
  1. 略论欧克肖特的近代西方政治思想史观

    On Oakeshott 's View of the History of Western Political Thoughts

  2. 西方政治思想中的政治文明概念

    The Concept of " Political Civilization " in Western Political Thought

  3. 这是布丹在西方政治思想史上最重要的贡献。

    It is the most important contribution of Bodin in the political thought .

  4. 论西方政治思想史的教学方法及其应用

    On the History of Western Political Thought of Teaching Methods and Its Application

  5. 奥古斯丁在西方政治思想史上具有重要地位。

    Augustine of Hippo is very important in the history of Western political thought .

  6. 在西方政治思想史上,自然法理论与社会契约论有着悠久的传统。

    Rousseau and Locke are two outstanding figures in the field of western social contract theory .

  7. 阿伦特论马克思的文本解读&以西方政治思想传统为视角

    The Text Interpretation of Hannah Arendt on Marx & In the prospective of the Western political ideological tradition

  8. 作为西方政治思想的奠基人,他的政治思想具有重要的理论和现实意义。

    As the founder of western political thought , his political thought has important theoretical and practical significance .

  9. 20世纪80年代,随着价值多元主义在西方政治思想界的兴起,同时对自由主义的议题有了更深入的探讨。

    In 1980s , as long as value pluralism rose in western political thoughts , liberalism was discussed more deeply .

  10. 自古希腊开始,自然法学说一直是西方政治思想史上独具特色的内容。

    Since the ancient Greece , the natural law theory was always a characteristic content in the history of west political thought .

  11. 在西方政治思想史上,诸多思想家对和谐、和谐社会进行的深入地探讨与研究。

    History of political thought in the West , many thinkers on the " harmony ", " harmonious society " carried out in-depth exploration and research .

  12. 本文通过系统分析鲍埃西的反暴君思想,对其在西方政治思想史上的地位作出客观评价。

    This article tries to evaluate Boetie ' place in the history of western political thought objectively by systematic studying his theory of against the tyrant .

  13. 作为政治实践的重要基础和政治理论的基本概念,公民身份一直以来就是西方政治思想研究和探讨的一个重要问题。

    As the important basis of political practice and basic concept of political theory , citizenship has always been a key issue of the west political thought .

  14. 柏拉图的《理想国》是西方政治思想史上的一本巨著,它对西方政治思想具有难以估量的影响。

    Platos work Republic is a great work in the history of western political thought , which has been an immense influence on the development of western political ideas .

  15. 梁启超民族国家思想的起点是“群”,终点是“国家主义”,前者属于典型的传统话语,后者属于西方政治思想。

    Company is jumping-off of the thought of nation of Liang Qichao and nationalism is end-point , the former belongs to traditional thought and the latter belongs to western political thought .

  16. 霍布豪斯在英国政治思想史上并非是最为耀眼的思想家,但他的社会和谐思想却在西方政治思想史上留下了深厚的一笔。

    Hobhouse was not the most brilliant thinker in the history of English political thoughts , but his social harmony thoughts played a great role in the history of Western political thoughts .

  17. 康氏以政治目的为出发点,抱着培养维新变法斗士的愿望,大力传播西方政治思想,培养了一批具有叛逆精神的近代知识分子。

    Political purpose as his springboard , training fighters for the reform movement as desirability , Kang introduced west political theory into china industriously and cultivated a block of modern intellectuals who had treasonous spirit .

  18. 在西方政治思想史上,布丹第一次提出了国家主权的概念,并且通过对国家主权的阐述,得出了具有现代意义的抽象的国家概念。

    In the history of political thought , Bodin is the first to give the conception of state and through his explanation of his theory of sovereignty , he gets the modern abstract conception of state .

  19. 霍布斯的政治学说使西方政治思想主题完成了从中世纪神学政治观到近代法学政治观的转变,为近代自由主义的产生和发展奠定了基础。

    Hobbes ' theory on politics helps the theme of western politics change from the theological politics in the Middle Ages into the modern law politics . And this lays a foundation for the emergence and development of modern liberalism .

  20. 密尔是19世纪英国著名的自由主义政治思想家,其自由主义政治思想成为由古典自由主义向新自由主义过渡的桥梁,在西方政治思想史上具有重要的地位。

    Mill , John Stuart , is a famous English political ideologist of liberalism in the 19th century , possessing a vital position in the western political and ideological history , for his bridging role from classic liberalism to neo-liberalism .

  21. 西方政治伦理思想的历史流变及其启示

    Historical Evolution of Western Thoughts of Political Ethics and Its Enlightenment

  22. 论西方地缘政治思想演变的进程和特点

    The Process and Characteristics of Western Geopolitical Thought 's Evolution

  23. 在西方当代政治思想发展中,罗尔斯与诺齐克是影响最大的两位政治哲学家。

    During the development of contemporary western political thought , Rawls and Nozick were the most influenced political philosophers .

  24. 近代越南进步士大夫接受的西方进步政治思想也多是从中国学习和引进的。

    The western politics and thinking that Modern Viet Nam 's advanced intelligentsia had accepted also mostly come from China .

  25. 西塞罗因为对理性主义自然法的系统阐发而奠定了其在西方政治法律思想史上的地位。

    Cicero established his high status in the history of legal thought because of his systematical thought on rationalistic natural law .

  26. 孔子是中国传统主流政治思想的先锋,柏拉图是西方古典政治思想的开拓者。

    Confucius is the vanguard of the traditional Chinese mainstream political thoughts , while Plato the pioneer of the classical western political thoughts .

  27. 在霍布斯、洛克等思想家推动下,自由主义逐渐成为西方主流政治思想。

    Promoted by Thomas Hobbes , John Locke , et al , the liberalism gradually became the mainstream political thought in the Occident .

  28. 梁启超借鉴西方政治法律思想和中国传统民本思想并结合中国社会的具体实际情况,深刻而系统地论述了其民权思想。

    Liang Qichao learned from western political ideology and traditional law of China ideology and the reality of Chinese society , analyzed profoundly and systematically its civil rights ideology .

  29. 鸦片战争以后,西方近代政治思想逐渐传入中国,并对地处中国西北内陆、有深厚传统文化底蕴的陕西产生了巨大的冲击。

    After the Opium War , modern western political thoughts gradually entered China . It had great impact on Shaanxi , a province in the inland area of western China with a profound traditional cultural deposit .

  30. 对于柏拉图的这种正义观,我们从人类需要价值的超越性这一点看其对于开启西方政治法律思想的作用,其地位才会明白地显示出来。

    For such view of justice , its status will not be clearly demonstrated unless one could discover its role in the initiation of western political and legal ideas in the perspective of value superiority as a basic human necessity .