
  • 网络Individual psychology;the psychology of the individual
  1. 运用阿德勒的个体心理学(individualpsychology)理论探讨卡夫卡对事物独特的体验、感受方式和对生活、生命的领悟方式形成的直接原因,并且得出卡夫卡创作的心路历程就是超越自卑的过程的结论。

    Utilizing Adler 's theory of individual psychology , the author probes into the direct Kafka 's unique experience and perception of life and concludes that Kafka 's psychological experience in writing is the very process of surpassing the inferiority complex .

  2. 论阿德勒个体心理学理论在儿童教育中的应用

    Application of Adler 's Individual Psychology in Children 's Education

  3. 自卑与超越&《沉沦》的个体心理学分析

    Inferiority and Surpassing of Inferiority & An Individual Psychological Analysis of Sink into Depravity

  4. 弗洛伊德的贡献并不只是局限于,个体心理学和个体病理学的研究方面。

    Freud 's contributions extend beyond the study of individual psychology and individual pathology .

  5. 阿佛列·阿德勒的个体心理学从个体心理学的角度分析网络综合症

    Analyzing the Internet addiction disease form the angle of individual psychology of Alfred Adler

  6. 阿尔弗雷德·阿德勒是20世纪奥地利著名的心理学家,开创了个体心理学。

    Ahl the Fred Arab League Deleur was the20th century Austria renowned psychologist , founded the individual psychology .

  7. 新个体心理学是指在个体心理学创始人阿德勒逝世之后发展起来的当代精神分析流派。

    The new Individual psychology is a contemporary psychoanalytic school with multiple orientations that develops after Alfred Adler .

  8. 他们的失误一定程度上可能是个体心理学方面的问题,但同时也有着系统和知识上的渊源。

    Their failures may be partly a matter of individual psychology but they also have systemic and intellectual roots .

  9. 阿德勒的个体心理学对精神分析、人本主义心理学产生了重要影响。

    Adler ' sIndividual Psychology had imposed important influence on Psychoanalysis , Humanism Psychology . has produced important influence .

  10. 新个体心理学是当代精神分析运动的重要组成部分,具有整体性、多元性和建构性等主要理论特点。

    The new Individual psychology is an important part of contemporary psychoanalysis , with the main theory characteristics of integrity , constructivity and pluralism .

  11. 本文从阿德勒个体心理学和马斯洛需要层次理论两个方面探讨了网络对于当代大学生人格构成的两面性。

    This paper analyzes both sides of cultural factors upon students from Larry Adler 's Individual Psychology and Maslow 's Hierarchical Theory of Needs .

  12. 本论文采用文献分析与理论分析相结合的方法,对新个体心理学从总体上详细梳理和系统研究。

    Taking the method of literature studying and theory analyzing , the dissertation combs and studies the achievement of new individual psychology systematically and globally .

  13. 以个体心理学创始人阿弗莱德·阿德勒为代表的阿德勒式团体咨询理论,越来越引起人们的极大关注。

    The theory of Adler 's Group Counseling , whose representative is A.Adler , the originator of Individual Psychology , has attracted more and more people 's attention .

  14. 如果从个体心理学角度考察,则是缘于主人公的自卑情结,而且是一种典型的性别自卑,它在宝玉身上主要表现为对女性有着异乎寻常的仰慕。

    If we investigate it with individual psychology , we will find it originates from the inferiority complex , a kind of typical sexual inferiority making Bao-yu greatly admire females .

  15. 新个体心理学还采用实证研究的方法对个体心理学的诸多概念进行了证实,丰富了精神分析的研究方法,从而大大提高了精神分析研究的科学性。

    In addition , it makes use of the empirical research methods to confirm many concepts , enriches the tools of psychoanalytic research , and greatly improves the scientificity of psychoanalysis .

  16. 在理论上,新个体心理学对人格的动力和结构做了进一步的探索和分析;在实践上,新个体心理学展现了丰富多样的临床治疗形式,提出了自身的教育实践模式。

    The new individual psychology makes further exploration of personality dynamics and personality structure in the theory , provides a variety of clinical formations and advances educational practice formations in the practice .

  17. 个体心理学理论对于分析、探究如何培养学生学习积极性,有着重要的借鉴和指导作用。

    The theory of the individual psychology , have the very great action of the use for reference and guidance , for the analysis of how to foster the study go-aheadism of students .

  18. 性格是人对现实的态度和行为方式中的比较稳定的独特的心理特征的总和,在个体心理学中具有核心意义。

    Personality is the summation for people 's stable individual mental characteristics towards the attitude of reality and behavior pattern , which bears kernel significance in the individual psychology . Personality has much to do with such mental processes as cognition , emotion , will ;

  19. 个体社会心理学在发展过程中取得了巨大的成就,但随着时间的流逝,个体社会心理学显现出它的弊端,偏离了现实社会。

    During the course of development , individual social psychology has got great achievements .

  20. 试析个体社会心理学的理论特点

    The Theoretical Characteristics of Individual Social Psychology

  21. 因此,考察情绪智力在职业生涯决策过程中的作用对个体和职业心理学研究者来说都具有重要的意义和价值。

    So it has important theoretic and practice meaning to study the impact of emotional intelligence on career decision-making process .

  22. 因此,考察职业生涯决策的规律和内在心理机制,明确如何才能做出令人满意的职业生涯决策,对个体和职业心理学研究者来说都具有重要的理论意义和实践价值。

    Therefore , for both individuals and researchers , it will be great theoretical and practical meaning to explore the rules and internal psychological mechanism of career decision-making .

  23. 个体道德行为的心理学分析

    Psychological Analysis of Individual Moral Behavior