
  1. 应用铸型扫描电镜技术观察了13只成人眼的Schlemm管、外集液管和房水静脉的三维构筑。

    The study of three dimensional structure of Schlemm 's canals , collector channels and aqueous veins in 13 human adult eyes with corrosion cast technique and scanning electron microscopy was made .

  2. 基于内集-外集模型的自然灾害软风险区划图研究

    Study on Soft Risk Maps of Natural Disasters Based on Interior-outer-set Model

  3. 基于扩散函数的内集-外集模型

    The Interior-outer-set Models Based on Diffusion Functions

  4. 内集-外集模型的计算机仿真检验

    Computer simulation tests of interior-outer-set mode

  5. 内集-外集模型的一个简便算法

    A simple algorithm of interior-outer-set model

  6. 仔猪早期断奶技术是国内外集约化和规模化养猪生产中普遍关注和采用的先进技术。

    The early Weaning technology is commonly concerned and used in tensive and large-scale domestic pig-production in advanced technologies .

  7. 使用该算法,很容易对内集-外集模型进行编程,依给定的样本和区间,计算模糊风险。

    Using this algorithm , it is easy to make a program for the interior-outer-set model and to calculate a possibility-probability distribution according to a given sample and some intervals .

  8. 这一研究表明,内集-外集模型用于自然灾害模糊风险评估,在期望值的意义上是一个可靠的模型。

    This study demonstrates that , in the meaning of the expected value , the interior outer set model is reliable for calculating the fuzzy risk of the natural disaster .

  9. 仿真结果显示,用内集-外集模型计算出来的可能性-概率分布的均值甚至比传统直方图分布的均值更靠近真实概率分布的期望值。

    Simulation results show that the expected value of a possibility probability distribution calculated by using this model is more closer to the real expected value than that from a histogram estimation .

  10. 基于信息分配方法建立的内集-外集模型,用于计算可能性-概率风险,可以表达概率估计的模糊性。

    The interior outer set model , based on the method of information distribution , can represent the imprecision of probability estimation when it is used to calculate a possibility probability risk .

  11. 《揅经室外集》是目录学史上一部重要的著作,文章由分析《外集》的成书,论述了阮元在《外集》中所起的主导作用;

    I point out the leading role played by Ruan Yuan in the edition and systematically analyze the abstract style inherited from SiKuQuanShu and the reason why it is better than that of SiKuQuanShu .

  12. 对于g∈G,我们用N~+(g)表示g在C(G,S)中的外邻集。

    G ∈ G denoted by N + ( g ) indicates the out neighbour set of g in C ( G , S ) .

  13. 其基本思想是在关系数据库的基础上引入XML,利用XML来统一描述不同实体的属性集,从而将实体都抽象成(ID,外码集,属性集)的形式。

    The basic idea is using XML based on the relational database to describe the property set of varied entity and abstracting the entity to the format of ( ID , foreign key set , property set ) .

  14. 一种改进型椭球外定界集员辨识算法

    An Improved Set-Membership Identification Algorithm Based on Ellipsoid Outside

  15. 本论文的目的是探讨如何具体求解凸域的外平行集的包含测度,本文以正方形的外平行集为例,但方法具有普遍性。

    We presents containment measures of outer parallel square and the method can be generalized .

  16. 回顾了粗糙集理论的发展历程,详细介绍了粗糙集理论的基础知识,并对当前国内外粗糙集理论的研究现状进行了详细阐述。

    The development process of RST was reviewed . And the preliminary knowledge and present research status on RST were introduced in details . 2 .

  17. 除了水泥剂量、含泥量和施工控制等因素外,集料级配是影响水泥稳定粒料基层收缩特性的重要因素。

    Besides cement dose , mud content and construction control , aggregate grade is one of the important factors which affect the shrinkage properties of cement stabilized material bases .

  18. 介绍了高强轻集料砼的特点,国内外轻集料、轻集料砼、高强轻集料砼的研究和应用情况。

    This article gives an outlook introduction to the special points of high strength lightweight aggregate concrete as well as research and application in domestic and foreign areas of lightweight aggregate , lightweight aggregate concrete .

  19. 人外周血富集白细胞层来源的树突状细胞的培养与鉴定

    Culture and identification of dendritic cells derived from human peripheral blood

  20. 丰田的零部件取入模式可以分为厂外物流(集荷便)和厂内物流两大部分。

    It can be divided into two parts-External Logistics and Internal Logistics .

  21. 对油井实施不加热集国内外油气集输系统节能的主要措施之一。

    One of the major energy-saving measures is actualizing unheated gathering and transportation in oil wells set .

  22. 目前国内外对橡胶集料塑性混凝土的研究还刚刚起步,橡胶集料对塑性混凝土性能的影响规律、影响机理还未见报导。

    Research on rubber aggregate plastic concrete both at home and abroad in an early stage , rubber aggregate affect plastic concrete influence law and influence mechanism has also not been reported .

  23. 其次,介绍了基于模型诊断的基本思想、冲突集以及碰集的相关概念和定理,对国内外极小冲突集搜索算法进行分析总结。

    The relevant knowledges of MBD are introduced . Secondly , the basic idea of MBD are introduced , as well as the concept and the related theories of minimal conflict sets are introduced and the search algorithms of minimal conflict sets at home and abroad are analysed and summarized .

  24. 在确定模型和噪声边界的情况下,Fogel和Huang提出了基于最优外定界椭球的集员估计方法,成为了集员估计理论的一个重要分支。

    In the case of the accurate system model and noise boundary , Fogel and Huang proposed the optimal bounded ellipsoid set-membership estimation . This algorithm is set to become a member of an important branch of state estimation theory .

  25. 每当更新外接程序程序集时,将重复该结构。

    This structure will be repeated each time you update the add-in assembly .

  26. 除部分作品注明美术馆、博物馆等收藏单位外,其他入集作品均未注明收藏单位与个人。

    Only collection entities like museums or art museums are added to the description of paintings and photographic works .

  27. 目前,国内外学者对粗糙集的研究主要集中在如何应用它的方法,处理一些简单的故障诊断信息表,探讨这种方法的可行性。

    For the time being , study of RS focus mainly on how to deal with some simple fault diagnosis information tables and its feasibility of the method .

  28. 作为上海的一处重要城市地标,外白渡桥集历史文化、人文景观和交通功能于一体,是外滩27处历史保护建筑中唯一的桥梁建筑。

    As an important city landmark in Shanghai , the Garden Bridge combines history , culture , human landscape and transport functions in one . It is the only bridge building of the Bund 27 historic preservation architecture .

  29. 为了运行外接程序,在每个最终用户的安全策略中,还必须授予外接程序程序集和任何引用的程序集完全信任。

    In order to run the add-in , the add-in assembly and any referenced assemblies must also be granted full trust in the security policy of each end user .