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  1. 该变换器完成从正电压至正和负电压的DC-DC升压变换,功率密度和效率高,拓扑结构简单价廉。

    These converters perform from positive to positive and negative DC DC voltage increasing conversion with high power density , high efficiency and cheap topology in simple structure .

  2. 通过采用薄极板技术,将正负板栅分别减薄至正板栅2.1mm、负板栅1.5mm,相应增加纵筋数量;

    By means of the thin plate technique , the thickness of positive grid and negative grid was decreased to 2.1 mm and 1.5 mm respectively .

  3. 温度范围为室温至正200℃。

    The temperature range was from room temperature to 200 ℃ .

  4. 拆下固定太阳镜置物箱模组至正顶控制台的螺钉。

    Remove the screws that secure the sunglasses storage bin module to the overhead console housing .

  5. 至正二十八年(1368),大明军北伐,元顺帝北走上都,元朝在中原的统治宣告结束。

    In1368 , the troops of Dynasty Ming attacked the North and emperor Yuan Shun fled northwards .

  6. 曾经有一份至纯至正的国际航班头等舱指定的巧克力放在我面前。

    Once there was a piece of pure chocolate before me that was designated for international flights first class .

  7. 现存城门为元至正十一年(1351年)重建,明清重修。

    Shing-yuan of the existing positive for11 years ( 1351 ) reconstruction , rehabilitation of the Ming and Qing Dynasties .

  8. 蝶窦外侧壁至正中线的距离左、右侧分别为14.78mm和15.18mm。

    The distance between centre track and the later wall of sphenoid sinus was 14.78 mm in left side and 15.18 mm in right side .

  9. 结果:术后随访6~12月,8例眼位矫正至正视位;欠矫和过矫10°各1例。

    · RESULTS : During the follow-up of 6-12 months , the orthophoric effect was satisfactory in 8 cases , and undercorrection and overcorrection of 10 ° squint occurred in 1 case respectively .

  10. 元至正神飞铜铳代上23:14至于神人摩西、他的子孙、名字记在利未支派的册上。

    Bronze Gun with the Inscription " Shen Fei " of the Zhizheng Reign , Yuan Dynasty But as for Moses the man of God , his sons were named among the tribe of Levi .

  11. 第四节论述《远山堂曲品·剧品》的价值关注:注重教化、注重至正之情以及精英意识支配下的对我辈的思想观念及审美标准的标举。

    In the forth part , I discuss the value idea of , namely paying attention to moralization and feeling according with legitimacy , and favor " Wobei " 's idea and taste dominated by his model consciousness .