
  • 网络Individual Writing
  1. 建国以来中国现当代文学史的个人写作

    The Individual Writing or Chinese Modern or Contemporary Literary History Since Oct.1,1949

  2. 处理好个人写作与集体合作的关系;

    The connection between individual writing and collective writing ;

  3. 青铜器铭文创作与个人写作传统

    The Relationship Between Bronze Inscriptions and Private Writing Tradition

  4. 强调个人写作及文献探讨技巧之培养。

    Emphasis will be placed on the development of individual writing and literature review skills .

  5. 乌托邦笼罩下的个人写作&在韩国外国语大学的讲演

    Personal Writing under " Utopian " Circumstances : A Speech at Foreign Languages University of Korea

  6. 论建国初期中国现代文学史的个人写作

    On the Individual Writing of Chinese Modern Literature History Works in the Initial Stage of Building up of China

  7. 差异成就了诗歌写作新的独立品格,从而确立个人写作在90年代的特殊意义。

    The discrepancy created new independent style of poem writing and created special significance of individual writing in the 1990s .

  8. 作品中你想成就些什么?以及你打算如何实现个人写作目标?

    What would you like to accomplish in your writing , and how do you intend to go about accomplishing your writing goals ?

  9. 在社交媒体时代,十年前被誉为开创了一种激动人心的个人写作新形式的博客,已大幅衰落。

    Blogging , celebrated a decade ago as pioneering an exciting new form of personal writing , has decreased significantly in the social-media age .

  10. 自建国以来,我国的文学史写作就存在两种方式:集体写作与个人写作。

    There have been two sorts of writing patterns that are collective writing and individual writing in the field of writing literary history since Oct.

  11. 第三章论述知识分子写作的特征,重点论述了个人写作、中年写作和诗歌的叙事性问题;

    Chapter 3 Treatise Chinese verse alignment the characteristic , discussed composing of the individual and the middle age compose with the recounting of verse ;

  12. 虽然相比之下,口译研究的历史只有短短的50年,但是口译研究已经经历了从个人写作到跨学科研究的重大变革。

    Although interpreting study only has a relatively short history no longer than 50 years , it has experienced significant revolution from personal writing to interdisciplinary research .

  13. 《唐的聚会》是戴维•威廉森的代表作之一,亦是澳大利亚新浪潮剧作家寻找适合个人写作风格的尝试中所取得的一个经典成就。

    Don 's Party is one of David Williamson 's representative works , and it is a classical achievement of Australian " New Wave " movement writers'attempt to seek appropriate individual styles .

  14. 每人完成根据同一题材编写的三种不同任务复杂度的写作任务:个人写作任务、话题写作任务和概要写作任务。

    They are required to complete three writing tasks of the same topic but with different degree of task complexity . The three tasks are : personal task , topic task and summary task .

  15. 在20世纪90年代诗歌写作语境中,个人写作成为一种具有独立自我意识的写作姿态,在诸多因素所造就的多元话语时代坚持话语差异。

    In the context of poem writing in the 1990s , individual writing became a kind of independent self-conscious writing style and stuck to " language discrepancy " in the time of multi-discourse which resulted from many factors .

  16. 第三部分为王家新构建的新型诗学理论体系,着重分析个人写作、中国话语场、跨文体写作、互文写作和反讽的塑造。

    Part III is the new model poetics theory system that Wang Jia Xin structures , emphasizes analytical individual writing , Chinese utterance striding over style of writing writing , each other language writing and opposing molding chanting .

  17. 社会主义建设初期,我国出现了一个以王瑶《中国新文学史稿》为代表的现代文学史个人写作的小高潮。

    In the initial stage of socialist construction , it occurred a high tide of individual writing of Chinese modern literature history that their representative work was The Manuscript of Chinese new Literature History of Wang yao in China .

  18. 温斯坦的传记《乔纳森·弗兰岑:愤怒的喜剧》(JonathanFranzen:TheComedyofRage)将探索“弗兰岑的个人和写作蜕变过程”,包括对《普丽蒂》的分析。温斯坦说,传记写作得到了弗兰岑的同意与合作。

    Mr. Weinstein 's biography , titled " Jonathan Franzen : The Comedy of Rage , " will explore " Franzen 's metamorphoses as a person and as a writer " and includes an analysis of " Purity . " It was written with Mr. Franzen 's consent and cooperation , Mr. Weinstein said .

  19. 案例的引言部分我主要介绍了此案例的一些背景,主要包括我个人的写作动机和背景。

    In the preface , the writer introduced some backgrounds , including the writing motives .

  20. 学生也能将课堂的技能迁移到个人的写作上。

    Later , they will transfer some of their classroom skills to their individual composing activities .

  21. 具有中国特色的个人陈述写作

    Writing Personal Statements with Chinese Characteristics

  22. 西方国家通用的写作原则和美国排名前50位的大学入学申请委员会对个人陈述写作的点评和反馈;

    Western writing principles in textbooks of writing and feedbacks given by the admissions officers of western universities ;

  23. 葛兆光先生严厉批判了教科书式的思想史写法,提出了思想史的“个人性写作”问题。

    After criticizing the textbook-style writing of intellectual history , Professor Ge Zhaoguang proposes " self-oriented approach to writing " of intellectual history .

  24. 谢有顺的文学姿态是独特的,首先他是读者是文学爱好者最后才是批评家,个人的写作状态处于游离状态,游离在作家与理论家之间,时刻呼唤当代大师梦想未来。

    Xie You-shun 's stance towards literature is unique , for he is a reader and enthusiast for literature before he is a literature critic .

  25. 今年随著参加人数的增加,尚不至于没有机会向其他同灵请益及寻求协助的机会,因此个人对写作营的期待也不致于落空。

    With more participants joining this years retreat , I was hardly lacking in any help or advice and I had no cause to be disappointed in my expectations .

  26. 无论是流派还是个人的写作角度,无论是大众化还是个性化的写作风格,都使得诗歌在发展进程上,呈现出对于自身的不断超越与探索。

    Whether writing genre or personal point of view , whether popular or personalized writing style that have made the poetry in the development process , showing a constant for the self-transcendence and exploration .

  27. 90年代的中国新诗呈现出既多元无序又彼此渗透互补的情状,这是新诗从80年代的集体狂欢进入到90年代的个人沉寂写作的必然结果;

    In 1990 's , Chinese new poems took on such a look as diversity , disorder , mutual infiltration and mutual supplementation , which is the inevitable consequence of the collective revelry in 1980 's and the individual quietness in 1990 's.

  28. 这和扩大词汇量有着异曲同工之效:多看那些出版的好作品能对一个人的写作产生重大影响,观察韵律、流畅度以及其他作家的写作风格都会深深的影响到你自己。

    This goes hand-in-hand with the expansion of your vocabulary : exposure to published , well-written work has a noted effect on ones own writing , as observing the cadence , fluidity , and writing styles of other authors will invariably influence your own work .

  29. 《第一个人》的写作是加缪创作的一次未完成的精神返乡。

    The writing of The First Man is an unfinished Returning Home Spiritually in Camus 's creations .

  30. 每个所谓“同义者”都具有自己独特的心理状态、个人简介和写作风格,佩索阿用他们的名字和自己的名字发表了大量作品。

    Each so-called " heteronym " possessed unique psychologies , biographies and writing styles , and Pessoa published prolifically under their names as well as his own .