
cì yào qínɡ jié
  • minor circumstances
  1. 同时,其它次要情节,例如安联零售子公司与德国邮政银行(postbank)合并或者与英国劳埃德银行(lloydstsb)进行复杂的资产互换,似乎尚未展开。

    Meanwhile , other subplots such as a merger of the retail arm with Postbank , or a complex asset swap with Lloyds TSB appear to be unravelling .

  2. 其它重要的次要情节包括班奈特家小女丽迪雅的冒险。

    Other significant subplots include the adventures of Lydia , the youngest Bennet daughter .

  3. 这部动作惊悚片其中的一个次要情节包含了阿泰斯特和科比之间的对抗。

    One of the sub-plots of this action-packed thriller involves the rivalry between Artest and Bryant .

  4. 精神病问题往往成了爱情故事这个主题之外的闹剧性次要情节。

    The mentally ill tend to be relegated to slapstick sub-plots , alongside a central love story .

  5. 有时一出简单的戏包含不止一个主题;主要情节与次要情节并行发展。

    Sometimes , a single play may contain more than one theme : the main plot and the sub-plot exist side by side .

  6. 改编时不仅描述性的段落被剪辑了,一些人物和次要情节也一并消失了。

    It is not only descriptive passages that have suffered in the editing . Some of the characters and subplots have disappeared altogether .

  7. 在删除的材料中是在格林和花的性格和一个次要情节与她的儿子有关之间的更多爱情故事。

    Amongst the stuff edited out is more of the love story between Green and Bloom 's character , and a subplot involving her son .

  8. 这部电影没有从这个怪诞的幻想中挖掘更深的情绪,而是被束缚在音乐比赛这个普通的次要情节上了。

    Mining deeper emotions from the fanciful premise doesn 't work out for the film , which gets tied down to a generic musical-contest subplot .

  9. 影片充斥了太多的特技,太多的次要情节,太多来自神奇漫画的坏蛋,还有太多活蹦乱跳、走一步地动山摇、当作响的钢铁军队。

    Too many stunts , too many subplots , too many villains jammed in from the Marvel Comics universe , too many romping , stomping , clanking iron armies .

  10. 这部作品的另一个形容词是过度渲染了。其核心谋杀案直到281页才发生,直到那时小说才迂回曲折地讲起无数的次要情节和细节。

    Another is bloated . The central murder of the novel doesn 't occur until page 281 , and up until then the book meanders between a myriad of side plots and details will come together .