
  • 网络personal identity;individual identity;personal identification
  1. 而对于消费来说,它在建构个人认同的同时,又是表达个人身份认同的重要途径。

    Consumption in the construction of personal identity is an important way to express personal identity .

  2. 无论是个人认同还是社会认同,当代大学生认同中的积极成分要高于消极成分;

    Second , no matter personal identity or social identity is concerned , positive factors of identity in today 's undergraduates are higher than negative factors .

  3. 请记住,如果接受人格理论,个人认同感基于人格。

    Remember , if you accept the personality theory , follow the personality .

  4. 他没有同样的个人认同感

    He doesn 't have that same self-worth .

  5. 假若一个人认同自然界的一切,他便为每一株被伐之树而苦。

    If one identifies with all of nature , one is pained by every felled tree .

  6. 现在他们又有同样的个人认同感了

    now they have self-worth again .

  7. 个人认同回答的是我是谁?的问题,集体认同回答的是我们是谁?的问题。

    Individual identity answers " who am I ?" and collective identity answers " who are we ?" .

  8. 此外,本文还对消费主义倾向、个人认同和社会认同等概念进行梳理和界定,并对国内有关消费主义的研究进行综述。

    In addition , the paper combed and identified the concept of consumption tendencies , personal identity and social identity . Related research about consuming in china was also reviewed .

  9. 分析地标在早期科学创造、建筑审美观形成上的科学意义和个人认同、自我界定、社会体系调整的社会学意义。

    It analyzes the effects of landmark in forepart science discovery and formation of architecture esthetics and the sociology significance such as self-identity , individual orientation , society system regulating .

  10. 而个人认同正是在社群中不断地与他人交往中形成的,通过与他人的对话得到他人的承认。

    Personal identity is formed in community during the constantly process of contacting with others . Due to the dialogue with each other , individual acquire the respect of others .

  11. 我倾向于觉得个人认同感取决于同样的身体,前提是没有分支和分裂。

    I 'm inclined to think that the key to personal identity is having the same body , as long as there 's no branching , as long as there 's no splitting .

  12. 只要一个人认同了他的个体性、接受他的恐惊、选择了目标、怀着但愿奋勇前入,那么他就真正地战胜糊口了。

    Once one has recognized one 's individuality , accepted one 's fears , and chosen to set goals and move foward with the important aid of hope , will one have truly conquered living life .

  13. 但请注意这个标签,个人认同感,个人认同感的问题,似乎是建立在这样一个假设上,无论我是什么,都将是一个人。

    But notice that that label , personal identity , the problem of personal identity , seems to have built into it the assumption that whatever it is that 's me is going to be a person .

  14. 这种从个人身份认同到集体身份认同的身份确立,正是青少年所向往的。

    This establishment of identity from personal identity to collective identity is dreamed by teenagers .

  15. 我个人很认同这一观点。

    I subscribe to this view myself .

  16. 因为作为个人我认同这一点。

    Because I take this personally .

  17. 此两方面互为印证、相互促进,形成了当代中国个人自我认同的强大思想资源。

    These two aspects promoted each other and have provided resources for forming individual identities in contemporary China .

  18. 奈保尔的文学作品主要探索民族文化的危机和个人身份认同的诸多问题。

    His literary composition principally probes into the crises of national cultures and the issues of individual identities .

  19. 这两个人都认同需要将比例理论提高到经验科学的层面。

    Both agree in their determination to raise the theory of proportions to the level of an empirical science .

  20. 采用嵌套式两难困境范式,将人们的身份认同水平分为三个不同的层次,分别为个人身份认同,子群体身份认同和集体身份认同。

    Nested dilemma paradigm divides the identification into three levels , namely individual identification , subgroup identification and collective identification .

  21. 而消费在市场经济迅速发展的中国有了更为深刻的意义,消费不仅是拉动我国经济发展的三驾马车之一,更是成为了建构个人身份认同的重要途径。

    Consumption in China has a more profound meaning . Consumption has become an important way to construct a personal identity .

  22. 同伴群体在个人性别认同中扮演重要角色,从与同伴的互动,从她们的身上看到了自己,认识了自己。

    Companion group play an important role in individual gender identity through the interaction with the companion , and know themselves through companion .

  23. 通过“赞成”或“反对”,我们可以辨别大众的一般选择,但我们绝不可能得到一个每一个人都认同的真实论断。

    Using pros and cons we can decipher the " typical " choice of people , but we can never make a factual statement .

  24. 看起来这个请求,或者说这个命令是他们三个人一致认同的,所以我只好战战兢兢得离开了图书馆。

    This request or rather , this command seemed quite popular amongst the three of them , and so it was with a trembling demeanor that I proceeded to leave the library .

  25. 消费行为在一般情况下是围绕在个人身份认同进行的,同时,在当前社会结构转型加剧的情况下,消费行为又是表达、追求身份认同的重要手段。

    Consumer behavior in the general case is built around personal identity , at the same time , in the case of the current social restructuring intensified , consumer behavior is the expression of the pursuit of an important means of identity .

  26. 那也意味着你不太可能在某天真的踏上这段旅程了,因为当人们注意到个人与认同相关的行为意图,这将给这个个体一种已经拥有这种期望意图的假象。

    It also means you 're less likely to actually be on the Trail someday , because when other people take notice of an individual 's identity-related behavioral intention , this gives the individual a premature sense of possessing the aspired-to identity .

  27. 那么,究竟怎样的自由,才是人类社会乃至每一个人又会认同的呢?

    So , how is the freedom , human society and each person again will identify with ?

  28. 随着全球化的发展,穆斯林对个人身份的认同,使得重新审视家庭法的现代改革,成为穆斯林社团和群体关注的重要问题。

    With the development of the globalization , the Muslim 's approbation to personal identities make the reform to the family law , and also become an important issue for the communities in the Islamic world .

  29. 他写道,在东南亚和东北亚文化中,“个人不是从自我认同、而是从属于某个团体中得到肯定和认可”。

    In both south-east and North-East Asian culture , he writes , " the individual finds affirmation and recognition not in their own individual identity but in being part of a group " .

  30. 进一步,在这个关系网络中,思考地方社会转型过程中,个人及群体身份认同的塑造与变化,从而在社会事实中寻找集体意识。

    After that , the molding and changes of the individual and group identity during the socialist transformation are reflected on in this relationship network so as to identify the " group consciousness " in the " social facts " .