say that the supreme , supreme , supreme , supreme god is in fact has no name , is not a particular thing , it 's this thought , it 's just thinking , it 's just abstract thinking .