
  • 网络Conversion zone;Transformation zone;zone of transformation;ATZ
  1. 不同类型宫颈转化区与宫颈上皮内瘤变的关系

    The relationship between various types of cervical transformation zone and cervical intraepithelial neoplasia

  2. 肿瘤细胞以边缘区B细胞样细胞为主,伴有少量免疫母细胞样细胞及浆细胞,1例可见大细胞转化区。

    Morphologically the tumors were mainly composed of marginal zone B cells with a few immunoblast cells and plasma cells . Transforming to large cell lymphoma was observed in one of the cases .

  3. 恒电位极化和动电位极化曲线测试结果证实了超级13Cr钢SCC起源于第二个活化-钝化转化区的阳极溶解。

    The results of potentiostatic polarization and potentiodynamic polarization experiments demonstrated that the cracking is initiated by the anodic dissolution in the secondary active-passive transition region .

  4. 人巨细胞病毒形态转化区的鉴定

    Identification of the Morphological Transforming Regions of Human Cytomegalovirus

  5. 其中,冰面过饱和度可诊断冰水转化区的垂直分布,进而为确定合适的播撒高度提供判据。

    The supersaturation with respect to ice can be used to diagnose the vertical distribution of ice-water conversion area , then determine the seeding height .

  6. 通过测量Na2O-TeO2系统玻璃转化区的热容曲线,对该系统不同成分玻璃形成液体的热力学和动力学脆性进行研究。

    The heat capacity curves in the glass transition region of glasses in the Na 2O-TeO 2 system were measured . The thermodynamic fragility , kinetic fragility , and the effect of composition on the fragility of the glass forming liquid in this system were investigated .

  7. 但区域利益矛盾转化为区际冲突是需要外部条件的。

    But regional interests contradiction turn into interregional conflict needs external terms .

  8. 使用已有的润滑状态区理论不能得到实验观测到的润滑状态的转化过渡区。

    The experimental transition region cannot be predicted by the existing theory for lubrication regime identification .

  9. 为了充分利用D区物流所形成的先发优势,促使传统物流向全新意义上的现代物流转化,区政府规划建立集中的现代化的物流园区。

    In order to take full advantage of the formation of the first-mover advantage in Area D Logistics , prompting the traditional logistics transformation to the new sense of modern logistics , the district government is planning to establish centralized modern logistics park .

  10. 自热转化工艺燃烧区热力学探讨

    Research of Thermodynamics on the Burning Chamber of Auto - thermal Reforming

  11. 10年后才转化为办公区。

    It took 10 years for it to be re-zoned for offices .

  12. 旱地向林地的转化对该区土壤侵蚀的治理也是很有利的,退耕还林工程同样不可忽视。

    The conversion of dry land to forest is also helpful for soil conservation .

  13. 新材料重大成果的转化在该区尤为突出。

    The transformation of important achievements in new material is especially outstanding in this zone .

  14. 在特定条件下,两流区模型能转化为两区模型。

    Major findings are as follows : 1 . Under special conditions , the two-flow domain model can be transformed into a two-domain model .

  15. 到了二次世界大战后,这三个目标转化为缓冲区、结盟与担心世界大战爆发的内容。

    After the Second World War , these three goals have been transformed into " chasseing buffer zone " , " finding alliance " and " concerning about world war " .

  16. 人脑髓鞘碱性蛋白cDNA重组质粒pRK41转化及全长编码区体外扩增

    Transformation of Recombinant Plasmid pRK 41 and Amplification of Full-Length Coding Region of Human Brain Myelin Basic Protein cDNA

  17. 问题小说的延续与转化&论解放区文学的问题主义表现

    " Question " Novel Extension and Transformation & By liberated area literature question principle performance

  18. 在已有的各类单元模型基础上,通过借鉴、修正和转化将各反应区描述纳入本模型系统,并依据冶金反应热、动力学原理,开发电弧炉冶炼过程所特有的反应模型。

    All reaction descriptions were brought into the summary model from the modification and transformation based on the available unit models . Meanwhile , particular reaction models for the characteristic EAF process were developed according to principles of metallurgical thermodynamics and kinetics .

  19. 此结果表明该段后缘区为整体滑移区且向失稳方向转化,而前缘区则是相对稳定区,是该段下滑阻力区。

    This result suggests that the rear margin area of the segment is an area of overall sliding and is transforming towards destabilization , whereas the front margin area is an area of relative stability and is the resistant area of the segment .