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  1. 其中对于在橡胶挤出机CAD中尚属首次应用到的技术有:现代新型网络协同CAD设计方法;

    Following technology were firstly used in rubber extruder CAD : The modern new-type network is in coordination with CAD design method ;

  2. 尽管一些植物叶绿体ATP酶β亚基的基因和蛋白序列已被测定,但萝卜中尚未见相关报道。

    Genes and proteins of the chloroplast ATPase beta subunit have been isolated and sequenced for some plants .

  3. 在此基础上,提出了PA6聚合反应工程研究中尚有待开展的几点建议。

    And then , a few problems for the further research in PA6 polymerization process are pointed out .

  4. 亲密的骨肉亲情与感情依恋减弱并存;etsp.nov.,这种不同物种之间的迄今为止最为亲密的关系在澄江动物群研究中尚属首次报道。

    Intimate feelings and weakening attachment coexisted ; et sp. nov. , this most intimate relationship between different genera has not been reported before in Chengjiang fauna .

  5. 由于污泥本身的特性原因,CAF在污泥处理中尚没有应用。

    However , due to the characteristics of sludge , the cavitation air flotation has not been applied to sludge disposal .

  6. SEB接种脾细胞凋亡存在内质网增多和线粒体增多现象,说明在细胞凋亡过程中尚存在代谢和蛋白合成短时增强现象;

    In splenocyte apoptosis process in the metabolism and protein synthesis was strengthened in transient time by SEB ;

  7. 同时研究发现爬行动物MHCⅡ类B基因存在着跨种多态性现象,这在爬行动物中尚属首次,有助于MHC基因跨种进化研究,具一定的理论意义。

    At the same time , this study was first documented trans-species polymorphism of MHC Class ⅱ B gene in reptile , and would redound to researches of trans-species evolution of MHC genes .

  8. 基因治疗EAE技术真正应用到临床治疗中尚存在一些瓶径问题,我们的工作为下一步自体移植的实现做了有益的尝试和先期准备。

    There are some problems in gene therapy of EAE applied to the clinic . What we do is a try or preparation for the next self-transplantation .

  9. GAP/NG/BTTN裂解检测确认了5种产物,其中主要产物的结构为(?),这在文献中尚未见报导。

    The GAP / NG / BTTN pyrolysis produces 5 identified products at 300 ° C , and the structure of the main product is which was not reported in previous literatures .

  10. 但NGO组织发展时间不长,其管理中尚存在不少弊病,其中一个突出问题便是志愿者管理问题。

    However , due to the development of NGO organizations will not be long , its management are still quite a number of drawbacks , one of which is the prominent problems in volunteer management .

  11. 结论液态基因芯片检测急性心肌梗死基因改变具有可行性,在基因研究中尚需对MASA技术进行进一步改进。

    Conclusion Liquid gene chips technology is feasible in detecting gene variations in AMI patients , nevertheless , the MASA technology needs to improve .

  12. 这是一种文献中尚未曾报导过的Hb新变种,根据习惯,按发现地点命名为Hb&广州[Guangzhouα84(E13)ASP→Gly]。

    This variant , which has not been reported yet in the literatures , is a new abnormal Hb , thus named " Hb-Guangzhou , α 64 ( E13 ) ASP → GLY " .

  13. 国际能源机构(IEA)将于下周敦促各国政府协助推动新核电站建设,以保护能源供应,并防止环境灾害&这在其32年的历史中尚属首次。

    For the first time in its 32-year history , the International Energy Agency will urge governments next week to help speed up the construction of new nuclear plants to protect energy supplies and stop environmental disaster .

  14. 低温下的焦炭中尚含有有机基团C-Cl吸收峰,高温焦炭中则没有。

    FTIR curves indicate there is still C-Cl absorption peak in the coke in low temperature , while in the coke of high temperature there is not .

  15. 此结果提示SOS/Umu测试法在对水中混合有机污染物遗传毒性的检测中尚不能代替Ames试验;而酿酒酵母检测系统可作为Ames试验的重要补充。

    It suggestes that SOS / Umu chromotest can not replace Ames test in detecting genetic toxicity of mixed organic Pollutants in wastewater , and yeast S. cerevisiae as a tool in genetic toxicity test is a important supplement for Ames test .

  16. 公共体育课教学中尚待解决的几个问题

    Some Problems Are Pending Further Discussion in P. E . Teaching

  17. 其金属收率较低,是实际生产中尚待解决的主要问题。

    The main shortcoming of this method is low alloy yield .

  18. 目前银行存量资产管理中尚存在一些问题。

    There remain some problems in the bank 's inventory assets management .

  19. 指出了应用中尚存在的问题。

    The problem still existed in steel structure corrosion preventing were discussed .

  20. 双语教学在中国高等教育中尚处于发展阶段,因而部分师生对双语教学这一模式还存在很多模糊认识。

    Bilingual teaching finds itself in the developing stage in higher education of China .

  21. 但对话教学在语文教师的实践中尚存在一定的模糊认识。

    But the dialogue teaching in Chinese teaching practice there is still some ambiguous understanding .

  22. 旅游信息传递的研究在国内外文献报道中尚不多见。

    There are not many researches on the model for tourism information transfer in China .

  23. 从记录中尚无法判断飞机遇难的原因。

    The recording offered no direct clues as to why the plane was in distress .

  24. 但是,我国再生资源回收利用中尚存在不少问题。

    But there are still some problems in renewable resources recycling and reusing in China .

  25. 印度经济自由化过程中尚待解决的问题

    Pending Issues in Indian Economic Liberalization

  26. 这种知识的过分专门化,实和中国皇宫中尚膳房的过分专门化并没有什么分别。

    This over-specialization of knowledge is not very different from the over-specialization in a Chinese Imperial kitchen .

  27. 对汽车钢板弹簧弹性衬套做疲劳试验,在国内资料中尚没有介绍过。

    The elasticity bushing of spring plate in automobile fatigue test has not been reported in China .

  28. 然而,尽管建构主义相对于客观主义的进步性已毋庸置疑,但现实的教育活动中尚存在着大量对建构主义的误读与误用。

    Yet , in the current education reality , there exists misinterpretations and misuse of the constructionism theory .

  29. 然而,当前国内番茄生产中尚没有高抗晚疫病的番茄栽培品种。

    There are no tomato late blight - high resistant varieties to provide tomato production in our country .

  30. 专业建设中尚存在一些深层次的问题,需要我们认真分析和妥善解决。

    Some deep problems still remain in the specialty construction which are needed to be analyzed and solved properly .