
  • 网络Western psychology
  1. 基于网络的西方心理学史教学设计

    The Designing of the Teaching for Western Psychology History under Web-based

  2. 西方心理学中关于自我概念的研究进展

    The Progress of Study on Self - concept in Western psychology

  3. 1968年Erikson提出自我同一性的概念以后,自我同一性一直是心理学研究的重点问题,特别是西方心理学者对青少年的自我同一性问题进行了大量深入的理论和实证研究。

    Ever since Erikson set forth the concept of ego identity in 1968 , ego identity is always the important issue in psychology research . The western developmental psychologists have conducted a large amount of studies , both theoretical and empirical .

  4. 内驱力是西方心理学著作中一个重要的概念。

    Motivity is a chief concept in western works of psychology .

  5. 精神分析理论是西方心理学的一个著名派别。

    The theory on psychoanalysis is an important branch of western psychology .

  6. 古代中西方心理学思想的融合与统一

    The Fusion and Unity of Psychological Thought in China and the West

  7. 西方心理学中对于这一问题的回答形成了两种不同的研究范式:主观范式与客观范式。

    There are two different answers about this problem in Western psychology .

  8. 西方心理学关于青少年社交焦虑障碍的研究

    The Western Psychological Studies on Social Anxiety Disorder in Children and Youth

  9. 西方心理学中两种文化的分裂及其整合

    Separation and unification of the two cultures in Western Psychology

  10. 回归真实的人&当代西方心理学的转向

    Focus on Man as Such : Three Shifts in West Psychological Studies

  11. 存在主义与西方心理学的发展

    Existentialism and the Development of Psychology in the West

  12. 西方心理学中多元文化论运动的意义与问题

    Significance and Problems of Multicultural Movement in Western Psychology

  13. 进化心理学是现代西方心理学的新取向之一。

    Evolutionary psychology ( EP ) is a relatively new perspective in psychology .

  14. 试析现代西方心理学的文化转向

    An analysis of the cultural turn of Western Psychology

  15. 现代西方心理学实证主义内涵的再反思

    Comments on Connotation of Positivism of Modern Western Psychology

  16. 进化心理学视角下当代西方心理学的新进展

    The New Progress of Contemporary Western Psychology on the Approach of Evolutionary Psychology

  17. 客观实验范式与主观经验范式的整合&当代西方心理学理论范式发展的走向

    The Developmental Tendency of Psychological Paradigms : Synthesis of objective-experimental and Subjective-experiential Paradigms

  18. 西方心理学中的现代主义、后现代主义及其超越

    Modernism , postmodernism in western psychology and beyond

  19. 论西方心理学的两种价值取向

    On the Two Value Orientations of Western Psychology

  20. 论现象学视野下的西方心理学

    On Western Psychology Under the View Of Phenomenology

  21. 西方心理学理论对我国大学生思想政治教育的启示

    Enlightenment of Western Psychological Theories on Ideological and Political Education of Graduates in China

  22. 本文论述西方心理学界三位著名学者对灵性治疗的研究。

    This article discusses spiritual therapy as studied by three prominent scholars in Western psychology .

  23. 内容抑或意动&浅析西方心理学史上第一次思想之争

    Content psychology and act psychology Review on the first controversy in the history of psychology

  24. 现代西方心理学在革命中成长;

    Modern western psychology grows through revolutions ;

  25. 有关工作压力的研究是在西方心理学和管理学界都发展较快的一个领域。

    In Western psychology and business administration , occupational stress is a fast growing research area .

  26. 西方心理学中科学主义的必然性与人本主义的必要性

    SCIENCE A Review Of The Inevitability Of Scientism And The Necessity Of Humanism In Western Psychology

  27. 分析思维在西方心理学发展过程中的使用及其带来的困境

    Use of analytical thinking in the development of western psychology and the corners caused by it

  28. 还原论与整体论之争在西方心理学的发展中可谓由来已久。

    The controversy between Reductionism and Holism has long been existed in the development of Western Psychology .

  29. 自我同一性是西方心理学一个重要的概念,但至今没有一个普遍接受的定义。

    Self-identity is an important concept in western psychology , but have not been a commonly accepted definition .

  30. 西方心理学的多元文化论取向

    Multiculturalism in Western Psychology