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  1. 官吏制度是中国古代政治制度的重要组成部分,对官吏的任免是其不可或缺的内容。

    The bureaucracy system is an important segment of the political system in ancient China . It is necessary content to appoint and dismiss officials of bureaucracy system .

  2. 传统的中国古代政治制度史研究存在着内容单调,视野狭隘,方法老化,手段落后等明显不足,这种状况不利于政治制度史研究的深入。

    There are distinct disadvantages in the traditional study of the history of ancient Chinese political system : dull contents , narrow prospects , out-dated approaches and backward methods .

  3. 婚礼的基本属性是具有儒家文化色彩的政治性,宋代婚礼从礼制上延续了传统古礼,同时,这也是对中国古代政治制度延续的表现。

    The basic properties of the wedding is the political nature of the Confucian culture , color , and the Song Dynasty wedding ritual continues the tradition of the ancient ritual , which is the continuation of the ancient Chinese political system performance .

  4. 唐代的官僚政治制度是秦汉以来中国古代官僚政治制度的继承和发展,它作为唐代实行的政治制度,对当时的社会经济有着深刻的影响。

    Bureaucratic political system of Tang dynasty was the inheritance and development of the bureaucratic political system of ancient China since the Qin and Han dynasties . As a political system it influenced the social economy .

  5. 婚礼制是中国古代社会政治制度中重要的制度之一,其价值不仅体现在政治制度上,还真实作用于并体现在人们日常生活中。

    The wedding system is one of the important system in the ancient Chinese social and political systems . The value of it is not only reflected in the political system , but also the true role and reflected in the daily lives of people .

  6. 其中,中国古代社会的政治法律制度与宗法制度是相共生的。

    The political , legal and agnate system in our ancient society are symbiotic .

  7. 中国古代的封建官吏制度是中国古代封建政治制度的一个重要组成部分,它对封建制国家的产生、发达产生过重要影响。

    The feudal government official 's system of ancient times of China is an important component of China 's ancient feudal political system , be exerts a too important influence on the production , development of the feudalism country .

  8. 致仕制度是中国古代官吏制度的重要组成部分,为中国古代政治制度的建设做出了重大贡献,同时也留下了很大遗憾。

    The system of retirement is an important component of the system of ancient government official in China . It has made great contribution to ancient China 's political institutional improvement , and left deep regret at the same time .