
  • 网络Transformation problem
  1. 转形问题的双量及多量模型

    Plural variables model to the transformation problem

  2. 英国经济学家塞顿的论文《转形问题》在价值转形问题研究史上具有重要的地位。

    British economist Seton 's paper Transformation Problem is thought to be important in the researches of value transformation .

  3. 价值转形问题是劳动价值论中的核心问题。

    Value transformation is the key problem of labor value theory .

  4. 论考虑固定资本影响的简单再生产条件下的价值转形问题

    On Transformation of Value in Simple Reproduction with Fixed Capital in Effect

  5. 从斯蒂德曼的非难看劳动价值理论及价值转形问题的计算

    Calculating Problems of Steedman 's Reproach to Marx 's Labor Theory of Value

  6. 价值转形问题新探

    Fresh Exploration of the Problem of Value Transformation

  7. 价值转形问题研究

    Research on the Problem of Metamorphosis of Value

  8. 从这个意义上说,价值转形问题实际上是一个伪问题。

    The issue of transformation of values into production prices is in fact a pseudo one .

  9. 价值转形问题研究的一个重要阶段&温特尼茨、米克与迪金逊等

    The Important Step in the Research on the Problem of Value Transformation & Winternitz , Dickinson and Mik

  10. 其次,这篇论文,将价值转形问题的讨论从对不变性公式的选择转到对特殊模型的选择之上,这是一个重要的转折;

    Secondly , the paper was an important transition from " unchangeable formula " to " special model " regarding value transformation discussions .

  11. 转形问题是马克思经济理论面临的关键难题,乃马克思分配理论逻辑框架的核心。

    Transformation problem , being one of the pivotal puzzles of Marxian economics , is the kernel of the logical framework of Marxian distribution theory .

  12. 但是,另一方面,这篇论文认为:价值转形问题只能在特殊模型中得到解决,马克思转形理论量的完善性只能在特殊条件下成立,这则是一个错误的结论。

    However , the paper mistakenly held that value transformation problem could only be solved by special model and Max 's transformation theory was true in special cases .

  13. 转形问题的阶段性结果阐明了在转形问题中隐含着起基础作用的哲学假设。

    The stage result of the discussion on the problem expounds clearly that the philosophic assumption of the foundation function is implied in the problem of metamorphosis of value .

  14. 价值转形问题的长期讨论及其产生的多种观点说明用数学模型推论销售不完全的事实已无必要。

    The long - term discussion on the problem of metamorphosis of value and its various solutions all explain that it is already unnecessary to infer the fact of imperfect sale with mathematical model .

  15. 介绍和评论了三个具有代表性的、影响较大的转形理论问题解法,指出三个解法的正确和不足之处。

    There were three representative and influential proof methods of the transformation theory problem to be introduced and critiqued .

  16. 关于转形理论的几个问题&与余陶生教授商榷

    About the Problem of Transforming Modality & Talking to Professor Yu Tao-sheng