
  • 网络the personal unconscious;personal unconsciousness;personal unconsious
  1. 精神分析与新时期小说中的个人无意识主体观

    On Psychoanalysis and the Main Concept of Personal Unconscious in the New Era Novels

  2. 弗洛伊德的个人无意识和荣格的集体无意识都是无意识语言表达的强大动力。

    Freud 's personal unconscious and Jung 's collective unconscious are the powerful sources of unconscious expressions .

  3. 接着,他将一直压抑在个人无意识中的两个阴影引入到意识中。

    Next , he assimilates the two shadows into consciousness .

  4. 他们当中的一个人无意识地拉出了引信,悲剧就此发生。

    The tragedy happened when one of them unintentionally pulled the trigger .

  5. 这两大原型意象构筑了人类在化妆层面的个人无意识和集体无意识的核心内容。

    These two major prototype image construct the key contents of make-up that indude individual unconscious and collective unconscious .

  6. 弗洛伊德的个人无意识理论认为,诗人的创作和他本人童年时代的愿望和创伤有关。

    Freud 's unconscious is personal unconscious for he considers the poet 's creations as connected with his personal childhood desires and traumas .

  7. 探寻其转型原因,一是作者一以贯之的个人无意识&强国保种的深化,二是寻找市民趣味和精英文化共同接纳的契合点。

    One is the further of the author 's individual unconsciousness . The second is to seek for a joint between citizenry 's interest and the elite culture .

  8. 集体无意识、个人无意识积累越丰厚,个人能动性发挥程度越大,语境追加也就越有可能,言外之意理解的可能性也就越大。

    The richer the accumulation of Collective unconscious and personal unconscious , the greater role individual initiative plays , and the bigger possibility for context supplementation to be realized .

  9. 从创作心理来看,它体现着作者沉痛历史感的“集体无意识”和个体神游体验的“个人无意识”,作者往往游离于二者之间,而最终仍归趋于集体无意识的指引。

    Behind the story are a painful historic collective unconsciousness and an individual unconsciousness of fugue , between which the author wanders and is led in the end by the collective unconsciousness .

  10. 对台湾超现实主义诗人碧果的诗歌《静物》进行个案分析,探索诗中存在的个人无意识和集体无意识。

    Taken as an example in analysis of the unconscious , Biguo 's poem " Static Things " is typical in that it comprises both the personal unconscious and the collective unconscious .

  11. 用荣格的个人无意识理论分析她的童年,可以看出她的城市生活,她和迪克的婚姻,还有她对黑人的态度都被童年痛苦的经历影响着。

    From the perspective of Jungian personal unconscious theory , we can see her city life , her marriage with Dick and her attitude towards the black are influenced by her miserable childhood experiences .

  12. 个人处于意识与无意识的分裂中,追寻自我的认证。

    There is split between consciousness and unconsciousness . Each individual subject seeks for self-identity .

  13. 和别人一起吃不仅有益心情,还意味着你不会是一个人对着电视、无意识地把薯条塞到嘴里。

    Eating with others has not only emotional benefits but also means you 're not sitting in front of the television alone mindlessly moving your hand from chip bag to mouth .