
  1. “因趁着酒兴,先骂大总管赖二,说他不公道,欺软怕硬,”

    " Roaring drunk , he lashed out at the head steward Lai er 's injustice , calling him a cowardly bully . "

  2. 但是他们的宠物们却并不介意伸爪大打出手,来决定谁能成为更称职的首席御用捕鼠大总管。

    But their pets are not afraid to get their claws out over who would make a better PM – that is , Prime Mouser .

  3. 牛顿是不许别人回答“不”字的,他自封为皇家天文台的大总管,然后迫使立即出版这些数据。

    Newton would not take no for an answer : he had himself appointed to the governing body of the Royal Observatory and then tried to force immediate publication of the data .

  4. 方法:结扎大鼠胆总管制备大鼠胆汁淤积性肝硬化模型;

    Method : Rat cholestatic cirrhosis was duplicated by ligation of bile duct .

  5. 阻塞性黄疸大鼠胆总管直径、压力及血清胆红素代谢变化的观察

    Changes in common bile duct diameter , pressure and serum bilirubin metabolism after obstructive jaundice in rats

  6. 结果:大鼠胆总管结扎术后3天,即可见肝胆管扩张,细胞凋亡明显增多,早期随着胆红素升高,肝细胞凋亡数量与之呈正相关,后期纤维组织大量增生,肝细胞凋亡相对减少;

    Results : Three days after bile duct ligation , apoptosis in the liver rose markedly , and increased together with the bilirubin level ;

  7. 通过大白鼠胆总管结扎模型,研究血小板衍生生长因子(PDGF)在肝内的免疫组化定位,探讨PDGF在梗阻性黄疸肝纤维化中的作用。

    This study was undertaken to evaluate the role of platelet derived growth factor ( PDGF ) in the pathogenesis of liver fibrosis induced in rats by common bile duct ligation .

  8. 在大网膜及胆总管处发现浅黄色的皂化斑;

    Light yellow saponificational spots were found on the epiploon and the common biliopancreatic duct .