
wài zī yǐn jìn
  • introduction of foreign capital;introduction of foreign investment
  1. 加入WTO后广东省外资引进问题与对策

    On Foreign Capital Introduction to Guangdong Province After China 's Accession to WTO

  2. 从FDI得益的关键是FDI类型、我国的经济结构和我国政府所执行的外资引进策略。

    The degree to which Fill benefits China 's economy resides in its types , economic structure arid government strategies for attracting foreign capital .

  3. 结果显示,我们不能盲目地以为外资引进的越多越好,FDI对国内企业的技术促进作用并非普遍认为的那样显著,其作用是有限的。

    The results show that we can not blindly think that the introduction of the better foreign investment , FDI on domestic enterprises to promote the role of technology is not generally considered as significant , its role is limited .

  4. 得出,转型国家是按阶段性发展;转型国家信任与人均GDP、GDP增长率和外资引进都存在一定的相关性,信任是解释经济增长的重要变量。

    Then , concludes that countries in transition are staged development ; there is a certain correlation in trust , per capita GDP , GDP growth and foreign investment in transition countries . Trust is an important variable to explain economic growth .

  5. 对船舶代理人代签进口提货单问题的探讨中国已加入WTO,国际贸易的繁荣、外资引进的增加、西部开发都将刺激空运货物的增加,从而为快递业的发展提供契机。

    On the Issuing of Delivery Order by Ship Agent With the China 's entrance of WTO , the prosperity of foreign trade , the increasing of foreign investment and the development of West will surely stimulate the air transportation , which will benefit for express service .

  6. 山西加大公路交通外资引进力度

    Shanxi Reinforce Oversea Capital Introduce in Highway Communication Construction

  7. 旅游投资需求量很大与旅游投资资金来源短缺的矛盾;外资引进与旅游外汇流失的矛盾;

    The great investment demand and the pour source foreign investment attraction and loss of foreign currency from tourism ;

  8. 我们在自力更生基础上利用外资引进先进技术的方针是不变的。

    The principle to introduce technology with foreign capital on the basis of self - reliance will remain unchanged .

  9. 最后,从经验实证结果出发,提出了一些有利于我国出口商品结构进一步升级的建议,如加速要素市场的培育,提高要素配置效率;鼓励外资引进;

    Eventually , on the basis of the empirical analysis , we put forward several advices that are propitious to further upgrading of China 's exporting structure .

  10. 我国的高新技术产业先后经历了最初的军工产业的积累阶段和改革开放以后技术和外资引进的推动阶段。

    High technology enterprise undergoes two stages in our country : the military industry accumulation phase and the technology and foreign capital introduction and promotion stages after the reform and opening-up policy .

  11. 新闻新自由主义议程主张新闻媒体私有化,在外资引进和市场竞争中放松政府管制。

    The new liberalism agenda of the press proposes that all the mass media should be privatized , and the government should loosen the control over the indraught of foreign capital and market competition .

  12. 利用外资引进技术的过程中,技术引进结构不合理:初级技术居多,高精尖技术较少;

    In the course of the importing technology by use of foreign capitals , the importing structure is unreasonable : Elementary technology is in majority and there is less high-quality precision and sophisticated technology ;

  13. 随着外资引进力度的进一步加大,开放格局的进一步扩大,以及私人资本市场的进一步增强,中国经济的发展状况越来越受到世界各国的关注。

    With more foreign capital 's in - flowing , wider opening of the domestic market and strengthen of private capital market , the development of china economy receives more attention from all over the world .

  14. 然而,重数量轻质量、粗放型的外资引进使资源消耗严重,我国已面临可持续发展的严峻挑战。

    However , attaching importance to quantity and looking down on quality and extensive import of foreign capital investment caused the serious crisis of resources consumption , and China has encountered the sternly challenges of sustainable and stable development .

  15. 作为外资引进大省,广东省实际利用外商直接投资一直居于我国首位,外商直接投资已经成为广东经济快速发展的主要推动力之一。

    As a large host province of FDI , the sum of FDI coming into Guangdong ranks in the first Place in China . FDI has already became one of the main driving engines that stimulate the rapid development of economy in Guangdong .

  16. 作为外资引进大国,2008年,我国实际利用外商直接投资923.95亿美元,居世界第一位,连续17年稳居发展中国家首位。

    As a large host country of FDI , the sum of FDI coming into China is 92.395 billion dollars , which ranks in the first place in the world . China has also been the number one in the developing countries for 17 successive years .

  17. 吸收外资和引进加工技术。

    Indraught the foreign capital and the processing technology ;

  18. 外资的引进与中国社会经济的发展密切相关。

    The introduction of foreign capital in China is closely related to social and economic development .

  19. 利用外资,引进技术;

    To make full use of foreign capital and introduce new technology from the developed country ;

  20. 利用外资、引进技术与产业结构升级的良性循环模型分析

    An Analysis on the Well-ordered Circulation of Foreign Capital Utility , Technology Introducing and Industrial Structure Upgrading

  21. 因此,外资的引进策略也必然随之调整。

    Therefore , the introductions of foreign investment policy are bound to be adjusted according to the change .

  22. 对外开放,发展对外经济贸易关系,利用外资,引进先进的技术和管理经验;

    To insist on open to the outside world and to develop the relationships of trade with other countries ;

  23. 如此一来,过高的商务成本必然对一个城市吸引外资、引进外企不利。

    Thus , the extravagant business costs are negative for a city to attract foreign investment and foreign company .

  24. 外资的引进和利用对发展中国家的经济起促进还是抑制作用,长期以来,存在着“现代化&依附”的争论。

    Do introduction and utilization of foreign capital play a promoting or suppressing role in the economy of developing countries ?

  25. 这些特殊经济区在利用外资、引进国外技术和进行对外经济合作方面享有更大的灵活性。

    Those special economic areas enjoyed greater flexibility in utilizing foreign capital , introducing foreign technology and conducting economic cooperation overseas .

  26. 我国的融资租赁始于20世纪80年代,最早是为吸引外资和引进国外的先进技术资源而引入的融资租赁业态。

    The financial leasing showed up in China in the 1980s , served for attracting foreign investments and introducing advanced foreign technology resources .

  27. 利用外资,引进技术,积极稳妥地改造中小企业

    Carry out Actively and Steadily Technological Transformation of the Existing Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises by Making Use of Foreign Funds and Importing Advanced Technology

  28. 但外资的引进不应是盲目的,应制定出科学合理的外资政策,对外资的利用加以制约,从而确保西部地区产业结构的科学化和合理化。

    However , scientific and reasonable policies of investment must be implemented to restrain it in order to ensure scientific and rational industrial structure .

  29. 利用外资系统引进促进铁路技术进步&哈大铁路系统引进国外先进技术装备的成功尝试

    Utilization and Import of Foreign Capital to Promote Railway Science and Technical Progress-A Good Attempt of Utilizing Foreign Capital to Import Overseas Advanced Technical Equipment to Harbin-Dalian Railway

  30. 实行改革开放以来,我国一直十分重视对外资的引进和利用,并取得了良好的成果。

    Since the reform and openness , our country all long pay attention to introduction and exploitation of the foreign investment , and we got in positive results .