
  1. 大业世东都图书整理凸显着统会古今综理南北典籍以推进统一文化发展的历史特征。

    Luoyang 's books sorting appeared to have the historical characteristics of collecting all of the books to push forward the development of China 's unified culture .

  2. 在书的结尾,那个孩子的真实身份大白于世,坏人则得到了应有的惩罚。

    At the end of the book the child 's true identity is discovered , and the bad guys get their just deserts .

  3. 真相就会大白于世

    and the truth comes out .

  4. 联合国大家庭以及世卫组织蒙受了损失,我们有多位工作人员遇害或受重伤。

    This touched the UN family and it touched WHO , as our staff are among the dead and severely injured .

  5. 尽管几十年前人们就知道这座古城的存在,但直到去年6月,研究人员在厚厚的高山植被下,又发掘出了新的古迹,许多寺庙群、四通八达的道路与堤坝由此大白于世。—

    Although the city has been known about for several decades , researchers in June discovered new temples and a network of roads and dikes that had been concealed under thick mountain vegetation . -

  6. “这些统计数字令人震惊,是人类的一大悲剧”,世卫组织主管家庭和社区卫生的助理总干事JoyPhumaphi博士说。

    " These statistics represent an appalling catalogue of human tragedy ," says Joy Phumaphi , WHO Assistant Director-General for Family and Community Health .

  7. 开普认为,在冈比西斯战败后,波斯国王大流士一世(DariusI)平定了长达2年的残酷战争。

    According to Kaper , the Persian king Darius I put an end to this Egyptian rebellion in a bloody battle two years after Cambyses was defeated .

  8. 大青山晚白垩世以来的隆升历史

    Uplift History of the Daqing Mountain since the Late Cretaceous

  9. 基于四大自由这普世原则而建立的更美好的世界,一定会实现。

    A better world based on universal principle of four freedoms must come into being .

  10. 世上第三大水域中心及世上唯一保有95%完整生态的地区

    of the third largest watershed basin in the world , and the only one which is 95 percent intact .

  11. 从学术角度上来讲,它描述了一段古历史,也就是大流士一世、伯利克里和亚历山大大帝的时代。

    Academically , that describes a period of ancient world history , as in Darius I , Pericles and Alexander the Great .

  12. “我们的道路缺乏安全,已成为卫生与发展的一大障碍”,世卫组织总干事陈博士说。

    " The lack of safety on our roads has become an important obstacle to health and development ," said Dr Margaret Chan , WHO Director-General .

  13. 塔吉克是由大流士1世统治下的古波斯帝国的一部分。后来在公元前3世纪为亚历山大大帝所征服。

    The Tajikistan were part of the ancient Persian Empire that was ruled by Darius I and later conquered by Alexander the Great ( 333 B.C. ) .

  14. 其中,释大诉积极入世,有很高的佛教地位,而且诗作量多,在元代中期影响很大。

    Shi Daxin had a great influence in the middle of Yuan Dynasty . He not only had a high status in Buddhism , but also produced lots of poems .

  15. 在大流士一世统治波斯帝国的时候,他的士兵就在盾牌上烤制面饼,并添加上奶酪和枣椰子调味。

    When King Darius the Great ruled the Persian Empire , it is thought that his soldiers baked flatbreads on their shields , and added cheese and dates for flavouring .

  16. 世卫组织的建议强调,没有科学理由支持实行旅行禁令,这些禁令基本上无助于限制病毒传播,反倒会引起相当大的扰乱。世卫组织还表示,没有理由宰杀生猪。

    WHO advice has emphasised that there is no scientific justification for travel bans , which do little to limit the spread of infection but cause considerable disruption , and has said there is no justification for culling pigs .

  17. 不闭户一族:你也许怀疑他们的存在,尤其是在纽约这样的大城市,但世上确实有不锁门的人&人数还多得惊人。

    The No Lock People : You may doubt their existence , particularly in big cities like New York , but people who do not lock the doors to their houses and apartments do exist & and in surprising numbers .

  18. 四川丹巴地区是中国最重要的白云母产地之一,所产白云母以质量好、晶体大而闻名于世,是40Ar-39Ar测年的理想对象。

    As one of the most important muscovite-producing areas in China , Danba is famous for its good quality and large crystal muscovite . The muscovite crystal there is an ideal object for ~ 40 Ar - ~ 39 Ar dating .

  19. 第七位天使吹号,天上就有大声音说:世上的国成了我主和主基督的国;他要作王,直到永永远远。

    And the seventh angel sounded ; and there were great voices in heaven , saying , The kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord , and of his Christ ; and he shall reign for ever and ever .

  20. 14世纪-15世纪,在封建关系解体和资本主义关系成长的过程中,基督教大世界的普世主义逐渐被近代民族意识和国家观念取而代之,以新君主制为特征的民族国家趋于形成。

    In the course of the transformation from the Feudalism to the Capitalism in the 14-15th centuries , the Universalism of the Christendom was gradually replaced by the Modern national consciousness and state 's ideas . At that time , the nation-states were taking form .