
  • 网络personal identity
  1. 全球化背景下个人同一性的社会学讨论

    Personal Identity in the Globalization Setting : A Sociological Approach

  2. 自我同一性与个人同一性、角色同一性和社会同一性。

    Self identity and personal identity , role identity , social identity .

  3. 作为一场新资本主义运动,全球化正在冲刷传统工业社会个人同一性的基础&职业的稳定性。

    Globalization is tearing apart job identity - the foundation of self-identity in a traditional industrial society .

  4. 个人同一性问题是西方形而上学中的变化问题下面的一个子问题。

    The problem of personal identity is a sub-species of the problem of change in Western metaphysics .

  5. 以为根据灵魂论,对于个人同一性来说,要成为我,那个人要有我的灵魂。

    Because according to the soul theory of personal identity to be me that person 's got to have my soul .

  6. 西方诸多哲学问题的解答都预设了对个人同一性问题的解答,即将一个人如何保持个人的同一性看成是理所当然的。

    The solutions to many Western philosophical problems presuppose the answer to the question of personal identity , and they take the personal identity for granted .

  7. 柏拉图认为坏的戏剧性的模仿会改变人的天性、扭曲人的心理,不当的模仿是对个人同一性的伤害、对个人身份认同的分裂。

    Plato holds that malfunctioned dramatic imitation may change a person 's nature , twist a person 's psychology , do harm to a person 's oneness and split a person 's identification of identity .

  8. 本文通过对近年来社会学关于个人同一性状况讨论的跟踪,展示了现代人在面对外部环境不断扩大的灵活性要求时遇到的自我定义困境。

    By tracking the recent discussions in the field of sociology over the state of personal identity , this paper tries to show how the ever-changing and ever-enlarging environment poses an increasingly serious challenge on the self-identity of a modern individual .

  9. 伦理学与心理学的这种融合具体体现为:个人同一性与道德行为必须在心理上保持一致,才能形成真正的道德同一性,因此,美德有其独特的气质和情绪心理学机制。

    This kind of fusion is embodied as : personal identity should be identified with his moral behavior in his mind , so that a real moral identity could be formed . And therefore an individual 's virtue has its specific psychological mechanism of temperament and emotion .

  10. 个人的同一性的关键或者本质或者根据是什么?

    What 's the key or the nature or the basis of personal identity ?

  11. 既然我们特别感兴趣于象我们,人们,这类话题,这类对于个人的问题弱化版本的问题,那就在个人的同一性这一主题下讨论。

    But since we 're especially interested in beings like us , people , this topic , this sub-specialized version of the question of identity , gets discussed under the rubric of the topic , personal identity .