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  • 网络Western civil services
  1. 第二部分:对西方文官制度和中国古代官员考课制度作简要回顾和归纳。

    The second part briefly reviews and sum up the western civil services and Chinese ancient official examination system .

  2. 从西方文官制度看建立有我国特色的公务员制度

    Establishment of Government Functionaries System with Chinese Features & Seen in Light of Western Civil Official System

  3. 西方文官制度中的廉政机制及其借鉴启示

    A Glimpse at the West Mechanism of Clean Government in the Western Civil Service and Its Inspiration

  4. 改革已成为西方文官制度建立后必然的、共同的道路。

    Upon it establishing , reform in western civil official system has been its necessary and common way .

  5. 文官职业化是西方文官制度建立的最显著的特征之一,也是这一制度的最核心的内容之一。

    The professionalism of civil official is one of the foci and the most prominent features of Hesperian civil servant system .

  6. 政策水平是公务员能力的重要体现,和西方文官制度强调的所谓文官的政治中立不同。

    The policy level is the official ability importantly manifests , " the political neutrality " is different with the western civil official system emphasis so-called civil official .

  7. 文官职业化问题,对于理解西方文官制度的形成和发展,乃至于理解整个西方近现代政治体制的形成和发展,都具有十分重要的意义。

    The professionalism of civil servant has important and far-reaching significance from the forming and development of Hesperian civil servant system to the primeval formation and the neoteric evolution of the whole Hesperian polity .

  8. 第二章分析了西方文官制度&公务员制度中激励机制的运行及经验启示,概括了中国公共部门人力资源管理激励机制的形成与现状;

    The second part analyzes how the motivation mechanism exerts and its experience of the west civil service system and summarizes the formation and actuality of the human resources ' motivation mechanism in Chinese public sector ;

  9. 重要区别是我国公务员选拔机制坚持和体现了党的基本路线,坚持党管干部原则,而西方文官制度则标榜政治中立,对公务员的管理强调与党派脱钩。

    The main distinction is that civil servant selection system in our country insists in and embodies the basic lines and persists in principle of party ruling cadres whereas western civil servant system flaunts political neutrality and emphasizes separation from parties in civil servant administration .

  10. 本文从公共行政范式变迁的角度来考察西方文官制度的改革,并探寻了以下问题:在传统官僚制行政范式下,文官制度的理论基础、理念抉择和制度安排;

    The article sees about the reform of the western civil systems from the angle of transitional public administration paradigm and it has ascertained these questions : the theory foundation , thoughts and institutions of the civil service system under the traditional bureaucracy administration paradigm ;

  11. 诸如政治回应性、弹性管理、绩效管理、解除规制、重结果、放权和参与等价值理念已成为当代西方国家文官制度改革的基本取向。

    Now such as the politics responsiveness , flexibility management , performance management , deregulation , paying attention to the outcome , decentralization and participation have been the radical tropism that the West countries reform the civil service system .

  12. 它是根据孙中山五权学说建立起来的,它所推行的制度是对中国古代科举制与西方近代文官制度的改革与发展,在中国现代政治制度史上曾发挥过一定的作用与影响。

    Advocated by Mr. Sun Yat-sen. The system is the reformation and development to the imperial examination system in ancient China and to the civil official system in contemporary western countries , and it has ever exerted certain effect in the history of modem China political system .

  13. 因此,对中国的科举考试和西方的文官考试制度进行比较研究,可以更好地服务社会,造福人民。

    In this case , the present comparative study of the imperial examination system in China and the civil service reform in western countries can offer some inspirations .

  14. 如古希腊柏拉图的“哲学王”治国,现代西方国家的文官制度、公民道德教育等。

    For instance ancient Greek Plato " s " philosophy king " runs a country , the systems of the civil officials of the modern western countries , citizen " s moral education and so on .

  15. 16世纪,科举制度开始对西方各国官僚制度产生了重要影响,这促进了西方现代文官制度的建立。

    In sixteenth century , imperial examination system began to have great influence on bureaucratic system in western countries . This promoted the establishment of modern western civil servant system .