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dà tǒnɡ
  • throne;enterprise of unifying the whole country
大统 [dà tǒng]
  • (1) [unify a country]∶指一统国家的事业

  • (2) [emperor]∶指帝位

  • 继承大统

  1. 在曹操死后,曹丕继任大统,但他嫉妒曹植的才华,同时也惧怕曹植会谋反,所以一直在伺机杀害曹植。

    After Tsau Tsau 's death , Tsau Pi took over the throne of the kingdom of wei . Jealous of Tsau Jr 's literary ability , and afraid that he might cause problems , Tsau Pi was always looking for a way to kill his brother .

  2. 然而,从那之后,儒家思想大统中国人的思维,成为至高圣道。

    However after that , Confucianism became the dominant philosophy in the people 's mind .

  3. 在现有法律框架下,国内基金可以创新的方向将进一步从原来的概念化、大统化向品种细分化、市场细分化的方向发展。

    Under the existing legal framework , the Chinese companies should learn to develop more segmented products .

  4. 西魏大统十六年,府兵组织系统正式成立,标志着关陇集团正式形成。

    In the16th of Datong , the official foundation of The Fubing system also marked the form of the Guanlong Group .

  5. 商的国家政体不是方国联盟,而是国王大统诸侯分治制,是一个统一的奴隶制大国。

    Shang is not a leagUe of these states , but a uniformed slave-society kingdom headed by the Shang kings and ruled by these lords .

  6. 近来大统百货公司在火灾后重新开张,让这个商圈注入另一女性消费的新流行风。

    Recently , the p262 , after the conflagration , was re-opened in the area , and it has brought a fashion of women consumption .

  7. 巴克莱·德·托利尽力以最好的方式指挥军队,是为了竭尽自己的天职,从而获得大统帅的荣誉。

    Barclay de Tolly did his utmost to command the army in the best way possible , so as to do his duty and gain the reputation of a great general .

  8. 六官制度的一些创造,对隋唐官制有一定影响,但是隋唐官制的主要渊源还是西魏大统十二年改革以后的制度。

    It had some impact on the official system of the Sui and Tang dynasties , which mainly actually had origin from the official system formed after the reform of the Western Wei Datong 12 years .