
  • outside imperial palace
外廷 [wài tíng]
  • [outside imperial palace ] 外朝。对皇宫内(内廷)而言。指群臣等待上朝和办公议事的地方

  • 至外廷。--唐. 柳宗元《柳河东集》

  • 为外廷所笑。

  1. 与传统的MBE和MOCVD相比,ALE具有生长层厚度更均匀、缺陷密度更低、选择外廷中无边缘生长以及侧壁外延可控制到单原子层等优点。

    Therefore ALE is also called " digital epitaxy " . In comparison with conventional MBE and MOCVD , ALE offers advantages of greater thickness uniformity , fewer surface defects , less edge growth in selective epitaxy and monolayer control in sidewall epitaxy .

  2. 在任用宦官的同时,皇帝也利用外廷官员对其加以防范。

    While appointing the eunuch , the emperor guarded them through the officials .