
cì yùn
  • use the rhyme sequence of a poem;write and reply in poems according to original poem's rhyming words
次韵 [cì yùn]
  • [write and reply in poems according to original poem's rhyming words] 旧时古体诗词写作的一种方式。按照原诗的韵和用韵的次序来和诗

次韵[cì yùn]
  1. 中国古代诗歌最显著的特点之一是押韵,而且大都是隔句押韵,每押一次韵便意味着一个独立内容的获得。

    The most salient feature of classical Chinese poetry is rhyming , and in most cases , rhyming is present every other line with an independent entity of content .