
  1. 多时未见的姐妹,每一句话都十分铿锵,大珠小珠落玉盘之感。

    Sisters not seen a long time , every sentence is very rhythmic and sonorous , the senses of the little pearls falling on a plate of jade of big pearl .

  2. 在她的弹奏下,这种有着2000年历史的乐器发出的一曲曲乐音音色和韵味都令人惊叹不已,正如一首唐诗所说,像“大珠小珠落玉盘”一般。

    She produces an astonishing range of colours and moods from a2,000-year-old instrument which produces a sound , observed a poet from the Tang dynasty , like " pearls falling into a jade plate " .

  3. 东方明珠塔的名字来源唐朝诗人白居易的《琵琶行》中关于琵琶的声音的描写,诗人把琵琶的声音比如成珍珠落到玉盘里时的发出美妙声音,“大珠小珠落玉盘”。

    The design of the building is based on a verse of the Tang Dynasty poem Pipa Song by Bai Juyi about the wonderful sprinkling sound of a pipa instrument , like pearls , big and small falling on a jade plate .