
  • 网络secondary oil-gas pool;secondary oil and gas reservoirs;secondary gas-oil pool
  1. 对古油藏进行调整和改造,使其遭受破坏或形成次生油气藏。

    Adjusting and reforming paleo pools to form secondary hydrocarbon pools .

  2. 油气在成藏后普遍发生过3次运移,使其在更新的层位中形成次生油气藏。

    There were three stages of migration generally occurred to the reservoirs after their accumulation , so secondary reservoir formed in younger formations .

  3. 东营凹陷的复杂断块油气田是深层原生油气藏被断层破坏后,油气经二次或多次运移至浅层的断层伴生圈闭而形成的次生油气藏。

    The complicated fault-block reservoirs in Dongying Depression are the secondary trap deposits which had been migrated from deep to shallow after original reserves broken down .

  4. 利用地震资料质量和速度研究围绕有利生烃向斜周缘进行原生和次生油气藏勘探取得了较好的勘探效果。

    Good exploration effects have been obtained through the researches using the quality and the speed of seismic data to develop primary and secondary hydrocarbon reservoir exploration around the beneficial generative hydrocarbon syncline .

  5. 认为南方现存的古生界&中生界原生油气藏很少,绝大部分原生油气藏均已破坏成为古油藏,四川盆地现存的大多数油气藏是典型的次生油气藏。

    There are very few Paleozoic-Mesozoic primary oil-gas reservoirs in southern China , and most primary reservoirs had already been destroyed into fossil pools . Most existent reservoirs in the Sichuan basin are typical secondary gas fields .

  6. 根据构造演化史和成藏史研究,柴达木盆地西部上新世&第四纪是原生油气藏的破坏和次生油气藏的形成时期。

    According to the history of tectonic evolution and reservoir formation in the western Qaidam basin , the period from late Pliocene to Quaternary is responsible for the destruction of primary reservoir and the formation of secondary reservoir .

  7. 上第三系油气藏属于次生油气藏,它们主要是由于上新世以后因构造变动导致下第三系油气藏调整和破坏,油气发生向上再运移而聚集形成的。

    And that in the upper Tertiary reservoirs are of secondary oil / gas reservoirs , accumulated through upward remigration of hydrocarbons from the adjustment and damage of the lower Tertiary reservoirs , due to post Pliocene tectonic movements .

  8. 研究表明:本区辉绿岩的侵入时期晚,在加速E1f2、E1f4段生油岩有机质向烃类转化的同时,也破坏了早期原生油气藏,影响了次生油气藏的形成;

    The results show that the diabase penetrating into E 1f 2 and E 1f 4 accelerates the inversion of organic matter to hydrocarbons , but it destroys original oil and gas reservoir , and influences the formation of secondary oil and gas reservoir .

  9. 两类凝析气藏都属“下生上储”式“次生”油气藏,气源断层的存在至关重要。

    The two types of condensate gas reservoirs belong to the " Downgenerated Up stored " secondary reservoirs , the existence of gas source faults being very important .

  10. 讨论了古近系原生油气藏、上古生界煤系烃源岩二次生烃的油气藏、下古生界原生油气藏的成藏机制。

    The author discusses the mechanism of hydrocarbon migration and accumulation of the Paleogene primary reservoirs , the upper Paleozoic secondary hydrocarbon-generating reservoirs of coal-related source rocks and the lower Paleozoic primary reservoirs .

  11. 喜玛拉雅期构造形变波及整个南方,控制了现今原生、次生及再生烃油气藏的最终形成及分布。

    Himalayan tectonic deformation affected the whole South China , and controlled the final formation and distribution of nowadays'primary , secondary and regenerated oil gas pools .

  12. 根据南方多期构造改造及油气演化复杂性的特点,将南方中、古生界古今油气藏分成原生、次生及再生烃油气藏3类。

    According to the characteristics of multi stage tectonic reconstruction and the complexity of hydrocarbon evolution , Mesozoic and Paleozoic oil and gas reservoirs in South China can be divided into three types : the primary , the secondary and the regenerated hydrocarbon reservoirs .