
  • 网络principle of ideal;the perfection-principle;perfection principle;principle of perfect;ideal principle
  1. 在人类文明中,生命与生存原则应具有对其他各原则的优先性,个体至善原则尽管不能处于优先地位,但应列入基本原则。

    In human civilization , the life and survival principle should have priority over all the other ones . Individual perfection principle should also be ranked in the system although it has no priority in the principle system .

  2. 首先是寻找普世伦理的历史思想渊源,本部分追溯到了西方哲学中的至善原则和中国儒家的普世情怀。

    The first step is to find out the ideological origins . This article dates back to the perfection of western philosophy and the universal feelings of Confucian principles .