
  1. 西方法学发展简析与述评

    A Brief Analysis of and Comment on the Development of Western Law

  2. 纯经济损失是一个近年来才逐渐被西方法学界提起的名词。

    Pure economic loss is a term mentioned by western scholars recently .

  3. 晚清西方法学的传入及其影响

    On Importation and Effect of the Western Law In Late of Qing Dynasty

  4. 法律具有确定性,是西方法学界传统的学术观点。

    The legal certainty , is the western law tradition academic point of view .

  5. 西方法学名著精萃。

    The cream of Occident law works ii .

  6. 对西方法学语言学转向的解读

    Understanding on Linguistic Turn of Western Jurisprudence

  7. 所以,我们一直有意无意地以这种前见来接近西方法学论著。

    Therefore we always approach western legal works with a kind of ' prejudge ' .

  8. 当代西方法学的综合趋势

    The Comprehensive Trend of Contemporary Western Jurisprudence

  9. 在西方法学思想史上,卢梭一直是位重要的人物。

    In the history of Western legal thought , Rousseau has been an important character .

  10. 法律经济学是20世纪西方法学界也是经济学界发展最快的领域之一,也是20世纪后半个世纪法学界最重要的发展。

    In the west , Law and economics is the most developing field during 20th century .

  11. 如何摆脱西方法学者所讲的法治危机,已严肃地摆到了法学理论工作者面前。

    How to deal with the crisis of rule of law noted by the western scholars ?

  12. 崇尚法律的确定性,是西方法学界一个悠久的学术传统。

    To advocate the certainty of legal system is an ancient academic tradition of western law circles .

  13. 摆脱以西方法学概念诠释中国古代法的模式;

    Getting rid of the method of interpreting Chinese ancient law in light of western legal concepts ;

  14. 与法律规则相比,法律原则在西方法学界引起了更多的争议。

    Compared with the legal rules , legal principles are more disputable in the western law fields .

  15. 新年伊始,法律英语将把西方法学的相关历史介绍给大家。

    From the new year , the law English will introduce you the history of the western jurisprudence .

  16. 更为重要的问题也许在于在理解西方法学理论的过程中的背景知识的差异。

    What is more important is to understand the background knowledge in the process of western legal theories .

  17. 这是西方法学研究的经典路径,目前也是国内法学研究的主流。

    This is the classic approach of western law study , and also is the mainstream of Chinese research .

  18. 公共利益与私人利益的价值优先问题历来是中西方法学界争论的焦点之一。

    Value orientation regarding public interest and private interest has been a heated topic during the study of jurisprudence .

  19. 在西方法学中,有几个与法相关的概念,这就是规律、规范、规则和原则。

    There are some conceptions relevant to law in the western Jurisprudence , namely , law , norm , rule and principle .

  20. 黑格尔法哲学思想是西方法学史上的一座丰碑,近代法哲学的最高成就。

    Hegel 's philosophy of jurisprudence is a milestone in Western legal history and the most successful achievement in modern philosophy of jurisprudence .

  21. 西方法学书籍被翻译成中文后,必须通过一定的媒介展现到国人的面前,出版书籍和发行报纸是比较常见的两种形式。

    After western legal works were translated , they must be showed to people in some forms , such as newspaper and books .

  22. 社会法学派是现代西方法学派的主要派别之一,其本质是现实主义法学。

    The school of sociological law is a main school of the West in modern times and its nature finds expression in realistic law .

  23. 而到了近代,经过西方法学学者们的努力,创造出一套新的社会政治学的理论&契约论。

    In modern times , the western legal scholars do their efforts to create a new set of social and political science theory-theory of contract .

  24. 法经济学是西方法学的一个重要流派,其特色就是应用经济学的理论和方法来研究与理解法律问题。

    Law and economics is an important school of the West Law . Applying economics theories and methods to study and understand legal problems is the character of law and economics .

  25. 发现与创设西方法学立法原则流变浅谈西方三大法学流派对立法原则的影响

    " Discovery " Versus " Creation " - the Evolution of Legislation Principles of Western law & an Analysis of the Influence of the Three Genres of Western Law to the Legislation Principles

  26. 司法认知这个西方法学的概念,在我国虽然没有被立法所明确规定,但是其在民事诉讼实践中是早已被法官,陪审员等广泛使用。

    Judicial notice of this Western concept of law in our country although legislation has not been clearly defined , but its practice is in civil proceedings has long been judges , juries and so widely used .

  27. 在近现代西方法学史上,新康德主义法学流派虽不占主导性地位,但是却写下了浓墨重彩的一笔,成为我们对法学进行反思的丰富的智识之源。

    In modern Western legal history , neo-Kantian schools of jurisprudence have not occupied a dominant position , but they have a profound impact , as well as providing the rich source of intellectual for us to reflect .

  28. 在西方法学宰制下,固有的中国法律史研究范式也被取而代之,从而深刻地影响了我们对中国法律史的理解和叙述。

    Under the domination of western legal knowledge , inherent research model of the study of Chinese law history has been replaced by the western one , thus has influenced the narrations and comprehensions of Chinese law history .

  29. 西方法学界之主流思想,因受逻辑实证主义影响,向来认为法之语言必为平实,客观之语言,杜绝摸棱两可,以利阐明事实及观点。

    The dominant trend of thinking , dictated by logical positivism in the western legal culture holds that the language of law should strictly be that of literal language , presenting facts and opinions with unambiguous and objective language .

  30. 本文试图通过理性主义与经验主义两种不同的法律视角来审视西方法学,并比较中国以往法治状况和现今法治需要,借鉴西方法学的经验,对我国法律作深层次的哲学思考。

    The article examines law science in the west countries by these two ways , making comparison of the old state of rule by law and the present necessity of rule by law , philosophically thinking about our law .